About Felicia

I’m devoted to helping you uncover your life’s purpose with numerology. And I’m passionate about showing you how to actually apply what you know about your numbers to your everyday life in a practical, tangible, and empowering way.

    You vs. The Mirror: What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You

    I enjoyed an unforgettable birthday this past month. I was having a conversation with my BFF from college (yes, COLLEGE) who was visiting me in celebration of both of our birthdays . . . or birth-daze, as I started affectionately [...]

    2020-10-29T19:25:19-06:00September 10, 2013|Categories: By The Numbers|Tags: , , |

      The Surprising Thing Your Age Reveals About You

      IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! Well, at least it's my birthday this month. I'm celebrating in a fabulous way - by going on a retreat in Mexico. Yes. Even I'm jealous of me since I've never been on a retreat to Mexico. [...]

      2020-10-29T19:25:19-06:00September 10, 2013|Categories: By The Numbers|Tags: , , |
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