Can you believe that we’re closing out a decade as of December 31st?

I’ve already been feeling this intense drive to shake things up.  How about you!?!? 

I don’t believe that it’s going to be “business as usual” for most of us who’re on the path of self-discovery and spiritual evolution. 

Oh, well.  Right. Tell me more.

Here are some brief ideas about how to make 2020 into your Turning Point year, by Life Path number.

Don’t know your Life Path number?  Go here to calculate yours!


Is 2020 Your Turning Point Year?


1 Life Path: 

The whole “new decade” thing is right in your wheelhouse, oh-1 Life Path.  You’re meant to be the Master or Mistress of new beginnings and fresh starts. We need your innovative ideas and leadership qualities now more than ever! Bring it!

As we bridge into 2020, understand that we’ll all be experiencing a 4 Universal Year, which brings a more serious tone into the mix. The 4 is about longer-range goals, working methodically to put those goals into action, and getting real. You won’t get by without putting in the work – sorry to break it to you.

Yet as a 1 Life Path, here are some ideas about how to focus on creating your upgraded and updated life.

  • Practice healthy independence while making serious effort to include others and others’ points of view. Here’s an example.  I often think of the 1 Life Path as the group of Goth kids in High School. Always pushing against something, rebellious, non-conformist. Yet the opposite can also be true. The 1 Life Path can be the student counsel President, the football star, or the head cheerleader. Either way, you’re learning to define and individuate yourself in a (ultimately) healthy way. This is the time to decide who you are.  Will the real you please stand up?
  • Establish some roots. This is the time to focus on how you do or don’t feel grounded. You thrive when you create a solid and stable container for you to create.  (Hint: commit to a lease, finally apply for the mortgage, take the plunge and move geographically).
  • Where do you feel your self-confidence can use an over haul? This is the year to clear away old patterns of self-sabotage and negative self-talk. Or the year to eat a little humble-pie and see where you might benefit from not being so self-focused.  Getting serious about a little therapy (EMDR? Past-Life Regression? Business Coaching?) and getting your physical body into tip-top shape can be a pivotal part of making 2020 your Turning Point Year.

2 Life Path: 

This is your century (not to mention decade), 2 Life Path!  The 2000’s are the “time for the 2s.”  This is an era where love, diplomacy, and relationships have started to take the helm, even though it might feel like a slow start, given all of the political and global turmoil!  Yet remember, the 2 is a conflict magnet.  How else do we learn and master the fine art of meditation and diplomacy if we don’t have some serious conflict to practice with, right? 

As we bridge into 2020, understand that we’ll all be experiencing a 4 Universal Year, which brings a more serious tone into the mix. The 4 is about longer-range goals, working methodically to put those goals into action, and getting real. You won’t get by without putting in the work – sorry to break it to you.

Yet as a 2 Life Path, here are some ideas about how to focus on creating your upgraded and updated life.

  • Now more than ever, your mandate and challenge is in defining and refining your sense of self. Who are you? And who are you no matter what?  Do you mutate into a different person depending on who you’re interacting with? Are you Polly Perfect with your boss, Greta the Great with your spouse, and Whimpering William with your Mother?  This is your time to get it together!
  • Love, love, and more love. Family and your sense of home is front and center in 2020. Make it a priority. Love the one you’re with? Devote effort to keeping communication alive and well.  Single and ready to mingle? Have you done “the work” on yourself so that you’re open, ready, and clear about what you want and need in relationship?
  • Where do you get most defensive, 2 Life Path? This points to your softer underbelly and your point of vulnerability.  Investigating your triggers more mindfully can be a pivotal part of making 2020 your Turning Point Year.

11/2 Life Path: 

As a 11/2 Life Path, take a look at both the section for the 1 (and double it!) and then the 2. 

As we bridge into 2020, understand that we’ll all be experiencing a 4 Universal Year, which brings a more serious tone into the mix. The 4 is about longer-range goals, working methodically to put those goals into action, and getting real. You won’t get by without putting in the work – sorry to break it to you.

Yet as an 11/2 Life Path, here are some ideas about how to focus on creating your upgraded and updated life.

