6 Personal Year Monthly Forecast

In numerology, your Personal Year number gives you insights into the theme and energy supporting you during each calendar year.
Your Personal Year number is based on your MONTH & DAY OF BIRTH and the YEAR you want to know about.
For these forecasts, we are using the CURRENT YEAR.
Each personal year is part of a 1 though 9-year cycle, beginning when you are born and repeating again after every 9th year. I have done the calculation to arrive at the Personal Month number and this is what your monthly forecast provides for you.
Shop for a 2020 Personal Year Forecast
FEBRUARY 2021 Forecast
| February is an 8 Personal Month
It’s become a “thing” to set intentions for the year by deciding on one WORD that is your guiding principle.
So, I feel the impulse to share your “word” for each month in 2021.
The Word for February: FINANCES
One of my daughter’s favorite meme’s is:
Well, well, well. If it isn’t the consequences of my own actions.
This can be a humorous (and sobering!) entry-point into some of the deeper contemplation you’ll face this month.
We are all exactly where we are as a result of every choice and every decision we have made. We create exactly where we are.
There’s a beautiful sense of poetry here.
And yet during your 6 Personal Year of relationship evaluation across the board, this is the time to see both your areas of strength and review the areas where you might need further development and renewed focus and commitment.
This is a month to define yourself and also to support those in your intimate circle. Yet also it’s a time to delve into that key relationship in your life, the one you have with yourself.
Do you speak to yourself with crushing criticism or judgment? Do you feel, down deep, somehow unworthy of love or of some of the other things in life that might be lacking or nonexistent right now?
The energy of the number 8—the vibe for your month—promotes a certain intensity across the board, so don’t expect February to feel light and airy.
This is a testing month for you where you’ll be pushed into stepping up and stepping into your power, however that might show up in your world for you at this given moment.
Do you need to make your voice heard? Do you blame others for where you find yourself in your life? Are you finding yourself empowered like you’ve never been before and want more of that?
February “amps up” experiences that play into and amplify where you would benefit from stepping up and taking yourself seriously.
And there’s an intense spotlight on your financial life and how you would like to improve it, change it, or at least tweak it.
It’s all business for you in February.
This is the time to follow though on making things happen rather than wait for it to land on your front doorstep with Amazon Prime.
Around February 2nd or 5th, a new opportunity may come to your attention with unusual potential for expansion.
During your family-focused 6 Personal Year, you might receive some unexpected support from a family member. Or you might mitigate interference of some significant family matters that may conflict with your agenda, particularly during the week of February 18th.
Adjust your expectations and plans so that both business and home/family matters can be dealt with fully.
And don’t forget to take some breaks throughout the month—you’ll need to schedule some R & R to keep yourself healthy and your mind sharp.
Balance is a key feature for you in 2021. In February, the focal point is on your work or career and your overall financial health. Dig in, move it forward, and make it a priority this month.
Because we experienced Pandemic 2020: The Movie and are now into Pandemic 2021: The Sequel, I’m going to share a funny photo of Oscar (The Wire-Haired Fox Terrier) and Oliver (The Mixed Mutt and bundle of love).
These are my daughters’ dogs!
I have made a conscious effort and choice to seek something out each day during 2020’s restriction and isolation to make me laugh.
For me, laughter is amazing medicine. It’s therapy.
Ollie and Oscar send you unconditional love and support (as long as you give them plenty of scratches and treats!) as we traverse into our collective 5 Universal Year of change!
Oscar is the ultimate Ham-bone (ya’ think??)
This photo of Ollie was taken pre-COVID when he and his Mom took a hiking trip to Moab. He’s quite the traveler!