If there’s anything that’s clear at this point in 2020, it’s that uncertainty is the new certainty.

No one’s life is “the same” or without substantial change and flux as we careen into the final throes of this world-wide year of upheaval where we’re required to adapt to shifting and changing conditions in a way none of us are used to or prepared for.

Looking at it through the most optimistic and positive lens, adaptation and pivoting expectations is the name of the game.

Let’s take a look at how we might approach adapting to change and uncertainty through numerology.

Specifically, let’s focus on the Life Path number. For those of you who are new to numerology, this is a great basic guidepost. (Don’t know your Life Path number?  Go here to the free calculator)

For those of you who are more advanced in your knowledge of numerology, you might consider reading for both your Life Path number and your Expression (Destiny) number and see how both of those might offer you a blended pathway to navigating change.  (For your more detailed numerology profile, go here to order your individual report)

This would be similar in Astrology to reading for your Sun Sign and also your Rising Sign.

Adapting To Change & Uncertainty – By Life Path Number


1 | The 1 Life Path is always learning how to stand on their own two feet, so to speak. This path demands that you define and refine yourself as a courageous leader, blazing forward when others might fear to tread! You carry a rather unique way about you and often color outside the lines and take a different route than others. It’s all about galvanizing your sense of independence and using your instinctual creativity to bring your ideas and creations into form. In some ways, uncertainty is a playing field that you’re already used to and that you thrive upon. Yet the key element for you will be to release the need for control while also opening your viewfinder and using your talents to create solutions to some of the world’s very real problems. We need your innovation now more than ever, all you 1’s! Now’s the time to vanquish the self-esteem issues and forge ahead. Given that nothing holds much certainty right now, this can be an open door for you to not feel singled-out or like you’re in the hot seat as much as you might under “calmer” or more “normal” conditions. This can be a time to shine, show your courage, and take a risk in a way your might not have done in the past. In the personal realm, adapting to change and uncertainty will challenge you to commit to co-creating relationships rather than controlling or dominating them. Or if you’re on the flip-side of the 1, it’s time to stand on your own two feet and wield your true power. There’s not an obstacle you can’t see around, 1 Life Path! You were born to innovate, so change and uncertainty are only catalysts for you to accelerate your reason for being on this planet in the first place. Onward!

2 | The 2 Life Path is always learning how to hold energetic space in the most healthy and diplomatic way. This path demands that you define and refine yourself as an intuitive lightning rod and all-around mediator and peacekeeper. Your loving presence is so vital to the world and to your intimate circle right now! The biggest hurdle that might be facing you as a 2 is that you’re so energetically permeable that you feel the turmoil in and of the world (and of your friends, family, and colleagues) on a soul level that can’t be denied. You also prefer life to be fairly stable and don’t really gravitate toward enjoying a constant state of shifting sand. With that said, a key for the 2’s navigating change and uncertainty is intimately tied to your ability to slow down and truly lean into all levels of trust in the right timing that all of this change is ushering into your life. It’s all about understanding and embracing your role as a cosmic container of pure love and understanding. The best way to come to terms with change and uncertainty is to take the time now to define your core values and really see and act upon who you are when it all comes down to the nitty-gritty. Your love holds no barriers and we need your loving presence and undying supportive and “can do” attitude now more than ever. You were born to show yourself and others how to come together even (or especially!) during the most challenging and conflicted times. Change and uncertainty serve as an opening for you to strengthen your emotional boundaries and step into a powerful role in both your personal and professional life as a conduit for bridging differences and formulating win/win outcomes. Your mantra, as Lin Manuel Miranda has said: “Love is love is love is love.”

Master 11/2 | Read for the 1 (and double it!) and then for the 2.

3 | The 3 Life Path is always learning how to dig into your emotional landscape, shine your light to illuminate and clear out the darker crevices, and use your effervescent creativity to inspire, motivate, and create emotional connections. This path demands that you define and refine yourself as an impeccable communicator, get comfy in the spotlight of your choice, and that you use your creative expression to not only connect yourself with your own emotional landscape, but also use your talents to introduce others to the power of their own emotions and their own experience. Your buoyant energy, humor, and creative juice are truly needed in the world right now! The biggest hurdle that might be facing you as a 3 is a propensity to dive into a darker place in your psyche and get stuck there. This level of change and uncertainty is most likely throwing a wad of depression or overwhelm your way and so this can certainly be a point of challenge right now. Let’s be honest. You don’t have to have a 3 Life Path to grapple with depression! Yet navigating this kind of upheaval promises to bring the lower emotional landscape into play more frequently. With that said, a key for the 3’s navigating change and uncertainty is going to reside in feeling your feelings and yet not getting stuck in a vat of pessimism, cynicism, or despair. Not simple, is it? It’s all about understanding and embracing your role as a cosmic reflector of emotional sensitivity and connectivity. The best way to come to terms with change and uncertainty is learn to open to the flow even more deeply and actually engage yourself with the “what if’s” being presented right now. What if … this upheaval is opening a door to greater self-knowledge and driving you exactly where you need to go? It’s just the road feels like it’s off road, a long detour, or even taking you to a location you didn’t plan on stopping at during your life. Yet what if . . . this really is the plan? What if … this will accelerate your trajectory in ways you can’t even imagine? You don’t know what you don’t know until you know it. What if that time is now? To quote Sylvia Plath: “The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.”

