I’m finding that it’s an interesting exercise to contemplate the overall theme of your Personal Year and then place it into the most extreme level of intensity.
Which would be, oh, perhaps a global pandemic that’s halted everyone into some kind of suspended animation.
And “Wa-La!” Welcome to the new world of 2020!
Are you new to numerology and don’t know your Personal Year? Click Here to calculate your Personal Year!
Clearly this is affecting us all differently, despite the fact that the quarantine and shut-down of daily life is somewhat consistent on a universal level.
We all get to step back and see that this isn’t the same experience for all of us.
For some, it means being “bored” at home, over-eating, and going stir crazy.
For others, particularly those in health care, this is demanding working overtime in the most extreme and unsafe conditions – on top of other commitments with family, children, and all that goes with that.
Many are at home and have amenities and conveniences that are rather comfortable and functional. Many don’t .
Many are taking this opportunity to sleep, read, meditate, and re-balance themselves. Many don’t have that luxury.
Many are juggling work from home, cramped quarters, and antsy children. Many aren’t.
Many are OK financially and many are not.
I know I’m not including every variable. Yet I think you get the idea.
For those who use numerology as a tool for guidance, it’s interesting to look at the Personal Year number and get a handle around the purpose of it as we work with this rather extreme and intense moment in history.
Let’s look at how we might make some meaning out of the changes and demand for change this Pandemic is bringing to us.
For you in your 1 Personal Year, the key themes are: new beginnings, developing and exerting independence, and planting seeds for the next cycle.
This year is a major marker in your life! What a punctuation mark for you in your powerful 1 Personal Year. The new beginnings started this year will reverberate for the rest of your life, both on a personal and individual level all rolled into a global level.
The quarantine is a true test of your independence and ability to care for yourself. The 1 Personal Year is normally a time where you can feel rather lonely and as if you must “go it alone.” More than likely this is a true shake-up for you with career and other facets of life. Yet what an opportunity to really take a risk and dive into something entirely new. At this point, it’s almost like “what do you have to lose?” And you have everything to gain.
Some possible scenarios:
- Were you ready to leave a relationship before the quarantine locked you down? Do you have the fortitude to follow through with your new starts even when confronted with this road block?
- Are you experiencing dramatic shifts? Perhaps you or a family member’s health is struggling. Or you’re finding yourself drawn into unhealthy dynamics because you’re feeling as though you’re in survival mode.
- You’re the hero in your own Hero’s Journey. How will you characterize yourself and your actions at the end of 2020?
For you in your 2 or 11/2 Personal Year, the key themes are: patient progress, love and relationships, networking and fine-tuning your emotional life.
This year is a year for the record books insofar as you’re getting the advanced level class in practicing patience and dealing positively with other people, including family and colleagues. And talk about this theme being all up in your grill! Wow.
The quarantine is a true test of your ability to trust the flow, even when the flow is pretty much at a stand-still. Those of you who are Type A: Oh yes, you. This is harder than hell. It’s all about slowing down on every level and not only being all right with slowing down, but actually relishing it, enjoying it, and appreciating it.
Some possible scenarios:
- Were you prepping to get back into the dating pool when “social distancing” became a new normal? Talk about putting a kibosh on that part of your relationship life. Filter that energy into getting to know yourself even better. Corny, I know, but still an important aspect of the 2 Personal Year. You just get an extended period of time to work it!
- Are you finding that this experience – while still difficult – is bringing you and your significant other closer together?
- You’re the hero in your own Hero’s Journey. How will you characterize yourself and your actions at the end of 2020?
For you in your 3 Personal Year, the key themes are: self-improvement on every level, up-leveling your communication skills, finding what brings you joy, and engaging your creativity.
This year is making you pull out all the stops! Emotions? ME??? Oh, yeah. Here they are. All those emotions coming to the surface, all the old trauma, all the “things.” Now you get to navigate whatever self-improvement you’re working on virtually rather than in person.
