If you haven’t noticed – and if you haven’t noticed, you’ve been living in a cave somewhere – life is chock-full of relationship stuff. You can’t run. You can’t hide. It can and will find you.

Relationships are the spice of life.  And they are the point, after all, right?

If you know your Life Path number, here’s your three ways to avoid relationship woes.  (if you don’t know your Life Path number, go here first)

Or if not avoid, then to learn from them and understand where you might contribute to the dynamics.



1 Life Path

1. Even though you’re here to be #1 in all you do, listen to others when they want to support you and when they need support from you.
2. Know that your tendency is to be self-absorbed. If this is a year of relationship intensity, look up from your own navel and see what your loved ones need from you and give it gently, with heart, and without stipulations.
3. Get to know when a lack of self-confidence throws you into a tizzy and mindfully work on yourself by doing anything that supports that, from diet and exercise to therapy.

2 Life Path

1. Since you’re super-sensitive, you often feel intense relationship energy every day and in every day! Your first line of action: Develop healthy emotional boundaries and implement them.
2. You’re a harmonizer and any kind of conflict usually gives you an upset stomach (so to speak). Practice self care in order to decompress from the heightened relationship energies that are all around you. Take care of YOU before you attempt to take care of everyone else.
3. You’re all about partnership. If your partnerships are under strain, resist the urge to hang on to them if they are finished. It takes a lot for the 2 Life Path to let go, regroup, and move to the next level in relationships. LET GO.

3 Life Path

1. You’re a trusting soul. So much so that you can attract takers in your life. Is this coming into play for you? Take the time to step back and truly see the people in your life and attempt to distance yourself from everyone who leaves you feeling drained. This goes for friends and family – who do you feel energized by before, during, and after you interact? Spend more time with those people, step back from the others.
2. Since you’re here to hone your emotional sensitivity, this is your year to dig down into your real, true emotions and express them in a healthy way.  It’s also the perfect time to be honest with yourself about the effectiveness and honesty of your communication.
3. Find your joy! And do it.

4 Life Path

1. Enjoy light routine, yet you’ll be tested to take a few risks. Just do it!
2. When  faced with some old emotional stuff that comes back into play and must be dealt with and healed, don’t avoid it. Seek out therapy or something that can assist you to bring your issues into the light.
3. Do you need to revive or energize your intimate relationship?  Do you need to evaluate a problematic family relationship? Remember that sometimes you can lack a certain – shall we say – buffer when you communicate? Remember to approach relationship issues with a dialogue in mind rather than as an opportunity to bend someone to your will!

5 Life Path

1. Are you a 5 Life Path desperately seeking “the” relationship? Or are you the 5 Life Path who’s in a relationship that you’re not interested in? Either way, it might be time to dig deep into yourself and decide what you want and come up with a light plan about how you might get there.
2. Feeling hemmed in? You can’t stand that feeling! Before throwing in the towel, consider revamping how you communicate what you need to your partner and friends. They can’t read your mind.  They don’t know the ways in which you need your space. Tell them – lovingly!
3. Feeling stagnant? Put on your Fearless Flyer Cape! Tap into your innate sense of adventure and fearlessness.

6 Life Path

1. You of all people feel intensity around your relationships and relationship turbulence of others. Key: tap into your innate wisdom and sense of light responsibility. Steer clear of meddling and feeling that you know what everyone should be doing.
2. Needing balance?  This may be the time when you renew your vows or in some way recommit to your loved one.
3. Don’t take the world on your shoulders! You sometimes don’t feel as though you’re doing enough unless you’re putting out fires. Breathe and mind your own business while allowing others to work through theirs.

7 Life Path

1. As always, it’s a great time to get to know that part of yourself and how you engage (or feel disengaged) with others. As a 7, you’re always engaged in processing life’s deeper questions.
2. Often, you kind of want to be in relationship with another, and then in many ways, you really don’t. It’s up to you to understand this part of yourself, understand when you need time alone, and understand how to form intimacy. What does an intimate relationship really look and feel like to you? Write it down. Hash it out. The clearer you are about this, the more likely you’ll attract healthy and positive relationships into your life.
3. Don’t give away the farm. You tend to have a compassionate heart and it’s hard to see others (and yourself) struggling. Trust in the process and find some positive in all of it along the way.

8 Life Path

1. Are you being forced to take a look at the way in which you relate to others? Has it been as you’d like it to be? Have you been emotionally absent, at work most of the time, or worse, a victim of the world? Take time to turn your attention to how to relate more effectively with those you love.
2. When you feel yourself becoming blunt and opinionated, back off. Smile instead. 🙂  (sappy, I know, yet true)
3. Do you feel responsible for many people in your life, especially financially? If so, this is a good time to allow others to take their share of responsibility. Or if you’re on the other side of the 8 vibe, it’s time for you to take control of your life and stop expecting others to care for you.

9 Life Path

1. Your key to avoid relationship woes: Listen.
2. It’s time to ask for support. You’re the absolute worst at asking for help with anything. Challenge yourself to ask other people for help and support. You’ll be shocked to see the love start rolling in!
3. Throw out the doormat! That is, if you feel that other people in your life treat you like a doormat. It’s time to show those in your life who your really are, who the “real you” might be – warts and all. Stand up and put up your personal boundaries and respect yourself enough to keep them.


Photo by Jiroe on Unsplash