I’m already getting inquires about how to understand and make the best out of this transition from 2018 into 2019. This is a perfect time to begin to feel into where we find ourselves at the moment and tap into what direction we’re heading.

I find the best way to do this is by understanding the Personal Year Cycle.

In numerology, we believe that we all go though nine year cycles throughout our lives and when you know the key energy related to each of the number 1 – 9, you can understand and embrace what I can the theme to your party!

Let’s look at a very brief description of each of the Personal Years, what their theme might be, and look at how to align with it.

Keep in mind that this is the energy related to your year, meaning that you will attract experiences that will teach you and test you in the particular theme your working with during the year.

You calculate your Personal Year by adding together your MONTH + DAY + THE CURRENT YEAR.  

For example, if your birthday were October 16, you would find your Personal Year like this:

October = 10 | 1 + 0 = 1

16 = 1 + 6 = 7

2019 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 12 | 1 + 2 = 3

Now add it together: 1 + 7 + 3 = 11

11 is a Master number, therefore you’re experiencing a Master 11/2 Personal Year in 2019. You will look at the 2 Personal Year, though, for your forecast.

3 Ways To Rock The New Year

Coming Up In 2019 – 1 Personal Year

The Theme:  New Beginnings & Planting Seeds for the Future

The Question: “What do I want to see grow and blossom in the next nine years?”

The Bridge:  You’re moving from a transitional 9 Personal Year of completions and letting go of what is no longer needed in your life in order to make room for an entirely new chapter to open in your life.

As 2018 comes to a close, November and December are the months to clean things up, finish things up, and tie up loose ends. Understand you’re in limbo-land right now.

2019 offers some clarity and forward momentum. You’re moving into an entirely new cycle!

Coming Up In 2019 – 2 or 11/2 Personal Year:

The Theme:  Patience & Love

The Question: “How do I want to love and be loved in return?”

The Bridge:  You’re moving from an initiating 1 Personal Year into a time that’s set up as a resting point offering you time and space to focus on love, relationships, and tapping into your patience and diplomacy.

As 2018 comes to a close, November and December are the months to make courageous decisions, take bold action, and embrace your independence and individuality. Understand that what you’ve planted this year will start to germinate in the coming year.

2019 offers a time to focus on love and relationships. If you’re moving into an 11/2 Personal Year, you might not feel things are slowing at all! Yet underneath it all, patience is key and the ultimate focus is on love.

Coming Up In 2019 – 3 Personal Year:

The Theme:  Self-Improvement & Creativity

The Question: “How can I improve myself?”

The Bridge: You’re moving from an emotional and patience-building year and into a time devoted to you on all levels.

As 2018 comes to a close, November and December are the months to remain patient, continue to connect emotionally with others, and keep the love-fires burning!

2019 offers supportive energy for all things fun, creative, and focused on self-improvement.

Coming Up In 2019 – 4 or 22/4 Personal Year:

The Theme: Hard Work & Long Range Goals

The Question: “What are my longer-range goals and how can I implement them?”

The Bridge:  You’re moving from creative and social year and into a time devoted to getting serious about your future and setting up systems of management that will assist in carrying out your longer term goals.

As 2018 comes to a close, November and December are the months to endure the final months of getting everything in place, to move through limitations, and to keep your eye on the prize!

2019 is your breakout year where all the effort you put forth this year takes flight. If you’re experiencing a 22/4 Personal Year understand that it’s not for wimps. Relationships can be sidelined as you do the nuts-and-bolts work to manifest your highest and biggest goals.

Coming up in 2019 – 5 Personal Year:

The Theme: Freedom & Change

The Question: “What does freedom look and feel like to me?”

The Bridge: You’re moving from hard-working and rather grueling year and into a time of expansive opportunity leading you into a definitive change in your life. Freedom is your key element this upcoming year.

As 2018 comes to a close, November and December are the months to keep your nose to the grindstone, cross your “t’s” and dot your “I’s, and wrap up all the details that you’ve been striving toward all year long!

2019’s all about breaking free, enjoying the sensual side of life, and tapping into your adventurous nature.

Coming Up In 2019 – 6 Personal Year:

The Theme: Responsibility & Relationships

The Question: “Should I stay or should I go?”

The Bridge: You’re moving from frenetic freedom seeking year and into a time of heightened home-based responsibilities. This is a year devoted to relationship evaluations across the board.

As 2018 comes to a close, November and December are the months to put aside any bright and shiny objects that have been distracting you and focus on the big change that’s coming to fruition. You still have two months to fly your freedom flag!

You’re moving into 2019, where the spotlight is on other people in your life, on up-leveling your relationships, and on happily following through with a few additional responsibilities.

Coming Up In 2019 – 7 Personal Year:

The Theme: Inner Work & Knowledge Gathering

The Question: “Will the “real me” please stand up?”

The Bridge: You’re moving from your responsibility-laden and relationship-evaluation year and into a time of introspection and deep inner reflection. This is a year devoted to probing life’s more profound questions, whatever the theme for that may be for you right now.

As 2018 comes to a close, November and December are the months to come to terms with what stays and what goes, settle in with the release of “expired” relationships and/or the creation of new ones, and carry forward with taking the responsibility that comes your way.

You’re moving into 2019, which is all about introspection, knowledge gathering, and planning and preparation.

Coming Up In 2019 – 8 Personal Year:

The Theme: Empowerment & Finances

The Question: “How can I fully empower myself?”

The Bridge: You’re moving from your soul-searching and planning year and into a three-year push time. This is a year devoted to self-empowerment on all levels, with a focus on making headway in the material world.

As 2018 comes to a close, November and December are the months to continue to percolate and process, gather and consolidate information, and open to your newfound level of self-awareness.

You’re moving into 2019, which is all about the exploration of your personal sense of power. It’s a year where you’ll be asked to focus on your financial life.

Coming Up In 2019 – 9 Personal Year:

The Theme: Letting Go & Completions

The Question: “How can I let go of everything that’s no longer serving me and my higher sense of myself?”

The Bridge: You’re moving from your high-intensity year of money and power. This is the second year of your three-year transitions cycle. It’s a year devoted to surrendering and allowing what’s no working for you anymore to fall away.

As 2018 comes to a close, November and December are the months to continue to make things happen, get your financial life stabilized, and step up or get stepped on.

You’re moving into 2019, which is the final chapter of a nine-year cycle. It’s time to reevaluate where and how you used to be, who (and where) you are now, and who (and where) you want to go.