The quarantine is a true test of your ability to find a shard of optimism in the midst of difficulty and massive uncertainty. Can you focus on solutions rather than getting mired in the problems? Can you find it in yourself to offer a bit of lightness to yourself and to others during this unprecedented time?
Some possible scenarios:
- Are you finding that you’re being challenged to express your true feelings and communicate them with yourself and others in an intensified way?
- Were you ready to get out and about, socialize more, and perhaps add to your skill set for a work-related change? Never fear! You can still make it happen. Get on some of the Zoom calls and find some on-line courses to get you over the hump.
- You’re the hero in your own Hero’s Journey. How will you characterize yourself and your actions at the end of 2020?
For you in your 4 or 22/4 Personal Year, the key themes are: hard work and focused effort, dealing with limiting circumstances (Ahem! Hello Pandemic!), and the solidification and implementation of longer-term goals.
Of all the Personal Year numbers, this is the biggest butt-kicker. You can tell everyone I said so. Not only are you in a 4 Personal Year, you’re also experiencing a 4 Universal Year on top of it. So the energy of the 4 is inescapable for you this year and boy, here ya’ go.
The quarantine is a true test of your ability to deal with extreme limitations without 1) going nuts; 2) becoming a complaining mess; 3) or just folding. From the bird’s eye view, the importance of this year can’t be underestimated. This is a time when we’re seeing if the structures and foundations of our lives are strong, stable and secure or if they aren’t. Apparently, on a global scale, they aren’t. I can only imagine that this is also something that’s showing up in your personal life as well
Some possible scenarios:
- Did you lose your job? Are you having health issues? Are there other substantial and serious “earthquakes” that are happening in your world that are shaking up everything you know and have come to count on?
- Do you find that your job is “essential” and you’re working more, with more stress, and with less financial remuneration?
- You’re the hero in your own Hero’s Journey. How will you characterize yourself and your actions at the end of 2020?
For you in your 5 Personal Year, the key themes are: exploring and embracing a sense of freedom on every realm, facing your fears, working with feelings of confinement and restriction, and being open to substantial change in your life.
This year is the ultimate “cosmic joke” for the 5 Personal Year. Gaining a level of freedom and fun under such confining and restrictive circumstances borders on “ultimate mastery” status. This is supposed to be a year of fun, sex, travel, and ultimately ushers in some dramatic change. So here you are – the change part is there, and yet the fun, sex, and travel are negotiable. The magic of the 5, though, resides in the ability to create your own fun and think outside of the box.
The quarantine is a true test of your ability to find freedom wherever you find yourself. This is challenging you to embrace uncertainty and trust in the changes taking place. And how do you engage? With fear or with curiosity? With an adventurous spirit or by shutting down with overwhelm?
Some possible scenarios:
- There’s a lot of virtual experiences to be had during this first part of your 5 Personal Year. Can’t hop on a flight? Why not make it a point to explore other destinations virtually.
- Are you in a 5 Year where you’ve wanted to free yourself from a relationship? Again, the restrictions you’re experiencing can be considered boot camp for facing fears and leaning into the unknown.
- You’re the hero in your own Hero’s Journey. How will you characterize yourself and your actions at the end of 2020?
For you in your 6 Personal Year, the key themes are: increased levels of responsibility, increased emphasis on your relationships, and an overall focus on home and family – offering opportunities to invite you to investigate where (and if) you feel at home.
This year is an intriguing engagement with the energies of your 6 Personal Year. Are you staying at home in a home that you feel is HOME? Or are you floundering on wave of feeling rudderless and without a home? Are you shouldering even more responsibilities at home (for those of you who are parents, working parents, and/or caretakers)?
The quarantine is a true test of where you stand in your home and relationship life. This can really sting if you’re single and were prepared to get out there and attract an intimate partner. Or if you’re in a stalled relationship that you were ready to disengage from and now it must linger a little while longer. Some in their 6 Personal Year were in the process of actually moving or having a wedding that needed to be postponed.
Some possible scenarios:
- You’re being handed additional responsibility and family engagement and obligations. Or you’re longing for engagement and are forced to continue to take the time to dig deeper into your primary relationship partner – you.
