The Life Path number is a key to understanding your life’s purpose, innate tendencies and talents, and the obstacles you’ll face as you continue to master the lessons to be learned in your life. The Life Path number indicates the primary mission in life—it outlines what you’re learning, mastering, and evolving into. So while you will have innate gifts and talents in this particular arena, you will also have more distinct or heightened obstacles in getting there.

It is comparable to the Sun Sign in Astrology.

So how do you calculate the Life Path number?

Let’s use Jimmy Fallon as an example.

His birthday is September 19, 1974

To calculate the Life Path number, you simply add the MONTH + DAY + YEAR

Remember:  You always reduce to a one-digit number (unless you get an 11, 22, or 33 – these are Master numbers and therefore aren’t reduced).

Month is September = 9 (because it is the 9th month of the year)

Day is 19 = 1 + 9 = 10 and 1 + 0 = 1

Year is 1974 = 1 + 9 + 7 + 4 = 21 and 2 + 1 = 3

Now add together:

9 + 1 + 3 = 13

Keep adding:  1 + 3 = 4

Jimmy Fallon has a 4 Life Path.

Do you know anyone who has a 4 Life Path?

The basic characteristics of the 4 Life Path revolve around their focus on being practical and detail oriented, a purveyor of knowledge, and someone who works to establish a sense of security and stability in their lives. A 4 Life Path is the “slow and steady” person who thrives when they’re rooted somewhere. They need to see results from their efforts everyday and in every way!

Also keep in mind that we’re all challenged with the opposing forces to our life’s mission in some way, shape, or form.  Misalignment for the 4 Life Path can present as under active (lazy and undirected, for example) or over active (blunt/bossy and inflexible, for instance). 

3 Reasons Why Everyone Needs A 4 Life Path In Their Life 

1.  When the 4 Life Path is in their groove, they are the person you can count on through thick and thin. This person is SOLID AND STEADY and won’t waiver or bend to the volatility of others. This is your wing-person who can keep their cool in heated situations and who can opt for rational logic over volatile emotionality.

2.  The 4 Life Path is a seeker of KNOWLEDGE. These are the people in the book group who have not only read the book, they’ve done some additional research about the political climate that served as the backdrop for the novel and are happy to share the details with the group in order to advance the appreciation of the book. They will inspire you with their devotion to digging deeper into the details of a topic.

3.  The 4 Life Path is the one who will GET IT DONE, no matter what “it” might be! Give them a task or ask them for a favor and consider it done and done. The 4 Life Path is immanently practical, hardworking, and reliable.