4 | The 4 Life Path is always learning how to create something solid and tangible where it hasn’t existed before. This path demands that you define and refine yourself as builder of systems, tenacious worker-bee, and teacher of many. Your ability to produce something stable and secure is a super power and in great demand right now! Admittedly, this kind of instability is not your sweet spot, dear 4! The biggest hurdle that might be facing you is – as the old Carole King/James Taylor song goes: “I feel the earth move under my feet. I feel the sky tumblin’ down, tumblin’ down. …” This level of instability and uncertainty is the bane of your existence as a security-seeking 4 and can represent your biggest apocalyptic nightmare. You’ve had to fight hard all your life to create the security that you have and so any threat to that feels incredibly confrontational and scary. With that said, a key for the 4’s navigating change and uncertainty is embracing the overarching lesson of your Life Path, which is to become more supple and flexible in your views, expectations, and thinking. It’s all about understanding and embracing your role as the cosmic (if not actual) architect, artisan, and creator and builder of something that will stand the test of time. The best way to come to terms with change and uncertainty is to take this opportunity to connect a bit more to your actual feelings and also explore different ways you can feel rooted and grounded, despite the earth moving under your feet. If there’s any time to become more flexible and think outside of your own box, it’s now. Your ability to provide structure where there is none and to offer a sense of stability to yourself and to those around you is needed now more than ever. It’s your birthright to dig in and plan for the long-haul while understanding that anything worth doing is worth doing right and also won’t happen overnight. Banish confusion and focus on the task at hand. You’re at your best when you settle in for the longer haul and be confident that small steps create big results. Change and uncertainty serve as a serious opportunity for you to really hone your innate gifts and talents as a “builder” and teacher.

Master 22/4 | Read for the 2 (and double it!) and then for the 4.

5 | The 5 Life Path is always learning how to construct healthy perimeters around the constant whirlwind of change that constitutes the entire being of the ultimate 5! Of all the Life Paths, the 5 is in its element when change and uncertainty beckons. Yet this doesn’t mean that the 5 is altogether comfortable with changing conditions and dramatic levels of uncertainty! In fact, even though the 5 is ostensibly the most adaptable number, there’s also an emphasis on fear and restriction that’s right underneath the surface. This path demands that you align with your fearless and adventurous nature while keeping your feet on the ground and being productive. The world needs your versatility and progressive thinking now more than ever! The biggest hurdle that might be facing you as a 5 is that you can default into inaction with fearful and obsessive thoughts. The 5 can also go off the rails pretty easily with distractions or through any escape hatch of choice. This can show up taking wine time from three days a week to seven days a week all the way to abandoning a steadier course of action on impulse (and then regretting it). With that said, a key for the 5’s navigating change and uncertainty is in taking this opportunity (and yes, oddly enough, it’s the ultimate open door for the 5!) to put your money where your mouth is and embrace uncertainty while placing the changing circumstances into a tighter frame. It’s all about understanding and embracing your role as a catalyst for change in the most constructive and positive way. The best way to come to terms with change and uncertainty is to do what you were born to do. See opportunities and openings for something new as the old dissolves and crumbles at your feet rather than gripping and hanging on to what no longer exists. Your ultimate task as a 5 is to show others how to face their fears and then do it anyway. And the only way to model that is my doing it yourself. The key for you is going to be in your ability to reign in feeling depressed, overwhelmed, or in spreading yourself too thin. Focused commitment and one thing at a time are your best tools to flourish with this heightened level of change and uncertainty.

6 | The 6 Life Path is always learning how to create a nurturing and homey place wherever you go. You’re a cosmic parent in every sense. To see the world imploding as it appears to be right now can make even the strongest and most resilient 6 break down and weep. This path demands that you define and refine yourself as a creative visionary and loving presence, with a dollop of service and responsibility mixed in. Your ability to see the bigger picture and serve others with heart and compassion is needed now more than ever! The biggest hurdle that might be facing you is in your propensity to feel somewhat obstinate about your own point of view and by experiencing difficulty accepting and allowing yourself to be satisfied even when your high expectations aren’t met. With that said, a key for the 6’s navigating change and uncertainty is lodged in focusing your energy and efforts on your natural sense of justice and finding compassionate ways to nurture yourself (and then others) during this transitional and uncertain time. It’s all about understanding and embracing your role as a creative and nurturing visionary and yet the key is not to hold the weight of the world on your shoulders. Choose small steps, doable actions and activities that allow you to infuse your love, compassion, and service to the greater good, whether it’s your community group or your own friends and family. The best way to come to terms with change and uncertainty is to extract yourself from placing your own value judgment on everything, which usually has a “this isn’t right!” or “if everyone would just think the way I think, everything would be ok.” The ultimate challenge and point of growth for the 6 is in taking the responsibility you want to take and letting the other stuff go. You can’t control the world, even though it’s tempting for the 6 to believe that is their ultimate task! Not so, oh-6 Life Path. Change and uncertainty serve as a serious opportunity for you to live the motto “See the perfection in the imperfection.” You focus a lot of effort on feeling grounded, nested, and “at home” in your life, so this is a time that calls on you to continue to hold the line and find your point of balance. The world’s longing for your loving presence, giving heart, and creative vision as we bridge this transitional time.

