Knowing how to best support, guide, and just plain understand your child is certainly a parental desire.

So let’s take a look at how to know your child, by the numbers. 

Even though I’ll focus primarily on the Life Path number, please know that your child’s complete chart will offer much more detailed information about what your child is all about.

And yet, if you’re only going to know one number in your entire Numerological Chart, the Life Path Number is the one. 

It gives you an indication of your child’s life purpose and also indicates what challenges, tendencies, and obstacles will come into play throughout your child’s life.




For this exercise, you need your child’s full birth date.  

Example:  DECEMBER 19, 2007

  • December is the 12th month.  Add 1 + 2 = 3
  • The day of birth is 19. Add 1 + 9 = 10; Keep 
adding to digit down to a one-digit number:
  1 + 0 = 1
  • The year of birth is 2009. Add all four numbers together: 2 + 0 + 0 + 9 = 11; continue adding until you get a one-digit number:
  1 + 1 = 2

We now add the resulting single digits.

Month = 3      Day = 1      Year = 2

3 + 1 + 2 = 6

The Life Path number is 6.




1 Life Path:  If you have a 1 Life Path child, here are some basics:

LIFE’S PURPOSE:  To develop their sense of leadership, creativity, self-confidence, individuality, independence, and achievement. Because what we’re here to do is never going to be the easiest thing for us to do, your child will have challenges and difficulties with developing and acting upon these very themes. 

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW:  Your child is here to follow their unique voice and vision in the world.  They are creative, innovative thinkers, have an entrepreneurial spirit, and are here to lead.

CHALLENGES:  Children with a 1 Life Path will be challenged with a three-tiered process that goes like this:  They’ll see that they feel dependent in ways that they don’t like, so they’ll respond by rebelling in whatever way they can in order to find and act upon their own sense of identity and independence.  (Note to self:  This can take a while!) When they’ve mastered that in a healthy way, then they’re on to achievement in the material world.  The 1 Life Path child is meant to forge ahead and be a leader – yet there will be many “failures” on the journey.  Your child will need to learn how to use failure as fuel and to bounce back with gusto rather than be ground down into an angry, victimized pulp.

TENDENCIES:  Your 1 Life Path child is all about #1.  You’ll have to work with them in these areas:

  • Getting them to see other points of view. The 1 Life Path is fairly self-centered.
  • They tend to be impatient and need assistance in developing patience.
  • Your child will struggle with their sense of confidence.
  • Your child goes through “The School of Hard Knocks” throughout their life.

HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT YOUR CHILD:  Here are a few ways that you can support your 1 Life Path child to be the best they can be:

  • Allow healthy competition.  Your child thrives in a competitive environment, so supporting their abilities in that arena prepares them for a life of leadership and achievement.
  • Encourage physical activity.  Your child is truly a bundle of creative energy and if they don’t burn it off, you’ll be sorry!  It’ll explode in inappropriate ways. 
  • Often your child needs to be left alone to work out a problem.  Allow time and space to figure it out on their own rather than swooping in and fixing it for them.  This teaches your child how to manage problems, deal with failure, and develop their own creative problem-solving skills.  Praise their ability to “fail” and bounce back with positive enthusiasm.

2 Life Path:  If you have a 2 Life Path child, here are some basics:

LIFE’S PURPOSE:  To develop their sense of diplomacy, harmony, balance, cooperation, service to group dynamics, and giving/receiving unconditional love.  Because what we’re here to do is never going to be the easiest thing for us to do, your child will have challenges and difficulties with developing and acting upon these very themes. 

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW:  Your child is here to be a peacemaker and serve the world in a loving and supportive way.

CHALLENGES:  Children with a 2 Life Path will be challenged with being over-the-top emotionally sensitive!  Understand this about your 2 Life Path child – they’re a walking emotional wound until they learn how to construct and act upon healthy emotional boundaries.  And – as I’m sure you can understand – this ain’t easy!  Your child’s gift is also their curse.  They soak in everyone’s emotional “stuff” even though they don’t know it.  So your child will come home from school and feel completely drained because of all the emotional baggage s/he’s carrying from the day. 

