About Felicia

I’m devoted to helping you uncover your life’s purpose with numerology. And I’m passionate about showing you how to actually apply what you know about your numbers to your everyday life in a practical, tangible, and empowering way.

3 Ways To Avoid Relationship Woes – By The Numbers

If you haven't noticed - and if you haven't noticed, you've been living in a cave somewhere - life is chock-full of relationship stuff. You can't run. You can't hide. It can and will find you. Relationships are the spice [...]

2020-10-29T19:25:20-06:00September 10, 2013|Categories: By The Numbers, Relationships|Tags: , , |

How To Get Your Mojo Back…Without Changing a Thing

Did you ever prepare so completely for something and then it didn't happen? Have you ever trained as an Understudy for a Broadway show only to have the show close before you ever took the stage? Have you ever over-prepared [...]

2020-10-29T19:25:20-06:00September 10, 2013|Categories: Life Purpose|Tags: , |
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