Seeing 333? The Number 3 Has a Powerful Message

I’m always asked about repeating numbers and their significance. It often freaks people out when they start seeing repeating numbers over and over again in their lives – so much so that they’ll actually seek out answers from a Numerologist.  [...]

Master Number 33: The Visionary

With the Master Number 33, on top of the basic characteristics of the number Six, you have added strengths and also more intense challenges. Your special mission is to be a masterful healer and an inspired visionary. This is a [...]

Master Number 22: The Master Builder

If you have a Master Number 22 in your chart, on top of the basic characteristics of the Number 4, you have added strengths and also more intense challenges. Your special mission is to execute and build projects that will [...]

Master Number 11: The Inspired Healer

If you have the Master Number 11 anywhere in your chart, on top of the basic characteristics of the Number 2, you have added strengths and also more intense challenges. You need to be aware of the attributes of the number [...]

Do You See The Number 11:11? Make It Work For You!

I’m often asked about repeating numbers.  Here are my thoughts about the significance of the repeating number 11, whether you see it on a clock, whether it’s the date 11/11, or anywhere else that 11 pops up (an address, license [...]

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