Are you ready to dig deeper and get more specific about what the numbers say about YOU?
Get your personalized report delivered to you as a PDF through email.

This report is based on:

  1. Your name as it appears on your birth certificate
  2. The name that you go by now (First and Last)
  3. Your date of birth​

The report:

  1. Outlines your important stages and cycles
  2. Defines your core traits and life’s purpose as defined by your Life Path, Expression (Destiny), Soul Urge, and Birthday numbers
  3. Tells you about your Personal Year Cycle, Life Path Period, and Pinnacle you’re currently experiencing
  4. Provides you with valuable information about your Karmic numbers, if you have any in your chart
  5. Reveals your Intensity Point
  6. Shares your Maturity Number with you

Click image to see sample report

Click image to see a sample report

What customer’s are saying about their charts

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