With the Master number 33, on top of the basic characteristics of the number 6, you have added strengths and also more intense challenges. 

Your special mission is to be a masterful teacher and an inspired visionary.

This is a spiritual path—like all Master numbers—that prods you toward tapping into your creativity, your emotions and really acting with a nurturing and healing presence. 

Remember, you’re a double 3—which is all about creative expression and emotional sensitivity—and yet also a 6—all about nurturing, acceptance and vision. So you come with some special challenges to fulfill your life’s purpose.

If you find yourself with a 33 Life Path number, your mission—should you choose to accept it!—is to become a Master Healer and Teacher and to bring forward a higher form of love to the world.

Sounds a bit lofty, doesn’t it?


Check out my book for a deeper dive!

Master Numbers 11, 22, 33:  The Ultimate Guide


The number 33 is the “Christ Number.”  (no pressure . . . !) So understand that your purpose falls into the helping, healing, joyful, and creative realms.  Since you have the double 3’s, you’re called to engage with joy, fun and heart-felt communication and expression. 

Also understand that the implication of the Master numbers are that they’re developed and refined over time.  And the 33/6 is especially set up where you must—first and foremost—heal yourself. 

With that in mind, understand that you’ll be put into situations that will require that you deal with responsibility—with taking responsibility for yourself and your actions while not unduly taking on the responsibilities of others.

This energy isn’t easy to modulate!

Just know that the Master 33/6 can manifest its power under all kinds of conditions.  It’s your calling to teach and show—by example—the power of love. You’re meant to serve as a conduit to healing on whatever level you feel most compelled to engage. The Master number presupposes that you’ll take on leadership positions and the 33 encompasses visionary goals, truth and beauty, and a nurturing and giving heart.

One of the major challenges with the 33/6 Life Path is to secure strong emotional boundaries. It’s easy for you to fall into an enabling role in your relationship life.

Being in alignment with the 33 means that you’re focused on giving. If you’re not focused on giving, you’re not in alignment with your ultimate mission.  You’ll wrestle with feeling over-burdened. Your tendency will be to be emotionally raw, taking in the wounds of the world. Even so, you’re still on the path of helping and healing in whatever form you choose.

You’re here to learn to use your expressive creative energy in the most constructive and uplifting ways.

You’ll help others recognize that all of the obstacles and pain they experience is simply fuel for their own growth and learning. You’re in your element when you’re working for justice and truth in constructive ways, using your incredible creativity and healing abilities.

To succeed, you need to get a grip on your ideals, reign in and focus on a goal, stay practical and realistic and remain positive, especially in the face of obstacles and in the inevitable heaviness of the world. 

Remember, you’re a visionary and an idealist at heart.  Keep those values in tact even when it seems impossible.

On the flipside, the demands of the 33/6 are quite challenging and you can veer off track fairly easily. Roll the challenging aspects of the 3 with the challenging elements of the 6 and you’ve got some spontaneous combustion with collisions of overweening self-doubt, hyper-emotionalism, blocked communication, self-righteousness and superficiality. 



Check out my book for a deeper dive!

Master Numbers 11, 22, 33:  The Ultimate Guide

Your Life Path Explained

How to calculate your Life Path Number

If you’re only going to know one number in your entire Numerology Chart, I’d recommend that you know your Life Path Number.

This number is derived from your birth date and indicates your ultimate life’s purpose.  Knowing your Life Path Number gives you solid direction about what you’re meant to be doing in your life.

Yet also understand that what we came here to do will always be the most difficult thing for us to do.  That’s why it takes a lifetime!  Why would you sign up for a degree program where you’d already earned a Doctorate?  You’re here to learn something new and your course requirements are revealed to you through your Life Path number.

Always know that the key themes of your Life Path number indicate exactly where you’ll experience challenges and difficulties throughout your life as you go about learning to acknowledge and master your life’s purpose.

First you need to know your Life Path Number.  See how to calculate yours with the example below.

Calculate your Life Path number:


JULY 23, 1989

  • JULY is the 7th month:  = 7
  • The day of birth is 23:  2 + 3 = 5
  • The year of birth is 1989. Add all four numbers together: 1 + 9 + 8 + 9 = 27; continue adding until you get a one-digit number:
    2 + 7 = 9

We now add the resulting single digits.

Month = 7      Day = 5      Year = 9

7 + 5 + 9 = 21

In Numerology, you always keep adding until you reach a one-digit number.

2 + 1 = 3

The Life Path Number is 3