The Life Path number is a key to understanding your life’s purpose, innate tendencies and talents, and the obstacles you’ll face as you continue to master the lessons to be learned in your life. The Life Path number indicates the primary mission in life—it outlines what you’re learning, mastering, and evolving into. So while you will have innate gifts and talents in this particular arena, you will also have more distinct or heightened obstacles in getting there.

It is comparable to the Sun Sign in Astrology.

So how do you calculate the Life Path number?

Let’s use Lin-Manuel Miranda as an example.

His birthday is January 16, 1980  

To calculate the Life Path number, you simply add the MONTH + DAY + YEAR

Remember:  You always reduce to a one-digit number (unless you get an 11, 22, or 33 – these are Master numbers and therefore aren’t reduced).

Month is January = 1 (because it is the 1st month of the year)

Day is 16 | 1 + 6 = 7

Year is 1980 = 1 + 9 + 8 + 0 = 18 and 1 + 8= 9

Now add together:

1 + 7 + 9 = 17

Keep adding:  1 + 7 = 8

Lin-Manuel Miranda has an 8 Life Path.

Do you know anyone who has an 8 Life Path?

The 8 Life Path is the mistress or master of the material world. They are the CEO’s, managers, and are all business, so to speak. The 8 Life Path is learning all about financial abundance, power (and empowerment!), control, and authority. These people’s lives are usually fairly intense and challenging in the empowerment and money realms. The 8 Life Path is on the road to making their mark in the world and one of the ways they’re doing that is by financial success and (ultimately) in giving back.

Also keep in mind that we’re all challenged with the opposing forces to our life’s mission in some way, shape, or form.  Misalignment for the 8 Life Path can present as under-active (impoverished and victimized, for example) or over-active (greedy and controlling, for instance). 

3 Reasons Why Everyone Needs An 8 Life Path In Their Life 

1.   When the 8 Life Path is in their groove, they can show you how to expand your RELATIONSHIP WITH MONEY. These people usually are business-minded and can guide you and support you in taking your financial life seriously.
2.  The 8 Life Path is the pillar, the rock, the one you can count on. These people will PROTECT their loved ones to the end of the world and back again. Loyal to a fault, the 8 Life Path hangs in there when most people might abandon ship.
3.  If you want to have a friend or partner who is PRACTICAL and grounded, the 8 Life Path will steady your course and keep you on track.