Master 33/6 | Read for the 3 (and double it!) and then for the 6.

7 | The 7 Life Path is always learning how to trust yourself, your inner guidance, and have faith in the unseeable and the unknown. Yet often the 7 is the ultimate skeptic, perfectionist, and falls back on the brain and the intellect rather than trusting intuition and inner guidance. This path demands that you define and refine the powers of your internal guidance while also remaining of the world and in the world. Your ability to analyze and bring your insight to a specific topic is needed now more than ever! And even more than that, the world is reaching out for your wisdom and quiet resolve. The biggest hurdle that might be facing you is in acting upon advanced spiritual guidance and feeling confident that “all is well,” even when life might feel anything but that. With that said, a key for the 7’s navigating change and uncertainty is focused on trusting the outcome, flowing with the current of change, and resisting the propensity to overthink and overanalyze it all. The power of the 7 is in your ability to merge the intuitive and the researchable. It’s all about understanding and embracing your quest to explore the biggest and most profound universal questions. Why are we here? What’s the point? How do we solve this dilemma? How can I find peace and purpose in this volatile and imperfect world? The best way to come to terms with change and uncertainty is to continue your voyage inward, finding your center, and using that as your anchor as you navigate these tumultuous personal and global transitions. The requirement that you make your way through this amount of change and uncertainty is the ultimate training ground for you to encapsulate the true nature of the 7. It demands trust that you’re okay. It challenges your sense of vulnerability and tests your faith in inexplicable forces. Flow and presence are keys for you to ride the wave of this uncertain and transitional time.

8 | The 8 Life Path is always learning how to power through tough situations and not take “no” for an answer (so to speak!). Needless to say, change and uncertainty are not good business partners for the basic nature of the 8. Yet when we pivot just a bit, we can see how uncertainty can be the fuel for brilliance and positive momentum for the 8. This path demands that you define and refine your ability to take control and make things happen. Yet it also demands that you balance or level your need to control everything, to be in the driver’s seat all the time, and to get your way above all else. Your ability to manifest in this material world that we find ourselves in is needed now more than ever! It’s a profound opportunity to really come to terms with your 8-ness. If you’re an 8 whose financially well-off and business-minded, the global economy and overall situation can offer you a golden opportunity to evaluate core values and define what’s truly important to you. Is it really all about the money, the prestige, and the power? Or is it all about doing well financially and giving back, sending your abundance forward into the world in order to make it a better place for everyone? If you’re an 8 who finds the financial abundance part challenging, this is a time where you can feel extremely victimized and angry, as though all of the forces of the universe seem to conspire against your desire to get ahead. The biggest hurdle that might be facing you resides in aligning your power and resolve, stepping back a moment to reevaluate, and coming to terms with the fact that as humans, we really don’t have control. It’s an illusion. Yet the 8 can come mighty close to locking down a sense of dominance and control, yet now . . . not really. With that said, a key for the 8’s navigating change and uncertainty is reliant on galvanizing your circle of influence and using your power, management, and influence to move the needle in another direction.

9 | The 9 Life Path is always learning how to live and breathe impermanence. Not that the 9 adores this, mind you. Yet let’s just observe that the 9 is in their natural habitat with change and uncertainty on some level. If there’s anything the 9 is being taught ad nauseum, it’s that everything is temporary. The great moments are just as temporary and fleeting as the devastating moments. This path demands that you define and refine your innate ability to face changing circumstances with a certain wry wisdom and to “be in integrity” while you walk the walk. I’d like to also emphasize that the 9 is a tsunami of creativity and creative problem solving. We need your quirky cosmic contributions to humanity more than ever right now! Remember, the 9 contains all the elements of all the other numbers in numerology. Blessing and a curse, right? Yet if there’s ever been a moment in recent history where you’re being called to bat, this is certainly one of those times. The biggest hurdle that might be facing you resides in keeping your mood and attitude on the upside, seeing out in front of you rather than behind you, and expanding into “what’s next?” rather than lamenting and pining for what is being left behind. It’s easier to become bitter and defeated. The 9 is the compassionate humanitarian and when you’re feeling lost, the best possible thing to do is turn your focus toward others, toward serving a cause you feel passionate about, or by taking time to nurture yourself or perhaps devote to a creative project. Mother Teresa and Yogananda were on the 9 Life Path, yet so were Prince and Elvis Presley! Which is to say, bring on you intensity, tap into your passion and talents, whatever they may be. The best way through change and uncertainty is make offerings to the world from your heart and soul.