7 Personal Year Monthly Forecast

In numerology, your Personal Year number gives you insights into the theme and energy supporting you during each calendar year.
Your Personal Year number is based on your MONTH & DAY OF BIRTH and the YEAR you want to know about.
For these forecasts, we are using the CURRENT YEAR.
Each personal year is part of a 1 though 9-year cycle, beginning when you are born and repeating again after every 9th year. I have done the calculation to arrive at the Personal Month number and this is what your monthly forecast provides for you.
Shop for a 2020 Personal Year Forecast
FEBRUARY 2021 Forecast
| February is a 9 Personal Month
It’s become a “thing” to set intentions for the year by deciding on one WORD that is your guiding principle.
So, I feel the impulse to share your “word” for each month in 2021.
The Word for February: PIVOT
What a perfect month for settling into yourself and following the movement of your internal tides.
There’s an effusive energy you’re immersed with right now. It’s as though you’re of the world—and then again—apart from it.
There are deeper mechanisms at work right now.
Oh, yes. A bit elevated. Slightly dire. Of deep importance.
Chances are that you can’t chart your course with pinpoint accuracy right now. This doesn’t mean camping out in suspended animation! It can show up as simply carving out a bit more time to take a walk, try the meditation group, or give yourself permission to linger in the bathtub for a bit longer.
While it’s obvious that some important shifts are taking place, exactly what they are and what the results and outcomes will be are anything but clear and tidy.
Your year is like a beautiful lotus and you’re tending to it mindfully and intensely. It’s a gorgeous adventure to delve into the depths and see what’s there. Every experience can feel as though it’s there for you and only you—playing in slow motion in order for you to critique and dissect it in order to get to the inner-workings.
There’s a thrill to this—taking the time and having the desire to peel the onion. When you take this vantage point, this will be a bridge taking you into new expressions of yourself and new understanding about the world and your place in it.
Your experiences this year bring this level of lofty or weird into the new normal.
Will you engage or avoid?
This year marks a reflection period in your life. Now it’s time to see your part in the creation of that story-line. This is the year to mull over “what’s next?” and take a deep dive into how you really feel and who you really are on a soul-level.
It won’t surprise you that this will take all year to wade through your own psyche and make some plans and determinations for your ultimate pivot into this revised sense of self and of your movement into your next formulation.
And don’t misinterpret the energy here! Even though as I write this, I find myself using wording that’s more fractional. More defined by the diffusive feeling it might elicit than an offer of a practical “how to” guide into what only you can see and feel within you.
And this process is joyous. Fun. Monumental. Heart-opening. Revealing. Gratifying.
Don’t enter with dread but rather with curiosity and wonder. What is life all about? What I’m I doing here anyway?
You’re undoubtedly feeling the rumblings of an important transition beginning to take place right now, particularly from February 9th on.
This can present itself as a pivot point with a relationship or aspect of your career that just wasn’t quite fitting or meant to be.
Understand that you’ll potentially feel a strong desire to take some time for yourself—after February 18th it might hit you with the most immediacy. If you can, take time for some solitude.
Given that February holds the energy of the number 9, this month might hold a sense of pensiveness or emotion that is hard to understand. The 9 is all about completions and endings—about surrender and letting go.
This is a great month to explore some energy work or any kind of healing modality that you find yourself drawn toward, even if it’s more hours in the yoga studio, meditation pillow, or sauna. Allow yourself the time and space to process the changes both on the external and internal realms.
Because we experienced Pandemic 2020: The Movie and are now into Pandemic 2021: The Sequel, I’m going to share a funny photo of Oscar (The Wire-Haired Fox Terrier) and Oliver (The Mixed Mutt and bundle of love).
These are my daughters’ dogs!
I have made a conscious effort and choice to seek something out each day during 2020’s restriction and isolation to make me laugh.
For me, laughter is amazing medicine. It’s therapy.
Ollie and Oscar send you unconditional love and support (as long as you give them plenty of scratches and treats!) as we traverse into our collective 5 Universal Year of change!
Oscar is the ultimate Ham-bone! (ya’ think??)
This photo of Ollie was taken pre-COVID when he and his Mom took a hiking vacay to Moab. He’s quite the traveler!