TENDENCIES:  Your 2 Life Path child wants love, acknowledgement, and approval.  You’ll have to work with them in these areas:

  • Your child tends to need constant validation from everyone around them to the detriment of their healthy personal identity.
  • They tend to get hurt so deeply that they’ll turn into the anti-2 Life Path and withdraw with resentment and act aggressively.  This happens when they’re feeling emotionally drained or pulled through the emotional wringer.
  • Your child will struggle with being the ultimate “pleaser.”
  • Your child will go through a period of time when they’re treated like a “doormat” until they can learn to stand up for themselves.

HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT YOUR CHILD:  Here are a few ways that you can support your 2 Life Path child to be the best they can be:

  • Allow your child to say “no.”  Your child is learning healthy emotional boundaries, so any encouragement to step out of the “pleaser” role is great practice for them.  The 2 Life Path is innately shy, so encouragement to say “no” and care for their own needs is crucial.
  • Encourage group activities.  Your child needs to feel as though they belong and are a contributing member to a group.
  • Often your child needs additional kudos.  Your 2 Life Path child will thrive with added pats on the back from you.

3 Life Path:  If you have a 3 Life Path child, here are some basics:

LIFE’S PURPOSE:  To develop their sense of creative self-expression, emotional sensitivity, performance, communication, and live with a sense of joy. Because what we’re here to do is never going to be the easiest thing for us to do, your child will have challenges and difficulties with developing and acting upon these very themes. 

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW:  Your child is here to be a creative fireball based in artful communication and joyful self-expression.

CHALLENGES:  Children with a 3 Life Path will be challenged with a severe sense of self-doubt and a paralyzing fear of criticism.  Your 3 Life Path child is smart and has a very quick mind.  Since they’re good at virtually everything they do, they can have a hard time focusing on something long enough for completion and follow-through.  Since your child is learning about emotions, they’ll have plenty of them!  They’ll be challenged with embracing and acknowledging their emotions and can experience dramatic emotional highs and lows.

TENDENCIES:  Your 3 Life Path child is all about performance, creativity, communication, and entertaining.  You’ll have to work with them in these areas:

  • The 3 Life Path child is full of joy and energy. They’re at their best when they’re allowed and encouraged to follow their creative impulses.
  • They’re more emotionally sensitive than they might appear.  They can literally abandon their dreams if they’re criticized.
  • Your child will struggle with the inability to express themselves or their emotions.
  • Your child can suffer from depression when they aren’t able to express their emotions successfully.

HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT YOUR CHILD:  Here are a few ways that you can support your 3 Life Path child to be the best they can be:

  • Listen!  Ask!  Listen!  Your child is learning that they even have emotions – then they’re learning how to express them in a clear and healthy manner.  Your 3 Life Path child needs to be heard!  And they need to be heard without judgment and criticism.
  • Encourage creativity.  Your child’s life purpose is to use their creativity to inspire and uplift others. Even if they tear through five different “hobbies” in a year, allow them to follow their curiosity.
  • Encourage focus and follow through.  Your 3 Life Path child will thrive when they’re given positive feedback and attention for finishing a project. This can extend to supporting and taking any of their creative efforts seriously.

4 Life Path:  If you have a 4 Life Path child, here are some basics:

LIFE’S PURPOSE:  To develop their sense of process, stability, security, hard work, systems building, and knowledge gathering.  Because what we’re here to do is never going to be the easiest thing for us to do, your child will have challenges and difficulties with developing and acting upon these very themes. 

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW:  Your child is here to be the “slow and steady wins the race” kind of person.

CHALLENGES:  Children with a 4 Life Path will be challenged with learning to embrace the satisfaction of hard work – “a job well done.”  Your 4 Life Path child might be challenged with wanting to skip steps and avoid the step-by-step process required to successfully complete a task.  Sometimes your Four Life Path child can go one direction or the other: either the rule-following, conservative over-worker or the lazy “I’ll do anything to avoid responsibility” route.  Either way, their challenge is with keying into working hard and enjoying the results of their efforts.

