9 LIFE PATH: The Charismatic & Creative Humanitarian

The 9 Life Path is the most evolved in numerology and has one of the strongest vibrations because it contains the qualities of all the other numbers.

If your belief system supports the idea of reincarnation, you might be relieved to know that the 9 vibration is that of a wise old soul, returning to wrap things up. If you don’t believe in reincarnation, you’ll still be relieved to know that your life is meant to be expansive and spiritually challenging.

Yours is truly a lifetime to focus fully and completely on letting go and surrendering, and on gaining and acting upon higher spiritual principals, however you define them.

You’ve a strong inclination to follow something you believe in and you’ll pursue this with great ambition and drive. You have an authentic regard for humanity, so your goals usually involve serving others in some way.

One of the characteristics of your 9 Life Path is that you often have issues with your original family. You may have felt unloved or abandoned as a child, or perhaps responsible for your parents.You often feel out of place, as though you don’t really belong.

In any event, your attachment to your original family is hard to give up. Unlike the 4 Life Path or the 8 Life Path, your family issues often reside more distinctly in enmeshment and co-dependence.

You must find a way to maintain healthy personal boundaries with your family and find the courage to leave unhealthy dynamics behind. You’re all about transformation and letting go, so extracting yourself from an unhealthy sense of family identity is part of your plan.

This isn’t to say that you say “good-bye” to your family and never see them. This means that you define yourself for who you are and allow your family members to do the same.  Just some good ole’ healthy emotional and physical boundaries are needed in a special way for you.

You’re at your best when you engage your spiritual side and listen to you intuitive inner voice, which is crystal clear when you remove your mental clutter.

A note of caution: You do such a great job at taking care of everybody’s business that when you’re in trouble or need support, people don’t even notice. You must let your guard down and ask for what you need. Your needs aren’t easily read by others—you have to ask for help.

The 9 Life Path is learning how to give and how to receive.

You can have an intimidating quality and yet putting others at ease is actually one of your gifts if you cultivate it. You’re sometimes accused of being patronizing because you have a tendency to preach rather than being an active listener.

A live long lesson for you is to work with the idea that you get limited rewards for your service.

Your higher purpose is to inspire others with your compassion for humanity. You’re in your element when you’re inspiring others by your example, not by what you say.

You have incredible charisma and can choose to use that in either positive or negative ways.  You also would do well in a creative field. Many gifted musicians, comedians, actors, and artists are on the 9 Life Path.

You would make a wildly successful entrepreneur or businessperson if it’s with something you feel wholeheartedly passionate about. You must choose work that has meaning for you. When you’re optimizing your energy, you’re a powerful force for change and transformation.

You hold the constructive elements of all of the other numbers in numerology, and you hold all of the challenging elements as well.

Your amazing potential reminds me of the 2008 film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, a story in which Benjamin is born an old man in an infant’s body. As he matures, he meets himself in the middle of his life and then begins to become younger as time passes. He eventually dies of old age as an infant again. The key element to take away from Benjamin Button’s story is that he flows through his life with awe and appreciation, with a healthy sense of detachment, soaking in all of his experiences in the moment, observing  other people, engaging in love, and not clinging to any single part of his multilayered life journey.

You’re certainly at your best when you’re moving with the flow rather than ensconced in old stories about the past and replaying old hurtful experiences or even replaying only the happy “Disney Moments” in your mind. It’s all a matter of balance and perspective.

Take care not to live in the past. Move forward as you gently release yesterday, live today, and embrace tomorrow.

Common threads when an 9 Life Path is “on fire” and working with optimal energies are giving back to the world with gifts and talents, detachment from old family wounds, empathetic listening, and being open to new experiences every day.

9 Life Path Video

How to calculate your Life Path Number

If you’re only going to know one number in your entire Numerology Chart, I’d recommend that you know your Life Path Number.

This number is derived from your birth date and indicates your ultimate life’s purpose.  Knowing your Life Path Number gives you solid direction about what you’re meant to be doing in your life.

Yet also understand that what we came here to do will always be the most difficult thing for us to do.  That’s why it takes a lifetime!  Why would you sign up for a degree program where you’d already earned a Doctorate?  You’re here to learn something new and your course requirements are revealed to you through your Life Path number.

Always know that the key themes of your Life Path number indicate exactly where you’ll experience challenges and difficulties throughout your life as you go about learning to acknowledge and master your life’s purpose.

First you need to know your Life Path Number.  See how to calculate yours with the example below.

Calculate your Life Path number:


JULY 17, 1956

  • JULY is the 7th month:  = 7
  • The day of birth is 17: =  1 + 7 = 8
  • The year of birth is 1956. Add all four numbers together: 1 + 9 + 5 + 6 = 21; continue adding until you get a one-digit number:
    2 + 1 = 3

We now add the resulting single digits.

Month = 7      Day = 8      Year = 3

7 + 8 + 3 =  18

In Numerology, you always keep adding until you reach a one-digit number.

1 + 8 =  9

The Life Path Number is 9