Featured Client
Client: Amy Mayer
Occupation: Senior Manager with Tara At Home
Where you can find her: taraathome.com/amymayer
What brings you to numerology?
I have been friends with Felicia Bender since college. When she started her journey with numerology I watched and listened as she became a great teacher and then after her book came out I took it a step farther and asked her to work with me and my team of salespeople. She gave such great insight into people’s strengths and weaknesses.
I personally use it to help me plan my month…and I am always amazed at the end of the month when I look back…how right on she was about my challenges and my successes. In sales it is so important to have goals and to focus. This is just one more layer of my process to help me be successful in my job. After working with Felicia for years I can almost always peg someone’s life path number after spending a little time with them. It has been a fascinating journey.
What They’re Saying . . .
“Nailed my numbers- down to the very date! Dr. Bender’s thorough historical knowledge of numerology brought it to life in a real, modern way that was immediately pertinent to my daily life. Her insight validated my personal patterns and habits as well as confirmed my future business plans…with undeniable accuracy. I felt excited about my future and at ease about my past. More than worth the money. I confirmed my follow-up session immediately after the initial consultation, and will be purchasing her services and texts as gifts for my loved ones.”
– Maurielle Laurenne, Astrologer and Cosmic Business Coach at SYMBOLIK
Felicia has a true gift with her readings. She is incredibly knowledgeable in numerology but also adds her intuitive gifts, and her wonderful sense of humor, to help interpret your chart. Her delivery is honest and helpful, I always walk away with a better understanding of myself and how to work with the energy of my chart and of the year/months ahead.
– Anonymous