Numerology Forecast for 2021 | 5 Universal Year
In Numerology, each calendar year adds up to a single-digit number, which holds a unique energetic influence and imprint. We all feel this energy, and it’s called the Universal Year. A Universal Year means that everyone on the planet will experience the energy of a particular number during the entire year, from January 1 until December 31.
Whether or not you make New Year’s resolutions, most of us intuitively feel a profound energy shift whenever the calendar turns. In Numerology, that transition marks a significant shift, marking the passage into a new Universal Year — the collective atmosphere of the world for a 12-month period.
A Universal Year means that everyone on the planet will feel energy of a particular number during the entire year. Each number comes with its own unique resonance or theme.
It’s instructive to know what the focal point might be for our collective consciousness during the year.
Knowing the Universal Year reveals the point of emphasis for all of us globally.
2021 is a 5 Universal Year
We arrive at this number with this simple calculation:
2021 | 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 5
In Numerology, the number 5 is the energy of instability. Its point of emphasis is in pushing boundaries, exploration, bringing in new ideas, and engaging an adventurous and fearless spirit.
When we experience the energy of the 5 during a cycle of time, expect the unexpected!
This energy is volatile, yet exciting. It’s all about exploring the true meaning of freedom. How do we collectively secure a sense of sovereignty while also doing what needs to be done in a methodical way in order to make it happen?
For instance, we can’t have financial freedom unless we earn money, invest wisely, and plan effectively so that we create the financial resources that offer the personal freedom we desire.
Health is freedom. We can’t continuously indulge in excessive behaviors if we want to experience physical freedom. We must use self-discipline to create a healthy mind and body.
You get the picture.
2021 is a progressive time where outmoded ways of understanding our lives and the world around us undergo serious and dramatic shifts.
Uncertainty is the nucleus of the 5 Universal Year and yet the opportunities for progressive and impactful change is at the core of this vivacious and sometimes tumultuous energy.
Get ready to rock the boat — and have your boat rocked.
How To Make The Most Out Of The 5 Universal Year
BE CURIOUS. The 5 is fun, social, and gregarious. This is a year where we’ll ache to stretch our wings and embrace new visions and intentions for our collective future.
This energy supports experimentation based in doing, not just thinking!
The magic happens when we can use critical thinking and investigate long-held beliefs — and be open to changing our minds.
The 5 is the number of experience.
We’re being charged with the task of learning to embrace change and adapt to new circumstances. Unconventional approaches will be highlighted in 2021 and we’re being called upon to stay the course.
FOCUS. The 5 Universal Year offers a plethora of bright-and-shiny objects! While the emphasis is on trying new things, it’s valuable to keep in mind that a little single-tasking goes a long way. The trajectory of the year starts out with a frenetic and somewhat chaotic vibe.
The tried-and-true will be held up for examination. Systems and institutions will begin to be reconfigured, renovated, or retired. It might feel like a ride on a roller coaster as we enter into the 5 Universal Year.
Ultimately, we need to feel out new options and then discard what doesn’t hold potential for positive sustainability.
EMBRACE UNCERTAINTY. Who doesn’t rely on some level of control in their lives? Yet here’s the deal. The 5 opens the door for some spontaneous combustion to take place in order to force us to move off of center. This is a year to crack open the mold that has been our global “agreement” with each other.
Obviously, the old world is dissolving and the new world is gestating. Now it’s all up for review, updating, and re-vision.
When we look at the world through the lens of the 5, we see it all in vivid technicolor, yet also in somewhat of a blur!
This is a time where the world is our collective oyster and necessity is the mother of invention.
Yet the direction and effectiveness of this Universal Year hangs in the balance — can we make a collective decision, come up with a plan, and then follow through? Can we commit to true systemic change and begin to implement the longer-term changes that need to happen in order to get there?
The 5 is great with ideas. In fact, the 5 is nothing if not a reservoir of ideas. The test comes with taking a good idea and following through with systematic steps and rigorous discipline to transform a happy idea into a sustainable reality.
HAVE FUN & BE RESPONSIBLE. It’s a timeless condom advertisement: “Have fun, be responsible, use a condom.”
The 5 Universal Year brings out the frisky in all of us.
After a year of quarantine and isolation, physical touch, social activity, and just getting out there and living life are key desires that are taking the collective driver’s seat. “Girls (and Boys!) just wanna’ have fun” and we will be driven by an appetite to “get this party started” this year.
The only caveat is that the energy of the 5 is known for defaulting into excessive behaviors.
FREEDOM VS. ESCAPE. One of the key features of the energy of the 5 has to do with coming face to face with deeply held fears and with how we internalize (or externalize!) our desire for freedom.
2021 will undeniably hold out many opportunities for us to face deeply-held fears.
Will we be able to recover from a global economic crisis? How will we move forward dismantling racist, sexist, and discriminatory systems and replace them with something equitable?
What is the future of travel, work environments, social gatherings, artistic venues, and all of the other aspects of life that was formerly considered normal?
Flexibility and adaptability are key players during this 5 Universal Year.
Overall, the 5 Universal Year is a time demanding change on a radical level.
This is a moment where we can collectively feel extremely stuck, tethered, and restricted.
How can we obtain the personal liberties we desire without taking away the liberties of others?
The highest expression of the energy of the 5 is to open to new possibilities and have the fortitude to take a new direction with focused commitment and follow-through, if not a bit of personal sacrifice.
The difficulty is that the energy of the 5 can feel like the Tasmanian Devil from the vintage Looney Tunes cartoon!
This is a time to learn the true meaning of freedom as it applies to everyone on the planet.
Yet the tendency this year might be a lack of discipline and order.
In other words, getting derailed for short bursts or for longer periods of time is part of the picture for a 5 Universal Year.
The “personality” of the 5 is that of an instigator and disruptor – with the higher purpose being to shed the old and move into a contemporary and inclusive new state of being.
When the 5 shows up, it is a catalyst for change!
Consensus is the foundation.
Adaptability is mandatory.
Solid direction is key.
And unpredictability is virtually a money-back guaranty!
It’s a year to actively expand into the unknown. Put on your goggles and get ready for a wild ride in 2021!