The Life Path number is calculated from your birth date. It’s like the sun sign in astrology.
- Your Life Path number is calculated from your birth date.
- It’s like the sun sign in astrology.
And then there are Master numbers 11, 22, and 33. Having a Master Number in your chart isn’t better or worse than having a “regular” number. In fact, if your Life Path is a Master number it means you have intensified obstacles—as well as heightened potential—in your life.
The Life Path number is a key to understanding your life’s purpose, innate tendencies and talents, and the obstacles you’ll face as you continue to master the lessons to be learned.
The Life Path number indicates the primary mission in life — it outlines what you’re learning, mastering, and evolving into.
So while you will have innate gifts and talents in this particular arena, you will also have more distinct or heightened obstacles in getting there.
If you have a Master Life Path 11/2, 22/4, or 33/6 — you have added strengths and also more intense challenges.
You need to be aware of the attributes of the core number (1, 2, or 3) which provides you with the foundational energy at work when you show up in your Master Life Path number (11/2, 22/4, or 33/6) — and double the intensity!
Understand that your Master Life Path is both a gift and challenge. You are here to share your gifts through in whatever form you choose.
1 Life Path: The Innovative Leader. You thrive in a competitive environment, although you often get sidetracked by listening to the non-stop voice of criticism in your head, whispering incessantly: “You’re not good enough.” In your life, you go through three tiers of development…
2 Life Path: The Intuitive Diplomat. You’re a seeker of harmony and deeply loathe conflict. You’re happiest when you’re being of service to yourself, your family, your group, or when you’re excelling in a service-oriented career. Working in a group environment is often…
3 Life Path: The Creative Communicator. You love creativity, communication, and connecting with people. The 3 energy is truly the energy of joie de vivre (the joy of life). If you’re working the constructive aspects of the 3 energy, you’re connected with your emotions—and you have a lot of them…
4 Life Path: The Systems Builder & Teacher. Because you know how to build solid foundations, you’re often placed in charge of developing operating systems and are expected to look after the details. You’re the workhorse and “master builder” of the world…
5 Life Path: The Sensual Freedom Seeker. This vibration contains a lot of intense energy and so you have an intense life. You insist on variety and get bored easily. In fact, you need and seek constant stimulation. Escape is the name of your game. You love passion and…
6 Life Path: The Nurturing Visionary. You lean toward love and marriage like the proverbial “horse and carriage.” If you choose not to be a parent, you’ll parent in other ways: with pets, co-workers, and friends. There’s a distinct nurturing quality to you, which is coupled with a heightened sense of…
7 Life Path: The Analyst (and Sometimes Reluctant) Spiritualist. You were born to learn to have faith in yourself and in others. There is a lot of spiritual energy surrounding you, so you need a strong spiritual base. You would excel as…
8 Life Path: The CEO and Material Manifestor. This path is about establishing and building financial security. You seek the freedom that comes from being financially stable. From early on, your drive will center on money in one way or another. And usually this comes with a more intense love/hate relationship with…
9 Life Path: The Charismatic & Creative Humanitarian. If your belief system supports the idea of reincarnation, you might be relieved to know that the 9 vibration is that of a wise old soul, returning to wrap things up. If you don’t believe in reincarnation, you’ll still be relieved to know that your life is meant to be expansive and spiritually challenging…
11/2 Life Path. If you have the Master number 11 as your Life Path, on top of the basic characteristics of the number 2, you have added strengths and also more intense challenges. You need to be aware of the attributes of the number 2, which provides you with the…
22/4 Life Path. Your special mission is to execute and build projects that will benefit a wide arena of humankind. You’re a master teacher and a systems builder. This is a spiritual path—like all Master numbers—that prods you to step out of the slow, steady security of…
33/6 Life Path. This is a spiritual path—like all Master numbers—that prods you toward tapping into your creativity, your emotions and really acting with a nurturing and healing presence. Remember, you’re a double 3—which is all about creative expression and…