8 LIFE PATH: The CEO & Material Manifester

The lesson of the 8 Life Path is how to manage your personal relationship with power and money.

This path is about establishing and building financial security. You seek the freedom that comes from being financially stable. From early on, your drive will center on money in one way or another. And usually this comes with a more intense love/hate relationship with money.

The 8 Life Path isn’t particularly easy sailing, since you’re meant to use power, influence, authority, and control to make a positive difference in the world. You’re guaranteed to have big “Authority Issues” early in your life – and possibly all your life.

This path is intense and demands a great deal of discipline, wisdom, and fortitude.

Your first testing ground will be in the arena of your personal power.  You’ll often experience difficult childhood experiences that test your will, stamina, resolve, and fortitude to stand up for yourself in a healthy way and move into bigger realms of achievement.

The manta for the 8:  Step up or get stepped on!

Once you accept that yours is a life meant for success and achievement, the real work begins. You’ve got excellent executive and entrepreneurial skills. A key for you is to think big and find the right processes and people to support you in your enterprises.

The 8 Life Path is fairly unforgiving: You don’t get away with much. If you’re driving five miles over the speed limit surrounded by ten other cars doing the same thing, you’re the one who’ll get a ticket. It may not seem fair, but that’s the way it is.

Resilience is another 8 Life Path trait. Your ethics will be tested again and again.

You see things in a black-and-white manner with little room for gray. You may be the classic workaholic, which partly comes from wanting to be a great provider.

Like the 4 Life Path, the 8 Life Path is rife with family issues. Understand that you’ve endured some profound experiences in your life, and either you can be ground up and spit out by them or you can choose to see them as your favorite teachers—that they were hard on you gave you the opportunity to learn about yourself. Strife and struggle can be used to your advantage because through them you’ll develop a thick skin for discomfort and also some great skills and tools to help you obtain your goals.

A caution: 8 Life Paths can have reoccurring health issues because of stress and addiction, even though your constitution is the most hearty and resilient of all the numbers.

Interestingly, being on the 8 Life Path, with its emphasis on money and power, is no guarantee that you’ll live a charmed financial life. Understand this:  The 8 is all about mastering the art of success in the material world — money, power, control, authority.

It doesn’t give you a particularly charmed and easy time with money.  You will need to give concerted effort, organization, management, and resolve to making things happen and to define and meet your goals.

While everyone in the world has to deal with money, for you, money is a central theme and a central focus of your life.  You think in business-like ways and money is important to you, one way or the other!

An 8 Path person is just as likely to be drawn toward scarcity. The number 8 is an amplifier. The 8 vibration provides the energy with which to achieve financial abundance through concerted effort, ethical conduct, and attention to your higher purpose.

As an 8 Life Path, take heart. It’s not willy-nilly or random chance that you find yourself in the trenches over and over again. The tough stuff is the core of this vibration, making the ultimate rewards you get for your efforts even sweeter.

Common threads when an 8 Life Path is “on fire” and working with optimal energies are being at ease with financial abundance, using power and authority wisely and for the good of others, not dwelling in the negative or becoming a victim to circumstances, and being abundantly giving of time, money, and influence to make the world a better place.

Your Life Path Explained

How to calculate your Life Path Number

If you’re only going to know one number in your entire Numerology Chart, I’d recommend that you know your Life Path Number.

This number is derived from your birth date and indicates your ultimate life’s purpose.  Knowing your Life Path Number gives you solid direction about what you’re meant to be doing in your life.

Yet also understand that what we came here to do will always be the most difficult thing for us to do.  That’s why it takes a lifetime!  Why would you sign up for a degree program where you’d already earned a Doctorate?  You’re here to learn something new and your course requirements are revealed to you through your Life Path number.

Always know that the key themes of your Life Path number indicate exactly where you’ll experience challenges and difficulties throughout your life as you go about learning to acknowledge and master your life’s purpose.

First you need to know your Life Path Number.  See how to calculate yours with the example below.

Calculate your Life Path number:


NOVEMBER 8, 1969

  • NOVEMBER is the 11th month:  = 1 + 1 = 2
  • The day of birth is 8: = 8
  • The year of birth is 1969. Add all four numbers together: 1 + 9 + 6 + 9 = 25; continue adding until you get a one-digit number:
    2 + 5 = 7

We now add the resulting single digits.

Month = 2      Day = 8      Year = 7

2 + 8 + 7 = 17

In Numerology, you always keep adding until you reach a one-digit number.

1 + 7 =  8

The Life Path Number is 8