  • Are you hiding out, oh-11/2 Life Path? If so, how can you step into your Master status while embracing humility and embracing patient process?
  • Addicted to social media? Can’t get out of bed without asking your posse what to wear (or sharing your thought and then feeling dejected or upset that everyone didn’t chime in with acknowledgement?) If this is something you grapple with, this is the time to step back and see where you might just (as the Beatle’s would say), “let it be.”
  • One of the major obstacles for the 11/2 Life Path can be in having all these grand ideas and yet feeling overwhelmed with what it takes to act on and bring it into practical reality. Getting some practical processes in place can be a pivotal part of making 2020 your Turning Point Year.

3 Life Path: 

Is it about time to make money from your creative talents, oh-3 Life Path? This upcoming year is the perfect time (and offers you some grounding energy) to focus your energies and take yourself more seriously. Not seriously as in “solemn.”  Seriously as in “get yourself out there and don’t take no for an answer.”  That sort of “seriously.”  I’m counting on you to know exactly what I mean here, 3 Life Path. You get so lost in analyzing everything until you just curl up and suck your thumb in the corner (I’m exaggerating because I know your creative mind can follow the point!).  In fact, you’ve probably been far too solemn for your optimistic and joyful 3 Life Path, which is the default of choice when you’re feeling it all coming at you from all angles.

As we bridge into 2020, understand that we’ll all be experiencing a 4 Universal Year, which brings a more serious tone into the mix. The 4 is about longer-range goals, working methodically to put those goals into action, and getting real. You won’t get by without putting in the work – sorry to break it to you.

Yet as a 3 Life Path, here are some ideas about how to focus on creating your upgraded and updated life.

  • Do you put stops on your flow and default into anxiety and self-doubt? Oh, of course you do (I love/hate it when I get to answer my own questions!) That’s the trademark of the 3 Life Path. This is the year to blow a hole right through old patterning! How? you might ask. How about some counseling? Maybe do something that scares the holy crap out of you and see where that goes? Or just making this a front-and-center priority and doing whatever it takes to experience a dramatic pivot point, however that might show up for you. Hint: Just know that it won’t be by continuing to do the same things with the same people in the same environment. 
  • Where does a fear of what other people think about you stop you cold in your tracks? Oddly, the 3 Life Path has a rather unbridled fear of being dismissed or criticized. This is the time to look this in the face and deconstruct it. What is the worst thing that could happen if someone didn’t approve of you? Really, the most cataclysmic.  Now look at it.  Is it really that bad?  I know you’ve lived through worse.
  • It’s time to bring a few things together, consolidate, and focus. 2020 offers you some tenacious and grounding energy to get the job done.  This is the year to stop feeling like a fraud and step into your creative genius zone.  This is a pivotal part of making 2020 your Turning Point Year.

4 Life Path: 

Are you ready to rumble, 4 Life Path?  You’re entering into a year that doubles down on your Life Path number 4.  So you’ll get more of the pleasures and some intensity around the pains that you’ve known all your life! What an amazingly fabulous opportunity for this to be a true break-out year for you, oh-4 Life Path!

As we bridge into 2020, understand that we’ll all be experiencing a 4 Universal Year, which brings a more serious tone into the mix. The 4 is about longer-range goals, working methodically to put those goals into action, and getting real. You won’t get by without putting in the work – sorry to break it to you. Yet, what’s new for you, hardworking 4 Life Path!?  Let’s get this party started.

As a 4 Life Path, here are some ideas about how to focus on creating your upgraded and updated life.

  • I’m going to go for the jugular here 4 Life Path because I know you can handle it. How can you truly, madly, and deeply get out of your own way? This will be paramount this year and what a gift to really come to terms with the ways in which you might be your own saboteur. Some clues? Do you demand respect and yet place yourself in situations where you might not come off as respectable? Do you feel you “deserve” something else or better or different and yet aren’t willing to buckle down and do what it takes to create it? Do you put people off by coming on too strong? This is prime time to feel this out.
  • Depending on where you are in your 4 Life Path journey, it’s time to either lighten up a bit or to finally get serious and step into responsibilities. Given that it’s also the 4 Universal Year, this is going to be an heightened issue. Don’t take things so damn seriously OR take things more seriously. You’ll (hopefully) know which applies to you.
  • Remember that the number 4 is about foundations. I want to offer a point of observation, which is a central point for the year. “Foundations” are a primary energy for the year, in spades for you. So the question is: How stable, strong, and resilient is your foundation? How strong and secure do you feel? This is a time where your foundation(s) can be tested, if not shaken. Think about the foundation of a house. Is it structurally sound? If not, serious repairs will be required or perhaps it’s more serious and requires a total demolition of the house and a re-pouring of a new foundation. Your revised sense of self and your “foundations” are a pivotal part of making 2020 your Turning Point Year.

