Get Their Number: Understanding Your Perfect Love Match

Your birth date has a significant influence on your personality.  Just ask any Astrologer, Numerologist, or even your Doctor.  Our date of birth plays a vital role in our lives in myriad ways. The birth date can give you additional [...]

How To Change The World In One Easy Step

My daughter had foot surgery this week and so I’ve been staying at her home and providing some caretaking for the first few days while she begins the healing process.   It’s funny, because I find that when I’m in [...]

What’s The Significance of the Date 12/13/14?

Who has noticed that Saturday’s date is 12/13/14? Is there any significance to this sequence or to this sequential date?   YES!  (I bet you knew I’d say that).    Understand that this is the last date sequences of this [...]

How To Say “NO” By The Numbers

So let me ask you this:  Has it gotten easier to say NO as you've gotten older?   Or are you still on the Merry-Go-Round of people-pleasing, soul-snuffing, stop/drop/and roll away from anything even smelling like conflict? Or that might [...]

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