TENDENCIES:  Your 4 Life Path child craves stability, security, order, routine, and predictability.  You’ll have to work with them in these areas:

  • The 4 Life Path child freaks out when life feels chaotic. They need to know what’s expected of them and what the rules are in order to feel safe.
  • They’re innately stubborn and can be a “know-it-all.”
  • Your child will struggle with working with limitations; both “real” limitations and self-imposed limitations.
  • Your child is practical and literal-minded. They love learning about anything they find interesting.

HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT YOUR CHILD:  Here are a few ways that you can support your 4 Life Path child to be the best they can be:

  • Encourage risk taking.  Your child needs your encouragement to think outside the box.  Otherwise, they’ll get stuck in the frustration of the limiting circumstances they create for themselves.
  • Stretching and exercise.  The 4 Life Path child is often very “earthy;” meaning – they’re solid, grounded and often have a body-type that needs consistent exercise and stretching. 
  • Set up comforting routines.  Your child thrives with a sense of security and routine.  They need to know what they can count on day in and day out. 

5 Life Path:  If you have a 5 Life Path child, here are some basics:

LIFE’S PURPOSE:  To develop their sense of freedom through self-discipline, versatility, be an agent of change, fearlessness, adventure, and radical acceptance of all kinds of people in the world. Understand that because what we’re here to do is never going to be the easiest thing for us to do, your child will have challenges and difficulties with developing and acting upon these very themes. 

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW:  Your 5 Path child’s here to experience the physical world in all of its glory!  You’ve got a little whipper-snapper on your hands.  Your child lives without a filter (so to speak).  They want to take part in everything!

CHALLENGES:  Children with a 5 Life Path will be challenged with learning to reign in their adventurous freewheeling nature and overwhelming desire to experience every sensual pleasure.  Your 5 Life Path’s mantra is:  “Don’t fence me in!” Understand that your child lives a sort of metaphoric (and sometimes literal) ADHD experience.  They’re challenged with maintaining focus and follow through.  They’re the ultimate Drama Kings or Queens.  They’ll swing from being totally independent – “You’re not the boss of me!” to total dependence – “MOMMY!!  HELP!!” in the blink of an eye.  Your child will be challenged with overwhelming feelings of fear at certain points in their lives.

TENDENCIES:  Your 5 Life Path child is here to develop the constructive use of freedom, progressive and inclusive thought, adventurousness, resilience, and embracing change.  You’ll have to work with them in these areas:

  • The 5 Life Path is usually the “wild child.”  They’re so full of energy that it’s hard to keep up with them.
  • Since your child is learning about freedom, often they’ll bring in restrictive circumstances into their lives that help them test their sense of freedom.
  • Your 5 Life Path child is usually the life of the party, outgoing, and exuberant and can have addictive tendencies.
  • If your 5 Life Path child goes the opposite route, they can be overly fearful and unable to act upon their strong desire to experience a sense of freedom.

HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT YOUR CHILD:  Here are a few ways that you can support your 5 Life Path child to be the best they can be:

  • Use Calendars and Check-Lists.  Your child needs a tangible way to focus and do one thing at a time, because their tendency is to do a little of this and a little of that without completing a task fully.  Even if you have other children and they don’t require this kind of support, you’ll be doing your 5 Life Path child a huge favor if you offer them the structure and consistency of using calendars and check lists as part of their everyday life.  This can be for what you might consider “no-duh” activities – like how many glasses of water to drink per day, how long to brush your teeth, or when to pack their backpack for school. 
  • Encourage an adventurous spirit.  The 5 Life Path child is developing their fearless and adventurous self.  If you support this and strive for healthy limits, you’ll be doing your child a huge favor.
  • Teach tolerance.  Your child is learning how to connect with all kinds of people.  Part of their journey is embracing people of all races, economic status, sexual orientation, and so on.

6 Life Path:  If you have a 6 Life Path child, here are some basics:

LIFE’S PURPOSE:  To develop their sense of responsibility, acceptance, the ability to see “the big picture,” nurturing, home and domestic responsibilities, and the pursuit of beauty and justice. Understand that because what we’re here to do is never going to be the easiest thing for us to do, your child will have challenges and difficulties with developing and acting upon these very themes. 