- Are you finding that this experience – while still difficult – is bringing you and your significant other closer together? Are you finding new resolve around what you do and don’t want in your relationships? Are you taking the time to dig more deeply into your own psyche?
- You’re the hero in your own Hero’s Journey. How will you characterize yourself and your actions at the end of 2020?
For you in your 7 Personal Year, the key themes are: deep inner work, soul searching, research and learning, spending time alone (Ahem! Hello Pandemic!), organization and preparation.
This year is oddly the “perfect” year for those traversing 7 Personal Year. I say this with just the right amount of both truth and sarcasm. Yet honestly, quarantine is strangely in line with the theme of the 7 Personal Year, which is deep soul searching, knowledge gathering, and spending some time solo. What could possibly go wrong!?
The quarantine is a true test of your ability to trust the flow, even when the flow is pretty much at a stand-still. And on top of that, you’re getting double indemnity around whatever your core trigger or core issues is in your life. So in many ways, the troublesome aspects to being house-bound are in many ways reflective of the pressing energy you’re already engaged with. It’s just much more tangible now rather than subliminal, which is often how the 7 Personal Year presents itself.
Some possible scenarios:
- Many people would rather throw themselves in front of a moving train that sit in stillness with themselves. Are you opening to the slow-down or are you agitated and frustrated keep pushing for things to “get back to normal?” (spoiler alert: there is no “back to normal.”) Are you open to embracing a new normal?
- Are you allowing yourself added time to rest and reflect? Are you surrendering to the demands of the present moment?
- You’re the hero in your own Hero’s Journey. How will you characterize yourself and your actions at the end of 2020?
For you in your 8 Personal Year, the key themes are: financial gain (and potential loss), personal empowerment on every level, endurance, and proper management and organization.
This year is the beginning of a three-year transition cycle and wow, here you are. It’s all up for grabs, isn’t it? Of course, the 8 Personal Year brings all things financial up to the surface. Are you finding that your financial situation is pretty solid, even in these financially volatile times? Or is this pushing every button and stressing you to the max? Or is this opening you to seeing your job or career in a different light?
The quarantine is a true test of how you feel empowered in your life. And that doesn’t just mean money! It’s all at a screaming crescendo – what’s up in your relationship world? How about other things like mental/physical/emotional/spiritual health? It’s all in the blender right now.
Some possible scenarios:
- Were you applying for new jobs when everything came to a screeching halt? Do you own a business that’s struggling to survive or that had to close its doors? This year is all about endurance and effort to begin with. Now you get to really see what you’re made of.
- This is fine tuning and testing how you stand up and take action. It’s also testing you to see when action itself isn’t the answer and to create an actionable plan to get yourself where you want to go.
- You’re the hero in your own Hero’s Journey. How will you characterize yourself and your actions at the end of 2020?
For you in your 9 Personal Year, the key themes are: wrapping things up and prepping for a new chapter to begin, surrendering, letting go of all that needs to exit in order to make room for new beginnings to take place, and experiencing stronger-than-usual emotions across the board.
Oh hello, those of you traversing the 9 Personal Year. This year is fairly unforgiving at the get-go – meaning, it’s asking you to let it go and open yourself to reinvention. And what a weirdly dynamic year for this feat! Maybe you won’t feel as though you’re being singled out in the same way you might otherwise feel during your transformative 9 Personal Year given that everyone is really up against it right now!
The quarantine is a true test of your ability to surrender to what is. It might be a good reminder that depression is a feeling we have when we’re focused on the past. Anxiety is a feeling we have when we’re focused on the future. Peace is a feeling we have when we’re focused on the present and the now.
Some possible scenarios:
- I’m almost hesitant to ask what’s happening in your world! If big transitions (disguised as losses) are already on deck for the 9 Personal Year, this can come at you with ever more shock and drama.
- Yet this can be the perfect storm for you to make massive changes and give yourself permission to risk more in the “change department” than you might otherwise.
- You’re the hero in your own Hero’s Journey. How will you characterize yourself and your actions at the end of 2020?