22/4 Life Path: 

As a 22/4 Life Path, take a look at both the section for the 2 (and double it!) and then the 4. 

As we bridge into 2020, understand that we’ll all be experiencing a 4 Universal Year, which brings a more serious tone into the mix. The 4 is about longer-range goals, working methodically to put those goals into action, and getting real. You won’t get by without putting in the work – sorry to break it to you.

As a 22/4 Life Path, here are some ideas about how to focus on creating your upgraded and updated life.

  • Are you leaning into your higher purpose, oh-22/4 Life Path? If so, how can you step into your Master status while embracing humility, moderating your emotional sensitivity, and bringing your work into a new level?
  • Oddly, the 22/4 Life Path often stumbles and blocks progress by somehow needing constant encouragement from others. Does this resonate? Yes, we all need validation and a few “good job!” observations from others along the way. Yet for the 22/4, this intense need can swerve into a self-righteous wall of self-sabotage. This is the year to step back and see where that might show up for you.
  • How can you see your world in a bit more optimistic and expansive way? Sometimes the 22/4 can get mired in exhaustion that impedes your health and personal and professional growth. It’s almost like perpetually engaging your mind/body/spirit in a “fight or flight” response. You can’t be creative or open to creative ideas when you’re so enmeshed in feeling beleaguered. Making some positive changes here can be a pivotal part of making 2020 your Turning Point Year.

5 Life Path: 

This can be the most amazing opportunity for you to tap in and turn on your power as a 5 Life Path. Yet I daresay it won’t come without some levels of resistance. And what do I mean? The ultimate expression for the 5 Life Path is freedom through self-discipline or the constructive expression of freedom. So now’s the time to take this grounding, pragmatic energy and put it to work for you.

As we bridge into 2020, understand that we’ll all be experiencing a 4 Universal Year, which brings a more serious tone into the mix. The 4 is about longer-range goals, working methodically to put those goals into action, and getting real. You won’t get by without putting in the work – sorry to break it to you.

As a 5 Life Path, here are some ideas about how to focus on creating your upgraded and updated life.

  • I’m noticing that most 5 Life Path’s I know are undergoing a huge shift in their work and career lives, which also means in your financial life. There have been some major shifts and blips in the past few years, haven’t there?! So halleluiah, this year offers a potential major shift in your work and the way you make money.  
  • The greatest thing is that the energy of the 4 offers you the “missing link” for fully engaging the success of your gregarious and freewheeling 5. This energy offers you some grounding and the ability to put down some root system in your life, no matter what that might look like for you. Is it a move? Perhaps just settling yourself down for a moment in order to engage in the practicalities that will get you where you ultimately want to go, even if it initially might come off as feeling a bit “hum-drum” or stifling.
  • Remember that the number 4 is about foundations. How can you create your power center or your “home base” so that you gain the freedom you so desire? Coming to an intimate understanding about how vital it is for your freedom-loving 5 Life Path to have the discipline to create the levels of freedom that are vital to you – including financial freedom, physical freedom, emotional freedom, and spiritual freedom.  Finding a way to root yourself somewhere with the knowledge that it is home base—you can always gallivant away for a moment and then come back to home base—are a pivotal part of making 2020 your Turning Point Year.

6 Life Path: 

You’re heading into a powerful up-leveling of your mind, heart, and spirit, oh-6 Life Path. Are you ready to let go of certain default mechanisms you have come to rely on? The energy of the year brings you some highlights in the home department. And there will also be more opportunities for you to reconfigure your engagement with the structures you’ve created in your family and relationship life.

As we bridge into 2020, understand that we’ll all be experiencing a 4 Universal Year, which brings a more serious tone into the mix. The 4 is about longer-range goals, working methodically to put those goals into action, and getting real. You won’t get by without putting in the work – sorry to break it to you.

