About Felicia

I’m devoted to helping you uncover your life’s purpose with numerology. And I’m passionate about showing you how to actually apply what you know about your numbers to your everyday life in a practical, tangible, and empowering way.

What Your Attitude Number Reveals About You

Has anyone ever told you to “lose the attitude” or “get an attitude adjustment?” Or perhaps you’ve been told that you have a positive attitude or that you’re attitude about life has taken you on a successful route. There’s a [...]

Do You See Repeating Numbers?

Do you see numbers repeating themselves during specific times in your life?  Like when you’re making a big life decision, feeling stressed, or feeling blissed out?  Or do you see repeating numbers often, so much so that it’s just a [...]

2020-10-29T19:24:25-06:00September 26, 2014|Categories: By The Numbers, Numerology, Numerology Explained|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Stuck? Get Transition Down To A “T”

So who's with me? Transition can be really hard.  Confusing.  Daunting.  Frustrating.  Depressing.  [fill in your descriptor of choice here] In my own life - and in my work with clients - feeling "stuck" is a reoccurring issue. So what [...]

2020-10-29T19:24:25-06:00August 3, 2014|Categories: Life Purpose|Tags: , , , , , , |

The Soul Urge Number

I have to admit. Dealing with the calculation of the Soul Urge number sometimes gives me fits.If you continue to learn about Numerology, you'll see that - like every other "ology" - there are different ways to go about it.  [...]

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