3 Universal Year: Tap Into The Power Of Creativity

As we head into a New Year in 2019, it’s as though we can all feel the rumbling underneath our feet. It’s as though the ground we’re walking on is changing its constitution—like we’ve been walking on a gravel road [...]

3 Ways To Rock The New Year – What’s Your Personal Year Number?

In Numerology, knowing what Personal Year you're experiencing provides the "theme" you work with throughout the year. See what Personal Year you're exiting and what you'll be heading toward in 2019!

2020-10-29T19:23:30-06:00October 27, 2018|Categories: By The Numbers, Numerology, Numerology Explained|

September Is A Huge Month In Numerology, See What To Expect

September Is A Huge Month In Numerology, See What To Expect It’s an interesting phenomenon, numerologically speaking.  If you’re paying attention—and if you’re willingly reading this, chances are that’s definitely you!) — the energy of your individual year tends to [...]

2020-10-29T19:23:31-06:00August 24, 2018|Categories: Blog, Numerology Explained|
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