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW:  Your 6 Path child’s here to get a handle around a proper sense of responsibility.  Often the 6 Life Path child feels overly responsible early in life.

CHALLENGES:  Children with a 6 Life Path will be challenged with learning to modulate their sense of responsibility – just like The Three Bears, they’re being asked not to be irresponsible or overly responsible.  Instead, they’re supposed to find the “just right” balance of responsibility and develop and act upon that consistently. Your child is challenged with being a perfectionist and a control freak.  Letting go of  – or coming to terms with – perfectionism and control will be a life-long endeavor for your child. 

TENDENCIES:  Your 6 Life Path child is here to develop their sense of nurturing, balanced responsibility, justice, beauty, and is focused on home and family.  You’ll have to work with them in these areas:

  • The 6 Life Path is often a precocious child with early verbal mastery. 
  • Your child can be a creative powerhouse – often the 6 Life Path child is musically gifted.
  • Your child thinks they’re in charge. They can feel as though they are the “parent” in the family.
  • Your 6 Life Path child is a natural counselor and can see “the bigger picture” where others can’t.  They can be easily frustrated with others’ lack of doing what your child thinks they should be doing.

HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT YOUR CHILD:  Here are a few ways that you can support your Six Life Path child to be the best they can be:

  • Praise and then correct.  Your child does not respond to being told what to do.  Period. Your 6 Life Path child thinks that they’re in charge and so you’ll have more success when you praise them and give them positive reinforcement for what has been done correctly, with the secondary message being the corrective.  For instance –  Not effective: “I’ve told you three times already to pick up your dirty clothes.  If you don’t pick them up right now you won’t get dessert tonight.”  More effective:  “Wow, I’m so impressed by the way you’ve organized most of your room.  You’re really good at that.  It looks so great and now it’s going to be so much easier to find those toys you’ve been looking for . . . I can see you’re just about ready to finish up and put your dirty clothes in the laundry room.  As soon as you get that done, I’ll be able to wash your favorite shirt in time for you to wear it to school tomorrow.”
  • Encourage mistakes.  The 6 Life Path child is developing their ability to see the perfection in the imperfection of everything, mostly in themselves.  The more you support the idea that mistakes are not only okay – that they’re an expected part of life – the more your child can loosen the grip that their high level of perfectionism places on them.
  • Get rid of “should.” Your child lives in a world of “should,” so much so that as they grow, they can lose sight of who they really are in the midst of attempting to do what they “should” be doing. This is a deep issue for them.  Your child is an idealist. They have such high expectations for themselves, for the world, and for others (especially family members) that when their idealistic ideas about how life “should” be are not matched, they can become very disillusioned and default into self-righteousness.

7 Life Path:  If you have a 7 Life Path child, here are some basics:

LIFE’S PURPOSE:  To develop spiritually through seeking answers to life’s big questions:  “Who am I?  What am I doing here?  What’s it all about?”  Understand that because what we’re here to do is never going to be the easiest thing for us to do, your child will have challenges and difficulties with developing and acting upon these very themes.   

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW:  Your 7 Path child’s here on an “internal” journey of spiritual seeking.  Your child feels as though they’re on a different wavelength than other people and can appear aloof and thoughtful.  They’re gifted with a highly analytical and data-driven mind that’s always seeking answers.  And on the other hand, they’re highly intuitive – even psychic.  The 7 carries a high spiritual vibration and your child is the carrier of this energy.  Understand that your 7 Life Path child needs down time and time alone.  Don’t be surprised if your child sometimes plays by themselves or needs to have time alone on a consistent basis.  They need this processing time because they’re always thinking and working on life’s big questions.

CHALLENGES:  Children with a 7 Life Path will be challenged with trust issues.  As children, the 7 feels out of place and not of this world.  They can be the quiet one who studies a lot, the compassionate one who sees people and situations from an intuitive vantage point, or the loner in the room (or the one whose scared silly to ever be alone!).  Since trust is a big issue, your child will experience situations in which they feel betrayed.  They fear vulnerability. They can also need to work at being trustworthy themselves.  As your child grows, their life’s journey is focused on locating their sense of spirituality – no matter how they might define it.  Until they find and practice their spiritual beliefs, these children can struggle with feeling alienated, frustrated, and lost in the world.  They are finding faith and trust across the board.

