4 Personal Year Monthly Forecast

In numerology, your Personal Year number gives you insights into the theme and energy supporting you during each calendar year.
Your Personal Year number is based on your MONTH & DAY OF BIRTH and the YEAR you want to know about.
For these forecasts, we are using the CURRENT YEAR.
Each personal year is part of a 1 though 9-year cycle, beginning when you are born and repeating again after every 9th year. I have done the calculation to arrive at the Personal Month number and this is what your monthly forecast provides for you.
Shop for a 2020 Personal Year Forecast
FEBRUARY 2021 Forecast
| February is a 6 Personal Month
It’s become a “thing” to set intentions for the year by deciding on one WORD that is your guiding principle.
So, I feel the impulse to share your “word” for each month in 2021.
The Word for February: HOME
You can run, but you can’t hide from the insistence that you get some clarity, set goals, and do your best to implement them all year long.
Can you feel the weight of the importance this year has in store for you?
Understand also that it’s not as though you get your excel spreadsheet on January 1 with your punch-list for the year. Part of the journey for you is the exploration of where you want to develop and how you want to commit to the process of making whatever that is come to fruition in a real and practical way.
Be open to potentials and be kind to yourself as you begin to set your goals and think about your long game.
What’s that look like for you?
Do you want to stabilize your living arrangements? Do your career objectives need some updating and revisiting? Maybe you’re even thinking of a retirement plan or some other exit strategy where you can reconfigure your work and financial life.
As you unearth your priorities, you might be anxious to make progress on your new and long-term endeavors.
February is guided by the energy of the number 6—an energy focused primarily on home, family, love, and responsibility.
A number of interruptions might get in your way right now.
Around February 3rd or 9th, home and family matters take the front seat, whether it’s convenient for you or not.
Some disagreements or misunderstandings are demanding to be resolved, particularly on or around February 12th.
You might also experience some issues regarding legal, tax or insurance affairs related to your home, significant other, or other family property during the month of February.
Oh, so many home-based issues and obligations right now.
Be sure to carve out time for important family engagements during the weeks of February 14th or 23rd. Sometimes these domestic matters have to do with your support of other family members as they experience some challenging times.
Understand that the energy of your 4 Personal Year supports you in revisiting some old, crusty family “stuff” that needs to rise to the surface, be examined and potentially put to bed or transmuted into something else.
You’ll be offered more than one opportunity to get these issues out in the open and dealt with in a different way than you’re used to dealing with them. This is your golden opportunity, although it won’t really feel so golden as you’re stepping through it, more than likely.
Also remember that the number 4 always brings in a certain sense of limitation. And since this is coupled with the “home and family” theme in February, you can’t escape working through some sense of limitation as it pertains to your family life.
February also can bring some magnetic vibes for business and movement forward in that realm. The key element here is on hard work and concerted effort.
Nothing will feel particularly easy and breezy this year insofar as longer-range goals and plans being hashed out, organized, and initiated.
Yet talk to me at the end of the year. It will be oh-so worth it.
Because we experienced Pandemic 2020: The Movie and are now into Pandemic 2021: The Sequel, I’m going to share a funny photo of Oscar (The Wire-Haired Fox Terrier) and Oliver (The Mixed Mutt and bundle of love).
These are my daughters dogs!
I have made a conscious effort and choice to seek something out each day during 2020’s restriction and isolation to make me laugh.
For me, laughter is amazing medicine. It’s therapy.
Ollie and Oscar send you unconditional love and support (as long as you give them plenty of scratches and treats!) as we traverse into our collective 5 Universal Year of change!
Oscar is the ultimate Ham-bone!
This photo of Ollie was taken pre-COVID-19 when he and his Mom went on a hiking vacay in Moab.