Numerology Can Help You Decide What College Major Is Right For You

Are you about to start college and you aren't sure what to study?In between hanging out with friends and your summer job, are you internally stewing about what you should declare as your college major? Is just the thought of [...]

Master Numbers Explained

What are Master Numbers?  In Numerology, when you see double-digit numbers that repeat the same number (such as 11, 22, 33 and so on), these are considered Master Numbers.  Many Numerologist's only observe the 11 and the 22 when they [...]

Get Their Number: Understanding Your Perfect Love Match

Your birth date has a significant influence on your personality.  Just ask any Astrologer, Numerologist, or even your Doctor.  Our date of birth plays a vital role in our lives in myriad ways. The birth date can give you additional [...]

How To Say “NO” By The Numbers

So let me ask you this:  Has it gotten easier to say NO as you've gotten older?   Or are you still on the Merry-Go-Round of people-pleasing, soul-snuffing, stop/drop/and roll away from anything even smelling like conflict? Or that might [...]

The Clarity Myth

Have you ever felt as though you've missed a big opportunity because you were waiting for clarity? And when I say "clarity," I mean that you were waiting for the perfect moment - to feel absolutely certain beyond a shadow [...]

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