TENDENCIES:  Your 7 Life Path child is here to develop their sense of spirituality, trust, openness, refined data-driven thinking, and a high level of intuition.  You’ll have to work with them in these areas:

  • The 7 Life Path will often present one of two ways:  airy and in the ethers or intellectual and hard-data driven. 
  • Your child can appear reserved and quiet.
  • The 7 Life Path child can feel unreachable emotionally, because they’re afraid of betrayal of trust and of feeling vulnerable. 
  • One of your child’s major life lessons is to get to know themselves in a deep, core-level, and authentic way.  This takes a lifetime.

HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT YOUR CHILD:  Here are a few ways that you can support your 7 Life Path child to be the best they can be:

  • Encourage intuition.  Usually the 7 Life Path child enters the world with intuitive and psychic ability.  And usually your child will soon learn that they’re “different” and shut down their intuitive abilities.  Their gift to themselves and to the world is the acknowledgment and development of both the left-brain and the right-brain.  When they use both, there is great wisdom and that’s what they’re here to offer to the world.  And it’s not as easy as it sounds.
  • Allow for quiet time.  The 7 Life Path child needs their quiet time, even though they also may resist it at certain points in their lives when they’re afraid of looking at what’s going on inside of them when faced with a moment of silence.
  • Validate their emotions. Your child is working on deep levels throughout their lives.  They’ll often have trouble allowing their emotions to come to the surface and yet it’s vital for their development to allow themselves to be human after all. 

8 Life Path:  If you have an 8 Life Path child, here are some basics:

LIFE’S PURPOSE:  To develop their relationship with money, power, authority, control, and philanthropy.  Understand that because what we’re here to do is never going to be the easiest thing for us to do, your child will have challenges and difficulties with developing and acting upon these very themes.  

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW:  The 8 Life Path child is intense.  The first  stop-off point?  Personal power. Your child will be tested to tap into their sense of personal power while standing firm and strong.  This can take a while.  If they pass through this challenge, then it’s off the races.  Know that your child is meant to master money and financial abundance.  They’ll have major authority issues, so just be ready for it.  There is nothing subtle about your little 8 Life Path child!  They’re being tested with learning integrity and ethics, so they won’t get away with much.  They’ll be the one in the group of friends to get caught doing whatever it is that they’re not supposed to be doing.  Your 8 Life Path child is meant to think big and achieve great things in the world.

CHALLENGES:  Children with an 8 Life Path will be challenged with authority issues.  Since they’re learning how to become an achiever in the material world, they’ll be placed in situations where they’ll want to buck authority.  The energy of the 8 is quit intense, so the childhood for the 8 Life Path child can have some rough edges.  They have a tendency to want to control and dominate. They’re developing their relationship with money, with personal power, with taking on executive leadership or management roles.  The major challenge with the 8 Life Path child is with developing and mastering personal power.  If they don’t achieve this mastery, the 8 Life Path can feel as though they’re the biggest victim on the planet.

TENDENCIES:  Your 8 Life Path child is here to develop their mastery of financial abundance, power, authority, control, and achievement.  You’ll have to work with them in these areas:

  • The 8 Life Path thinks in business-like terms.  Your child is action-oriented.
  • Your child is learning how to be in charge and be an effective leader or manager.  So they can be bossy, blunt, and opinionated.
  • The 8 Life Path child is more emotionally vulnerable than they might appear. 
  • One of your child’s major life lessons is the satisfaction they’ll receive that comes from being financially abundant and giving.

HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT YOUR CHILD:  Here are a few ways that you can support your 8 Life Path child to be the best they can be:

  • Talk about money!  As parents, we often avoid the hard topic of money as much as the tricky topic of sex.  Your 8 Life Path will benefit greatly when you allow and encourage them to forge a relationship with money, learn how to make it and how to use it, how to give generously to others, and how to believe in their own business acumen.  Money is a tool and an exchange of energy – the more comfortable your 8 Life Path child is with money, the more successful they’ll be.
  • Set firm, clear, unwavering boundaries.  The 8 Life Path child can often be a real handful.  They’ll push boundaries until they break.  What they’re really truly asking for are clear and unwavering boundaries from you.  Even when they curse at you and slam the door, know that down the road, they’ll thank you from the bottom of their heart for setting reasonable boundaries and following through with them, despite the difficulty and pressures for you to do otherwise.
  • Place them in reasonable positions of power. Your child is learning how to be an effective leader in the business world.  If you place them in some fun, reasonable positions of power within your family structure, they’ll benefit greatly.  Use it as a game, yet make sure there are age-appropriate rewards and penalties.    

9 Life Path:  If you have a 9 Life Path child, here are some basics:

LIFE’S PURPOSE:  To develop a humanitarian approach to life, integrity, wisdom, spiritual focus, letting go, and creativity.  Understand that because what we’re here to do is never going to be the easiest thing for us to do, your child will have challenges and difficulties with developing and acting upon these very themes.  

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW:  The 9 Life Path child is on a complex journey.  In Numerology, 9 is the number of completion.  Therefore, your child is considered to be an “old soul” who’s here to use their much-gathered wisdom in the world.  The 9 Life Path child is being encouraged to embrace and act upon all the positive qualities of all the numbers 1-8.  So it’s not a little walk in the park.  Your 9 Life Path child often feels like they’re out of place or that they don’t belong.  Often they’re the champion of the underdog – or they can be the President of the Misfit Club.  Ultimately, your child is here to accomplish something that will affect the greater good in whatever way they choose.  The 9 is the compassionate humanitarian.  Also know that your 9 Life Path child can be extremely talented in the artistic or creative realms.

CHALLENGES:  Children with a 9 Life Path will be challenged with an aversion to asking for help.  They think they can do it all solo.  Yet learning to ask for – and accept – support from others is an ongoing life lesson.  The 9 Life Path experiences more than their fair share of loss in their lives, so one of their challenges can often be difficulty letting go – of relationships, of “stuff,” of experiences.   So the 9 Life Path can cling to things when instead they should move through them. Your child can be a fanatic about certain things.  They can be the one who likes to stand up on their “soap box” and give their lecture.  So the 9 Life Path is often challenged with developing good listening skills.  They’ve got such a compassionate heart that often they can be taken advantage of by others.

TENDENCIES:  Your 9 Life Path child is here to develop their sense of spirituality and higher purpose, humanitarianism, integrity, and wisdom.  You’ll have to work with them in these areas:

  • The 9 Life Path is amazingly charismatic. They can also have a “rebel without a cause” mentality.
  • Your child is learning how be the “poster child” for the Buddhist idea of living in the present moment, letting go of the past and moving gently into the future.  So there will be consistent troubles with letting go.
  • The 9 Life Path child is a heart-felt and compassionate person. 
  • One of your child’s major life lessons resides in the limited rewards they receive throughout their lives. They’re meant to do what they’re doing because they can’t not do it.  All the rewards will then follow.

HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT YOUR CHILD:  Here are a few ways that you can support your 9 Life Path child to be the best they can be:

  • Support the geek squad.  Your 9 Life Path child will often traverse a path that’s a bit off-center.  Be supportive of your child’s gifts, quirks, and oddities.
  • Show how to let go.  The 9 Life Path child’s working with letting go throughout their lives.  When you show your child how to let go by your example, you’re giving them a lifelong gift.  This can be anything from  the death of a pet, to cleaning out the closet and giving away what’s no longer needed to charity, to being rejected by a friend.  Show by example healthy detachment, gratitude, and higher meaning and purpose in all of the challenging experiences we have in life.
  • Value creativity. Your child is a creative thinker and often has some real artistic talent.  Don’t attempt to fit a square peg into a round hole.  Validate your child’s worthiness and creativity whenever you can.  

