1 Personal Year Monthly Forecast

In numerology, your Personal Year number gives you insights into the theme and energy supporting you during each calendar year.
Your Personal Year number is based on your MONTH & DAY OF BIRTH and the YEAR you want to know about.
For these forecasts, we are using the CURRENT YEAR.
Each personal year is part of a 1 though 9-year cycle, beginning when you are born and repeating again after every 9th year. I have done the calculation to arrive at the Personal Month number and this is what your monthly forecast provides for you.
Shop for a 2020 Personal Year Forecast
FEBRUARY 2021 Forecast
| February is a 3 Personal Month
It’s become a “thing” to set intentions for the year by deciding on one WORD that is your guiding principle.
So, I feel the impulse to share a “word” for each month in 2021.
The Word for February: COMMUNICATE
This is a month to lean into your creative flow and express yourself!
2021 is an active, work-related year, dear traverser of the 1 Personal Year.
Getting your career on the front burner is a priority — all year long.
You’ll benefit by approaching a business situation on February 28th with care. It may develop very differently than you expect.
Right up front I want to highlight this point: This is a year of new beginnings and yet that doesn’t mean you actually know quite yet what those beginnings are going to be!
It’s a year-long process of choice, experience, and intention.
Last month was a “soft landing” into this final year of your three-year transition cycle.
Under normal circumstance, a bit of exhaustion would be in order. And with Pandemic 2020 in the rear-view mirror and the sequel Pandemic 2021 still raging, well, quarantine fatigue is a “thing.”
Most likely you’re continuing to work through some delays offered up last month and with those delays, some feelings of frustration or just this lingering or sizzling sense of uncertainty.
Part of the lesson here is to pace yourself and understand that none of the important work you’re doing this year happens overnight.
The energy of the 1 offers amazing supportive energy for all things forward-moving, innovative, and outside-of-the-box.
Are you ready to surprise yourself this year?
The energy of the number 3 (the vibe for the month of February for you) supports everything creative, emotionally expressive, and thrives on optimism.
The focus this month is on creating inner (and outer!) confidence and on stepping up your communication effectiveness on every level.
When you tap into what lights you up you will bring whatever you’re doing into the next level of success.
It steps it up a notch to bring a reforming energy of optimism into all the darker crevices.
With that said, February supports you to dip into your social and/or creative side.
This month could very well feel like the “refresh” button is being pushed and you have the opportunity to see yourself and the world around you through a totally different lens.
The number 3 is the energy of all things “self-improvement.”
You get the Universal Golden Pass to get that new haircut. Invest in new clothes that might have a more flattering line on you. Renew your commitment to exercise and eating well.
You may find a new creative direction you’re interested in pursuing sometime around February 11th.
You might need to put some of your creative energy to work in order to bring about a termination with a situation (job, relationship, or otherwise) you’ve been hovering around.
You’ve most likely realized that this situation needs to be put to bed, yet you also have been waiting for the right timing.
Just do it.
Do you feel that new job or career opportunities are slowly opening up?
Sometime around February 16th, you may see some possibilities worth pursuing for further growth and development.
Because we experienced Pandemic 2020: The Movie and are now into Pandemic 2021: The Sequel, each month I’m going to share a funny photo of Oscar (The Wire-Haired Fox Terrier) and Oliver (The Mixed Mutt and bundle of love).
These are my daughters’ dogs!
I have made a conscious effort and choice to seek something out each day during 2020’s restriction and isolation to make me laugh.
For me, laughter is amazing medicine. It’s therapy.
Ollie and Oscar send you unconditional love and support (as long as you give them plenty of scratches and treats!) as we traverse into our collective 5 Universal Year of change!
Oscar is the ultimate Ham-Bone! (ya’ think!?!)
This photo of Ollie was taken pre-COVID when he and his Mom took a hiking vacay in Moab. He’s quite a traveler!
Ready to dive deeper? Schedule a private numerology session!