As a 6 Life Path, here are some ideas about how to focus on creating your upgraded and updated life.

  • Both the energy of the 4 Universal Year and your overall purpose as a 6 Life Path places a lot of focus on your engagement with your relationships and with family in particular, whether that’s family of origin or the family you’ve created. This can be a time where your actual home life is front and center. This can show up as actually building a new home, buying or selling a home, geographically moving house, or engaging in a renovation project. The result will be both tangible and emotional!
  • Are you moving toward wanting to start a family? If so, it’s the time to get down to business. Perhaps your last child is leaving the nest and you’re contemplating next steps and reformulating this new reality. It’s the perfect time to sit down and hash out some intentions, ideas, goals, and visions for your future. And then begin to find the ways you want to implement them.
  • Remember that the number 4 is about foundations. As a 6 Life Path, you’re often “the responsible one” can suddenly look up one day and wonder where you went! Are you tapping into your creative forces (you 6’s are so creative, don’t ya’ know!)? Are you feeling content or are you feeling a gnawing sense of unease with your life? I know a 6 Life Path who is coming to the realization that she has financially enabled several family members.  She’s realizing that she’s created some monsters and also that she’s robbed these loved ones of their own power and their own responsibility. She is ready to change it, despite the fact that it won’t be pretty! Are you ready to make a similar decision?  This revised way of allowing others their own messes can be a pivotal part of making 2020 your Turning Point Year.

33/6 Life Path: 

As a 33/6 Life Path, take a look at both the section for the 3 (and double it!) and then the 6. 

As we bridge into 2020, understand that we’ll all be experiencing a 4 Universal Year, which brings a more serious tone into the mix. The 4 is about longer-range goals, working methodically to put those goals into action, and getting real. You won’t get by without putting in the work – sorry to break it to you.

As a 33/6 Life Path, here are some ideas about how to focus on creating your upgraded and updated life.

  • How’s this whole “teacher of unconditional love” thing working for you, oh-33/6 Life Path? Question for the year:  How can you step into your Master status while embracing humility, moderating your overweening sense of responsibility, and bring a new level of fun into your life?
  • I’m going to be stern with you, dear 33/6. Sometimes you really, really, really just need to let other people go down the rabbit hole. I know, I know. For your sensitive, responsible, and caring soul, this can be worse than walking over hot coals, day after day after day. The pivot here will be in channeling your energies into people and endeavors that offer you a return on your investment. You often have a tendency to see the small glimmer of light in the darkest of human beings, feeling that somehow your devotion will fix them. You might say you often qualify as flypaper for the narcissist. Where to go from here? Boundaries and placing responsibility where responsibility belongs.
  • The energy of the 4 will bring up a slew of family issues to be faced and moved through. The beauty of it is in the opportunity for healing the deepest of your own emotional wounds.  This can be a pivotal part of making 2020 your Turning Point Year.

7 Life Path: 

Home matters are on your mind, oh-7 Life Path. How comfortable are you in your own skin? You’re in the midst of soul transformation, not to be too woo-woo about it. This is turbo-time for looking beyond the veil and seeing what lies beneath. This applies to your physical existence on this planet and also to your soul contract. Who do you trust? Is that trust misplaced? Is it outworn? Do you trust yourself?

As we bridge into 2020, understand that we’ll all be experiencing a 4 Universal Year, which brings a more serious tone into the mix. The 4 is about longer-range goals, working methodically to put those goals into action, and getting real. You won’t get by without putting in the work – sorry to break it to you.

As a 7 Life Path, here are some ideas about how to focus on creating your upgraded and updated life.

  • The energy of the 4 Universal Year demands that you place emphasis on home base. Again, this can be seen as your physical home in the here and now, and also can be seen as Home in the broader sense. In the here and now, do you connect with your home environment, with the city where you live? Do you feel at home in your body, heart, mind and spirit? Where are you feeling a need for stabilization? Home in the broader sense brings in the drive to open more intensely to your spiritual growth, your intuitive gifts, and your desire to in some way belong and find meaning in this world.
  • As for security: Do you opt to cling tightly to a sense of security that holds you captive?  Or do you long for a sense of home and stability that somehow eludes you?  These are questions that are up for review this year and beyond.
  • Remember that the number 4 is about foundations. As a 7 Life Path, you can often rely on “spirit” to move you and can feel adaptable wherever you might find yourself. On the other hand, feeling anchored to a time and place can also be a longing you have in order to provide a container for your soul’s growth to find a safe and fertile petri dish for germination and maturation. The act of looking at your life and reviewing where you are on a practical level can be a pivotal part of making 2020 your Turning Point Year.