The Master Numbers:  11, 22, 33

If your child is a 2, 4, or 6 Life Path, make sure to see if the number before you digit down to that one-digit number is an 11/2, 22/4, or 33/6.  If this number shows up, your child is on a more intense journey and it’s important to know this as a parent. 

The Master Number indicates that your child has higher potential and also more intense challenges. 

What you need to know is this:  It’s not easy! 

The Master Number brings with it an intensity that is undeniable.  Your child has come here with a higher spiritual purpose.  So in practical terms, understand that you’re child is most likely more high-strung and feels a constant push to be more and do more and be better

Your child’s mission – should they choose to accept it (cue the Mission Impossible music!) is to master their life’s purpose, to lead in whatever they do, and to bring a higher level of spiritual awareness into the world.

Know this:  The Master Numbers are inherently in conflict with themselves.  Your child’s foundation is indicated by the single-digit number (2, 4, or 6) and the 11, 22, or 33 brings a higher purpose that pushes your child into higher realms that feel innately challenging and uncomfortable. 

So please read the description of the single digit Life Path number first, then add to your knowledge about your Master Life Path child with the information about the 11, 22, and 33. 

You can also educate yourself with my book Master Numbers:  11, 22 33:  The Ultimate Guide.

The Master Numbers can be seen as “testing” numbers. 

Here a just a few characteristics of what the Master Numbers have in common:

  • Ability to achieve fame
  • Frequent need to be alone
  • Extremes in emotion
  • Nervous tension
  • High creativity, leadership ability, and need to work on a grand scale
  • A need to surrender to higher spiritual purpose and ideals

My best advice for parents with a child on a Master Path:  Your child needs to pace themselves!  The Master Path energies are not mastered overnight and can be so intense as to cause burnout.  Master energies take years to develop and life’s experiences are necessary to learn the lessons needed to embrace and act upon the higher calling of the Master Path. 

Please understand that these gifts and talents usually don’t blossom until much later in life – usually starting in the forties and beyond. 

11/2 Life Path:  If you have an 11/2 Life Path child, here are some basics:

LIFE’S PURPOSE:  Selfless service and artistic creativity.  Understand that because what we’re here to do is never going to be the easiest thing for us to do, your child will have challenges and difficulties with developing and acting upon these very themes.  

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW:  The 11/2 Life Path child is on the path of what could be called the Wounded Healer.  They’re deeply emotionally sensitive, profoundly artistically creative, and high-level intuitive.  Your child is super-sensitive, dreamy, and more etheric than grounded.  In Numerology, they are considered to be the dreamer rather than the doer!

CHALLENGES:  Children with an 11/2 Life Path will be challenged with over-sensitivity.  Your child’s life will consist of experiences that lead to opening up to their higher sense of purpose.  The energy of the 2 is all about harmony, cooperation, balance, and service to some kind of group dynamics.  Yet the 1 is oppositional to the 2 and pushes your child into the spotlight, leadership positions, and brings a generous portion of ego into play.  So your child will most likely feel somewhat conflicted much of the time. 

TENDENCIES:   You’ll have to work with them in these areas:

  • The 11/2 Life Path is can be a dreamer rather than a doer.
  • Your child is super-sensitive and can have difficulties over-giving and then feeling used and abused for doing so.
  • The 11/2  Life Path child is a natural healer. 
  • One of your child’s life lessons resides in tapping into their sense of artistic creativity – whether that’s writing, music, dance, pottery, or cooking.

HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT YOUR CHILD:  Here are a few ways that you can support your 11/2 Life Path child to be the best they can be:

  • Show the benefits of standing up for yourself.  Your 11/2 Life Path child needs consistent examples of how to say “no” effectively and now to detach from the drama other people throw their way.
  • Support artistic creativity.  Part of the 11/2 Life Path child’s gift is given through their artistic creativity.  Often their interests and skills are discounted or ignored in this arena. 
  • Value their quirks. Your child is a dreamer and often has some real artistic talent.  Don’t attempt to fit a square peg into a round hole.  Validate your child’s worthiness and creativity whenever you can. 
  • The 11/2 is one part 2 and two parts 1!

