Recently I read a comment on one of the videos on my YouTube channel.  It was in response to the video on the 8 Life Path and it went something like this: 

“My daughter is an 8.  I am so worried for her after watching this.”

I have to admit, reading comments like this concern me insofar as I don’t ever want to be a source of someone’s angst due to misunderstanding.  And while I have no control over how people process and perceive information, I do feel a level of responsibility to be as clear as possible every time I communicate across the board, yet especially when it comes to messages about numerology. 

What I want to highlight – in neon! – is that my take on numerology is that it is ONLY a tool for inspiration, validation, empowerment, and higher evolution.  Period. 

I realize that sometimes it’s a leap to widen our viewfinder and embrace information that reveals our incredible potential while also providing us with the equally important and informative challenges.  Then also to use this information to glean a deep sense of meaning in our lives and to truly understand that no one’s life is particularly easy. 

All of us are truly special, unique, and have a special purpose for being born into this lifetime. And while that may sound well and good, I find that one of the interesting mandates for each of us – if we choose to carry forward and ask the bigger questions of ourselves and of the universe – is to pivot our perspective about what is good and what is bad.

I go back to the comment from the mother who is so worried for her 8 Life Path daughter.

First of all, why would we choose to “worry” about anyone? When we engage with anything like numerology, we come face-to-face with the knowledge that while we may be a part of someone’s life and learning, we are not it nor are we responsible for anyone else. Yes, we are responsible to our own obligations, yet we’re not responsible for someone else’s choices. Everyone (including our children, lovers, family members, and parents) are living their own life and creating their own symphony of experiences.

Second, knowing that you or a loved one is (to go back to our example) an 8 Life Path isn’t an excuse. I have heard so many people say: “I can’t help it. That’s just the way I am.” When we truly engage with the ancient and deep wisdom and truth that the numbers provide, we have no excuses – we only have magnificent potential. So if the 8 Life Path crumbles under the experiences that are designed to empower them, then this is simply a choice. It’s in many ways like taking an exam without having prepared for it – or like taking an exam and not taking it seriously enough to study and learn the subject matter. When we treat life like a multiple choice exam that we rush through — guessing A, B, C, D or All of the Above or None of the Above – then often this is where we falter. And also remember that it’s not a punishment or a judgment if we fail an exam. It’s just feedback.

Third, simply understanding the thematics to our lives offers a profound sense of empowerment, even as we consider the lessons and experiences hard, impossible, or excruciating. For instance, a 3 Life Path friend expressed that while he very much connects with the 3 Life Path purpose of creative self-expression, communication, optimism, and emotional sensitivity, he also noted that he has felt that he should in some way be rewarded when he speaks his truth, particularly in emotionally challenging situations. Yet he observed that not only does he not get rewarded, he actually experiences hostility and punishment when he has made these big choices in his life – like standing up to an abusive parent or expressing himself to an intimate partner. And this is the strange beauty here – while he didn’t get an immediate “Rah-Rah” from those he confronted, ultimately his actions helped him create a brand new sense of himself and he got to the point where the rejection he was so upset about at the beginning was exactly what empowered him at the end.

With that in mind, here are three ways to OWN your Life Path purpose.

(If you don’t know your Life Path number, CLICK HERE to find out what it is!)

1 Life Path: 

  • OWN your individuality.
  • OWN your ability to create and lead.
  • OWN your need to be confident and also to respect and value others.

2 Life Path: 

  • OWN your emotional intuition.
  • OWN your devotion to care for and about others.
  • OWN your need to develop boundaries and not allow others to tell you who you are or are supposed to be.

11/2 Life Path: 

  • OWN and be responsible for your conflicting feelings.
  • OWN your intuitive gifts.
  • OWN your challenges as opportunities for spiritual growth and for leveling the ego.

3 Life Path: 

  • OWN your creative genius.
  • OWN your responsibility to communicate wisely and well.
  • OWN your emotional ups and downs and use them to heal yourself and inspire others.

4 Life Path: 

  • OWN your intelligence.
  • OWN your need for creating security.
  • OWN your propensity to limit yourself.

22/4 Life Path: 

  • OWN your powerful presence.
  • OWN your need for creating security.
  • OWN your propensity to limit yourself.

5 Life Path: 

  • OWN your vitality.
  • OWN your fearlessness.
  • OWN your need to focus and be productive.

6 Life Path: 

  • OWN your need to nurture.
  • OWN your devotion to others.
  • OWN your need to relinquish control and soften your perfectionism.

33/6 Life Path: 

  • OWN your good humor.
  • OWN your optimism.
  • OWN your emotional ups and downs and quell the propensity to over-give.

7 Life Path: 

  • OWN your spiritual nature.
  • OWN your need for space.
  • OWN your skepticism and lean into trust and faith.

8 Life Path: 

  • OWN your power.
  • OWN your drive to achieve.
  • OWN the intensity of making your mark in the world.

9 Life Path: 

  • OWN your integrity.
  • OWN your need to give of yourself.
  • OWN the need to lead with your heart and soul.