About Felicia

I’m devoted to helping you uncover your life’s purpose with numerology. And I’m passionate about showing you how to actually apply what you know about your numbers to your everyday life in a practical, tangible, and empowering way.

Why You Might Push Love Away-By Life Path Number

Our involvement with love and relationships are one of the primary reasons we’re here in this world. As a numerologist, this is one of the key elements people want more insight about. I’m always asked why a relationship didn’t work [...]

Take Charge of Your Year: The Personal Year Cycle

In numerology we work with something called The Personal Year Cycle.  These are yearly cycles we all experience from the time we're born until we pass away.  It is a simple calculation.  Add together your MONTH of birth + DAY [...]

3 Universal Year: Tap Into The Power Of Creativity

As we head into a New Year in 2019, it’s as though we can all feel the rumbling underneath our feet. It’s as though the ground we’re walking on is changing its constitution—like we’ve been walking on a gravel road [...]

3 Ways To Rock The New Year – What’s Your Personal Year Number?

In Numerology, knowing what Personal Year you're experiencing provides the "theme" you work with throughout the year. See what Personal Year you're exiting and what you'll be heading toward in 2019!

2020-10-29T19:23:30-06:00October 27, 2018|Categories: By The Numbers, Numerology, Numerology Explained|
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