8 Life Path: 

As an 8 Life Path, you work with the higher octave of the energy of the 4 all the time.  What does that really mean? In order to make your way in this world, you must garner all the energy the 4 provides (clarity of goals, systematic thinking, effort and organization, just to name a few characteristics) and integrate them to make the wheels of your 8 Life Path turn with more consistency.

As we bridge into 2020, understand that we’ll all be experiencing a 4 Universal Year, which brings a more serious tone into the mix. The 4 is about longer-range goals, working methodically to put those goals into action, and getting real. You won’t get by without putting in the work – sorry to break it to you.

As an 8 Life Path, here are some ideas about how to focus on creating your upgraded and updated life.

  • You’re always playing the long game, oh-8 Life Path, so the energy of the 4 isn’t foreign or uninvited. You thrive with some perimeters, some rules, and with some good old-fashioned hard work. Yet now is the time to work with home, your family “stuff,” and getting the framework firmed up for your growth, expansion, and success. Yet don’t count on an overnight success — as if anyone is really an overnight success, and if so, it is just that: here tonight, gone tomorrow. This is time to keep your head down and your chin up, if you know what I mean.
  • The energy of the 4 brings up family of origin issues and given that you’re an 8 Life Path, you’re no stranger to these hiccups. Yet now is the time to take active steps to take your sense of empowerment within your family dynamics to new heights. Could it be a relationship evaluation has been hovering in indecision? Perhaps it’s time to tighten bonds by seeking help and support so that you can work more successfully with these relationships. Whatever it might be, this is a pivotal time to step out of your own way, shelf the stubbornness, and open to new possibilities that will strengthen your sense of security and stability across the board.
  • Remember that the number 4 is about foundations. It can be an important time to focus on well-being and health, revamping your health care regime and making important and life-long changes. As an 8 Life Path, this can be a magical point of empowerment and reinvention that can be a pivotal part of making 2020 your Turning Point Year.

9 Life Path: 

As a 9 Life Path, you’re the quirky and creative genius who often defies explanation. Think about 9 Life Path’s Elvis Presley (who was a numerology devotee!), Mother Teresa, Prince, David Byrne, Adele, Ghandi, and Jim Carrey. Just to name a few. Old souls and givers, the 9 Life Path has a deep sense of compassion and a drive to serve the common good.

As we bridge into 2020, understand that we’ll all be experiencing a 4 Universal Year, which brings a more serious tone into the mix. The 4 is about longer-range goals, working methodically to put those goals into action, and getting real. You won’t get by without putting in the work – sorry to break it to you.

As a 9 Life Path, here are some ideas about how to focus on creating your upgraded and updated life.

  • Although you often operate quite amazingly on a wing and a prayer, this is a time where the demands of the material world weigh a bit more heavily. Process and a semblance of planning and order are necessary as you traverse your year. Needless to say, the shifting political landscape and the ongoing environmental issues are more than likely boring a hole in your heart. This is the time to find your passionate focus and dive in with renewed energy.
  • The energy of the 4 brings up family issues and the 9 Life Path isn’t without their fair share of that flotsam and jetsam. You’ll be called upon to revisit a few of those ties that bind and perhaps find a different route and a different level of engagement that detaches you in ways that you haven’t thought about before.
  • Remember that the number 4 is about foundations. You’ll be offered opportunities now to reconfigure your feelings and reality around your home life.  This can show up as settling into a home that you’ve recently moved into or it can be assessing your living environment and making some choices about a change or an enhancement. As a 9 Life Path, devoting yourself with more commitment and focus on what feeds your heart and soul can be a pivotal part of making 2020 your Turning Point Year.


Photo by Marc Najera – unsplash

Thank you Marc!