3 Personal Year Monthly Forecast

In numerology, your Personal Year number gives you insights into the theme and energy supporting you during each calendar year.
Your Personal Year number is based on your MONTH & DAY OF BIRTH and the YEAR you want to know about.
For these forecasts, we are using the CURRENT YEAR.
Each personal year is part of a 1 though 9-year cycle, beginning when you are born and repeating again after every 9th year. I have done the calculation to arrive at the Personal Month number and this is what your monthly forecast provides for you.
Shop for a 2020 Personal Year Forecast
FEBRUARY 2021 Forecast
| February is a 5 Personal Month
It’s become a “thing” to set intentions for the year by deciding on one WORD that is your guiding principle.
So, I feel the impulse to share your “word” for each month in 2021.
The Word for February: EXPLORATION
The energy of February is supported by the number 5—which is all about the constructive use of freedom.
And spoiler alert: We’re collectively into a 5 Universal Year all year long, so you get a bit of an extra zing this month in the “uncertainty is the new certainty” realm.
This month? Play it like a rock star! A socially-distanced, safer-at-home rock star. <sigh> sorry.
Time spent with friends and other significant partnerships is especially favored for you in February. This is a great time to engage with good friends and also to meet some new ones.
This is a time where you’ll want to foster some real in-depth communication and so you’ll be drawn to people who are interested in true emotional engagement, not just superficial cocktail talk.
Around February 7th or 16th travel is usually favored, yet this might show up as a virtual retreat or on-line course. Or if you’re really lucky, perhaps a short adventure close by, yet not ensconced inside your home. You might surprise yourself and take a spur-of-the-moment overnight or weekend trip.
Change is the name of the game this year and so get prepped for getting supple and agile in mind, body, and spirit.
Recognize that certain situations are subject to sudden shifts and unexpected changes of direction.
You might consider this your “dipping your toes in the water” month.
If possible, plan time with your significant other (if you have someone in your life at the moment), particularly around February 19th.
Try something new. Shake things up.
Also understand that the energies related to both the 3 and the 5 (the 3 being your Personal Year vibe and the 5 being your four-week point of destination in February) have this in common: Both energies can offer you so many choices that it makes it difficult to settle into something constructive. You might be challenged with feeling a bit more scattered or distracted than usual right now.
And since this entire year is all about stepping into yourself emotionally, there can be some emotional highs and lows to contend with as well.
Overall, February offers you some grand opportunities to get out there and have some fun! And sometimes this won’t just fall into your lap—you have to make some plans and get out there and try something new.
Brené Brown makes this beautiful observation that might prove to be a guidepost for you during your 3 Personal Year.
She says:
People don’t understand that joy is the most vulnerable emotion that we experience. Far more vulnerable than fear or shame. We’re terrified of joy because when we let ourselves feel joy we’re so afraid that we’re going to get sucker-punched by pain. And so what we do when something joyful comes along is we dress rehearse tragedy or we diminish it. I think people are turning towards cynicism and pessimism because it’s safe. To hold on to joy and love and hope in these moments, that’s courage.
The 3 Personal Year opens you to engage your sense of courageous joy all year long. Finding your sense of quiet comfort in the face of discomfort. Embodying your vision of hope in the face of hopelessness. Aligning with yourself and who you are unabashedly.
February offers you space and experience to explore and cast your net into infinite potentialities.
Because we experienced Pandemic 2020: The Movie and are now into Pandemic 2021: The Sequel, I’m going to share a funny photo of Oscar (The Wire-Haired Fox Terrier) and Oliver (The Mixed Mutt and bundle of love).
These are my daughters’ dogs!
I have made a conscious effort and choice to seek something out each day during 2020’s restriction and isolation to make me laugh.
For me, laughter is amazing medicine. It’s therapy.
Ollie and Oscar send you unconditional love and support (as long as you give them plenty of scratches and treats!) as we traverse into our collective 5 Universal Year of change!
Oscar is the ultimate Ham-bone!
This photo of Ollie was taken pre-COVID-19 when he and his Mom traveled to Moab for a hiking vacation.