About Felicia

I’m devoted to helping you uncover your life’s purpose with numerology. And I’m passionate about showing you how to actually apply what you know about your numbers to your everyday life in a practical, tangible, and empowering way.

The Question Is The Answer: By Life Path Number

Haul out Baby Yoda and take a seat on your meditation pillow. This is a simple take on what I have seen to be a profound truth. In my ongoing numerology practice, I observe that there are two universal patterns [...]

Navigating the Pandemic by Personal Year

How the quarantine and the pandemic might effect you by looking at your Personal Year in numerology.

Coping With Quarantine By Life Path Number

As each country levels “Stay-At-Home” Orders to deal with the outbreak of COVID-19 (or Coronavirus), certainly it’s an understatement to say that we’re all having to deal with specific emotional trigger-points as we hunker down and stay put.   Here’s [...]

The Fine Art of Resistance: By Life Path Number

I’ve often used the quote:  “What you resist will persist.” And yet in the past months I have questioned that notion. Yes, resistance as avoidance doesn’t just regress into the sidelines. Whatever we want to avoid does have a tendency to persistently make its way back around. When in actuality, active resistance results in a reconfiguration of the persistent issue. This form of active resistance can actual transmute and reformulate the issue at hand. See how to understand your tendencies for resistance by Life Path number in Numerology.

2021-01-20T17:58:36-07:00February 6, 2020|Categories: Blog, By The Numbers, Life Path Numbers, Life Purpose, Numerology|
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