5  LIFE PATH: The Sensual Freedom Seeker


This vibration contains a lot of intense energy and so you have an intense life. You insist on variety and get bored easily. In fact, you need and seek constant stimulation. Escape is the name of your game. You love passion and are here to experience the raw physicality of life on Earth in every way, shape, and form you can muster.

Your desire for experience manifests itself in many different ways, through all the sensual and tactile experiences you can grab hold of.

Your life is all about the senses. You long to experience everything in its fullest degree. Things must taste right, smell good, look pretty, and feel pleasing or you’re just not happy.

If you aren’t making use of your high energy and drive, life can easily turn into a soap opera. You’re the Drama Queen or Drama King, whipping up excitement wherever you go.

If you’re a 5 Path, you can’t stand a clingy partner. “Do not control me” is your mantra.  A 5 Path needs a lot of space and freedom, especially early in life.

You’re likely to be entrepreneurial and would rather not be subject to someone else’s authority.

There’s a wild side to you because you’d truly rather be dead than bored.  Your threshold for what you consider boring is pretty low. You also may escape in TV, movies, and books if you don’t feel that your actual life is up to your high-drama standards.

You often struggle with a constant sense of restlessness and a feeling of restriction or containment.

Since you’re all about sensual pleasures, you can be quick to jump in and out of relationships and can be lured away by the promise of more passion, sex, and excitement elsewhere.

Deep down you’re probably not interested in commitment, or at least not until you have burned through some years of high intensity and sensual exploration.

What you need to know is that you basically operate without a filter. Other people don’t experience life with the same emotional intensity you do and it may take you a while to fully understand this distinction.

You experience everything in a big way and in what I call “ADHD time.” By this I mean that you have all sorts of information swirling around you all of the time and you find it difficult to choose a focal point. You feel you must experience little tidbits of all of it. It’s like you’re a little kid who won’t go to sleep at night when your parents have company over for the evening because you’re afraid you’ll miss out on something.

Your job is to develop self-discipline and routine in your life so that you have a container for your boundless energy and for the information you’re taking in. If you don’t establish discipline, routine, and a focused sense of purpose, your life will be entirely too chaotic and out of control.

You relish sensual and earthy pleasures. Yet, if you become enmeshed in seeking constant sensual stimulation, you could find yourself struggling with addictions.

Be aware that your desire for fun, adventure, sensual pleasure, and escape will draw you into seeking “highs,” whether you gain peak experiences through sex, food, drugs, alcohol, travel, or overwork. Any addictive behavior that feels initially comforting to you will most likely become problematic later.

The downside to your experience might be that you become engulfed by fear and turn into the “anti-adventurer,” seeking solace in drudgery, paranoia, hyper-sensitivity, overeating (or undereating), and victimization.

Expansion, change, resilience, fearlessness, and progressive thought and action are your key values. When you shut down those aspects of yourself, you start to deteriorate and your life becomes smaller and smaller.

If you find yourself resisting the major components of your 5 Life Path, you’ll experience depression, anxiety, and frustration galore. If you can take your powerful energy and intentions into a framework, then you’ll create a wonderfully productive, satisfying, and exciting life for yourself.

Common threads when a 5 Life Path is working with optimal energies are fearlessness, adventurousness, self-discipline, and the ability to show others how to live their lives fearlessly.

Your Life Path Explained

How to calculate your Life Path Number

If you’re only going to know one number in your entire Numerology Chart, I’d recommend that you know your Life Path Number.

This number is derived from your birth date and indicates your ultimate life’s purpose.  Knowing your Life Path Number gives you solid direction about what you’re meant to be doing in your life.

Yet also understand that what we came here to do will always be the most difficult thing for us to do.  That’s why it takes a lifetime!  Why would you sign up for a degree program where you’d already earned a Doctorate?  You’re here to learn something new and your course requirements are revealed to you through your Life Path number.

Always know that the key themes of your Life Path number indicate exactly where you’ll experience challenges and difficulties throughout your life as you go about learning to acknowledge and master your life’s purpose.

First you need to know your Life Path Number.  See how to calculate yours with the example below.

Calculate your Life Path number:


AUGUST 14, 1963

  • AUGUST is the 8th month:  = 8
  • The day of birth is 14:  1 +4 = 5
  • The year of birth is 1963. Add all four numbers together: 1 + 9 + 6 + 3 = 19; continue adding until you get a one-digit number:
    1 + 9 = 10  and 1 + 0 = 1

We now add the resulting single digits.

Month = 8      Day = 5      Year = 1

8 + 5 + 1 = 14  (14 is a Karmic Number;  see this post for more on the Karmic Number 14/5)

In Numerology, you always keep adding until you reach a one-digit number.

1 + 4 = 5

The Life Path Number is 5