22/4 Life Path:  If you have a 22/4 Life Path child, here are some basics:

LIFE’S PURPOSE:  Masterful teaching and manifesting inspired practical ideas.  Understand that because what we’re here to do is never going to be the easiest thing for us to do, your child will have challenges and difficulties with developing and acting upon these very themes.  

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW:  The 22/4 Life Path child is here to develop and implement systems that improve the day-to-day lives for a lot of people.

CHALLENGES:  Children with a 22/4 Life Path will be challenged with getting out of their own way.  Your child will want to dot all the “i”s and cross all the “t”s, much to the detriment of the over-all task.  They’re being pushed to think bigger and get outside of their own box, which is difficult for the 22/4 Life Path.  These children can be stubborn and make the same mistakes over and over again.  They’ll be challenged with coming to terms with the ways in which they restrict themselves and their efforts with rigid and unyielding thinking – “it can only be done this way!”  Ego comes into play with the Master numbers and the 22/4 Life Path child can be a bulldozer when it comes to doing what they think needs to be done.

TENDENCIES:   You’ll have to work with them in these areas:

  • The 22/4 Life Path child is here as a Master Builder of things and ideas. Since their natural tendency is to think very literally, they’ll need to work with expanding their thinking into more creative realms.
  • Your child is a natural systems person.  They might tend to gravitate toward anything having to do with actual building and design.
  • The 22/4 Life Path child can have additional health concerns. 
  • One of your child’s life lessons resides in tapping into the step-by-step hardworking processes that will accomplish their tasks and projects.

HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT YOUR CHILD:  Here are a few ways that you can support your 22/4 Life Path child to be the best they can be:

  • Divert overwhelm.  Your 22/4 Life Path child can be easily overwhelmed.  Since their natural “enemy” is anything resembling disorder or chaos, your child thrives on some predictable routine and practical order.
  • Gently push them outside of their comfort zone.  Part of your child’s mission in life is to manifest dreams into reality in a practical and down-to-earth way.  Yet their habit is to limit themselves and not take risks.    
  • Encourage proper planning and the bigger picture. Your child is learning the value of concerted effort, setting step-by-step goals, and bringing ideas into form and manifestation.  
  • They are two parts 2 and one part 4!

33/6 Life Path:  If you have a 33/6 Life Path child, here are some basics:

LIFE’S PURPOSE:  Masterful healing and inspired vision.  They are the teachers of unconditional love. Understand that because what we’re here to do is never going to be the easiest thing for us to do, your child will have challenges and difficulties with developing and acting upon these very themes.  

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW:  The 33/6 Life Path child is on the path that some Numerologists either don’t even recognize as a Master number or alternately give it nearly divine status.  The 33/6 is often thought of as the Christ number and is believed to be here to be an avatar of compassion and healing.

CHALLENGES:  Children with the 33/6 Life Path will be challenged with learning and acting upon the delicate balance of compassionate loving service to humanity.  Often your child’s path will consist of being required to heal themselves before they can move forward and into their role of helping others.  They’re highly emotional and can be swept away into distress and despair by feeling the deep pain of the world and of those around them.  Your child is here to learn detachment and learn to help and heal with love, joy, and good grace.  They’re here to serve and so will be challenged with feeling the burden of over-responsibility.

TENDENCIES:   You’ll have to work with them in these areas:

  • The 33/6 Life Path is learning how to modulate their sense of responsibility and their attachment to emotional pain of those in need.
  • Your child is extremely sensitive and can take on a martyr role.
  • The 33/6 Life Path child is compassionate and loving. 
  • If your child is out of balance, the 33 energy can add great intensity that is difficult to manage and handle.  Remember:  your child has to balance and heal themselves first before they can step into their role of effectively helping others.

HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT YOUR CHILD:  Here are a few ways that you can support your 33/6 Life Path child to be the best they can be:

  • Offer opportunities for giving.  Your 33/6 Life Path child benefits when they can experience a healthy model of giving to others through service, financial contribution, or both. 
  • Support artistic creativity.  Part of the 33/6 Life Path child’s gift can be high-level artistic expression, often through music or acting.
  • Support their loving nature. Your child is love personified when given the chance to develop this gift in a healthy way.