What Can Numerology Tells Us About Donald Trump?
The answer: Plenty
For those who believe in Karma, it’s intriguing to look at Donald Trump’s basic numerology chart because his chart is comprised almost exclusively of Karmic Debt.
Donald John Trump
June 14, 1946
Life Path 13/4
Expression 14/5
Soul Urge 16/7
Birthday 14/5
Personality 7
In numerology, Karmic Debt numbers are 13/4, 14/5, 16/7, and 19/1.
What does that mean?
When the Karmic numbers show up, they give a specific indicator that there have been infractions in past lives—so if you know what these infractions were, this knowledge can be amazingly powerful.
This is a way to understand why someone might have intensified issues in key areas or display certain strong personality traits. Knowing the key elements to Karmic Debt offers specific points of reference for someone to work with the issues in order to balance their karma.
A key point to make clear is this: Karmic Debt is a mandate for someone to step up and become the most positive expression of the number. Yet often the pull is very deep and wide for a person to default into the negative and destructive patterns.
For instance, in Mr. Trump’s case, one might observe that he embodies the “flip side” of the optimal expression of his Karmic Debt numbers.
With the 13/4, that might look like being belligerently bossy, narrow-minded and uninformed, and hostile to anyone who challenges his position on anything.
With the 14/5, that might look like operating completely without a filter, having zero ability to focus and prioritize, and indulging in excessive behaviors (food, sex, and other vices).
With the 16/7, that might look like indulging in a maximum level of superficiality, being perpetually frustrated, and wielding an incredibly sharp tongue.
Remember that those working the Karmic Debt numbers can either feel driven to act upon the most positive elements of the number or they can drive in the same rut in the road, so to speak, and continue to do what they did in the past.
Where to start?
Let’s begin with the Life Path number 13/4
Donald Trump’s Life Path 13/4 indicates that he’s now supposed to be paying back for past abuses where carrying his share of the workload was seriously abused. Responsibility is a key theme. He’s required to develop a strong sense of responsibility with a focus on systems, follow-through, and mindfulness. At least this is the outlaying goal for someone who carries this Karmic Debt number.
On top of that, the Karmic number 13/4 indicates that creative energy and positive expression turned into superficiality, irresponsibility, and using words to hurt others.
Remember that the number 1 (in 13) always indicates selfishness. Selfishness is the common denominator for all the Karmic Debt numbers.
The 13/4 indicates that Mr. Trump’s now being asked to monitor and master the art positive expression and communication – and we can understand that as thinking before speaking, not resorting to being critical, negative, and judgmental and using words to support and uplift others rather than to harm or tear them down.
Now let’s look at the next layer.
He has two Karmic 14/5’s – the Expression and Birthday numbers.
The 14/5 indicates that there has been a pretty hefty abuse of freedom through excessive behaviors and shunning personal responsibility. It’s interesting to note that his life’s purpose as indicated by his Life Path number is exactly what he tripped up on before – the energy of the 4 which is all about stability, security, hard work, and depth of knowledge.
The 4 is often known as the “architect” number. It’s all about structure and systems. People with the 4 Life Path are often incredibly industrious and hardworking. They long to bring something of lasting value into the world. Often the 4 Life Path can gravitate toward real estate and construction of some kind.
The 14/5 indicates that Trump’s being asked to monitor and master the highest and best version of freedom through self-discipline – and we can understand that as acting upon a certain sense of moderation, mastering a high level of focus and follow through, and reigning in self-indulgence.
The 5 is all about freedom through self-discipline – the constructive use of freedom. It’s fearless, adventurous, progressive, inclusive, versatile, and is all about the enjoyment of tactile and sensuous experiences.
In this light, Trump is being asked to be a fun, fearless, and vivacious person who also follows through with commitments, meets responsibilities, and reins in excesses and self-indulgence.
And this comes in with double intensity since it shows up twice in his chart. So he’s “doubling down” on this particular point of learning.
Now let’s add yet another layer – I didn’t say this would be simple!
His Soul Urge number is the Karmic 16/7
Trump is supposed to be paying back for past infractions where he abused love and trust. The 16/7 indicates that he’s being asked to step into the highest and best version of the number 7 – the analyst and sometimes reluctant spiritualist.
We can understand this as becoming evolved in spiritual realms, being emotionally accessible, and being trustworthy. Overall, the 7 is the seeker of universal wisdom and is called upon to be equally attuned to intuition and intellect, knowing himself in a deep way, and acting as a conduit of wisdom and truth.
The Karmic 16/7 is also the number of “death and rebirth” and demands a leveling of the ego.
This gets added emphasis with his Personality number, which is a straight up 7.
What’s to be learned or taken from this information?
This is a very rudimentary explanation of Karmic Debt and yet for those who look to metaphysical tools for deeper understanding, it’s safe to say that numerology points to Donald Trump’s “grab bag” of Karmic Debt.
It’s interesting to delve more deeply (something we aren’t doing in this article) and see the key issues and pivot points with his life experience and his many (missed) opportunities to choose an altruistic path.
And we can see how his behaviors are excessive and extreme examples of the very lessons he has come into the world to correct or to act upon in their most humanitarian expression.
He also has a 9 Maturity number which points to the ultimate destination point in his life, which (if the Karmic Debt were actually being paid off!) would be to devote himself to selfless service and use his influence to be a compassionate and service-oriented presence in the world.
One might observe that the mark has been missed by leaps and bounds – despite the fact that Mr. Trump has secured the most powerful position in the world as the President of the United States – which is the ultimate opportunity to do so if he were to have chosen that route.
In my numerology work, I have never seen a chart comprised solely of Karmic Debt numbers. So Mr. Trump’s mission in life has been quite weighted with tests and with opportunities to choose differently this time around.
Yet he is a caricature of the very infractions he is ostensibly paying back.
Yet framing it with the knowledge of numerology and the information Karmic Debt numbers bring to the plate at least offers a way to contextualize his excessive behaviors and see what his underlying drivers might be.
And then there’s a continuation of Karma.
Karma, karma, karma.