September Is A Huge Month In Numerology, See What To Expect

It’s an interesting phenomenon, numerologically speaking.  If you’re paying attention—and if you’re willingly reading this, chances are that’s definitely you!) — the energy of your individual year tends to peak in September.  It’s rather like the crescendo to the long piece of music you’ve been playing all year.

So, what does this mean?  It’s as though the primary theme (or most likely themes) that have been your priority all year long will be held like one looooo-ng note on your life’s sheet of music.  It can be like an aria, a bass-tone, or perhaps even a drum solo!

One of the fascinating things about numerology—and about math—is that, whenever you add the number 9 to another number, it always reduces to the same number to which the 9 was added. During the month of September (9) everyone is experiencing the same personal month number as their Personal Year number. So in your 1 Personal Year, in September you’re now also in your 1 Personal Month. If you’re experiencing a 2 Personal Year, you’re in your 2 Personal Month, and so on. So you’re doubling the energy of the Personal Year you’ve been navigating the entire year so far with the energy of your Personal Month.

As a reminder, this is the way you calculate your Personal Year.

Take the date of birth:  October 16, 1982

Use only the MONTH and DAY:

October is 10  |  1 + 0 = 1

Day is 16  |  1 + 6 = 7

Then use the CURRENT YEAR.

2018 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 11 |  11 is a Master number and is not reduced

Now add the month, day, and current year together.

1 + 7 + 11 = 19

Keep reducing:

1 + 9 = 10  |  1 + 0 = 1

In this example you would experience a 1 Personal Year in 2018

September:  Your Crescendo Month

Numerologically speaking, September is a turning point month where you’ll start feeling the theme of your next phase coming into play. If you’re tuned into these energies, you can feel a distinct level of intensity in September and also begin to feel a sense of walking back down the mountain (metaphorically speaking) throughout October, November, and December as you ready yourself for the new energies coming to you in the new year. It’s as though the energy of your current Personal Year begins to hand the baton over to the next Personal Year.  Yet what I’d also like to emphasize is that we never just leave one theme (or energy) and enter into something fully and completely different.

Optimally, we’re being asked to integrate the lessons and experiences of any given year with the new theme coming into play. When we’re able to use the theme of the current year (and the years prior) as building blocks into the next year—that’s when things feel more in line and on target.  So it’s always great when we can see how each year can positively inform the next. In my experience, September holds heightened energy related to the theme of your current personal year. It’s like your final exam to see if you’ve been in alignment with the Personal Year lessons you’ve been working with all year long.

September Expectations by Personal Year

1 Personal Year:  Independence & New Beginnings

September offers a culmination of the lessons of the 1 Personal Year. What have you started this year? Have you followed through with action and determination? Have you learned how to stand on your own two feet and assert your independence in a healthy and dynamic way? Now you’re exiting the final phase of your three-year push time (the Personal Years 8-9-1).   You’ve been “twerking” with a lot of experiences focused on your sense of independence and individuality.  Initiating change and laying out the gauntlet for what new initiatives you want to see grow and prosper has been at the forefront this year.

Now you’re beginning to open up to the energy of the number 2. This upcoming year ushers in a time where patience is the lesson or the theme of the year. It’ll be a time devoted to slowing down and focusing time and energy on other people, as opposed to the more self-focused energy required during the 1 Personal Year. You’re entering into a year where you’ll experience delays and slow-downs, yet it’s all set up for right timing. The bonus is this: You’ll have the opportunities to spend precious time investing in your loving relationships, developing partnerships and alliances, and involving yourself in larger group dynamics.

It’s a great year for developing yourself emotionally and learning more about your internal mechanisms and what makes you tick on an emotional level. It’s a time earmarked to learn more about how love has shown up for you and how you show up for love. Love and relationships will be top priority.  Often people rekindle their intimate relationship during a 2 Personal Year.  Certainly the energy of the 2 revolves around love and partnership.  This can extend into your romantic life and into your business life as well.  If you’re ready to welcome your “person” into your sphere, this year offers supportive energy for that purpose.

Know that this is also a time where you’ll be tested to gain and act upon clear emotional boundaries.  So if this is something you grapple with, expect some experiences that allow you to practice, practice, and practice this tricky feat.  Even though the year is all about giving to others, it’s also (in a rather oxymoronic way) demanding that you define and step into yourself.  Meaning, you don’t mutate yourself to please others or to give others what you think they might want.  This practice (over-giving) will backfire with unprecedented force during a 2 Personal Year where you’re being schooled in the practice of true self-love and healthy emotional boundaries.

2 Personal Year:  Love & Patience

September offers a culmination of the lessons of the 2 Personal Year. Have you cultivated a sense of patient purpose? Have you taken time to nurture your relationships? Have you gotten more in touch with yourself and your feelings? Now you’re exiting the final phase of your delayed-filled three-steps-forward and two-steps-back year.  Do you have a renewed sense of understanding people in a heightened and deep way?  Do you feel as though you’ve earned your Political Science Degree in Diplomacy?  Do you feel as though I’m asking far too many questions?  It’s as though that’s a great way to describe the underlying energy you’ve dealt with all year long.  Like you’ve been babysitting a small child who asks you questions incessantly and yet you have to wait for the child’s parents to come back from their twelve-month long trip abroad before any real decisions can be made.  Oy.

Now to say hello to the energy of the 3—which is lighter, joyful, expressive, and social. The upcoming year ushers in a time where life can feel as though it’s getting a fresh coat of paint. It’s got the potential to feel more energetic and fun—more social and engaging. The upcoming years theme is self-improvement. How does that fit with that underlying tickle you’re feeling? Creativity and expression are the foundational energies in the coming year. Can you handle it? After earning your Ninja status as the purveyor of patience this year, I bet the answer is “Let’s get this party started!”

It’s going to be prime time to learn something new, act on your creative impulses, and find your joy. Speaking your truth and creative self-expression will be top priority.  One of the interesting things about the energy of the 3 is that—while it’s all about expressing a more upbeat tone across the board—it can bring emotions up to the surface to be (re)examined and processed.  It’s also a time where creativity is at the helm.  All kinds of creative-problem solving will get you a long way this upcoming year.  And as odd as it may sound, if you’re already a creative (artist, writer, actor, musician, that sort of thing), this is a breakout year to boldly create in a way you’ve never created before!  Trust your gut and lean into your creative impulses.  Act upon it and throw self-doubt out the window.  This is a year to make your creative projects into a reality.

3 Personal Year:  Creative Expression & Self-Improvement

September offers a culmination of the lessons of the 3 Personal Year. Have you been engaged in some kind of self-improvement? Have you gotten up close and personal with your emotional life? Have you tapped into your joy and acted on your creativity? Now you’re exiting the final phase of your creativity-packed year.  Not that you can’t take that with you wherever you go—yet the energy related to your upcoming 4 Personal Year takes a different turn. Your focus for this year was on your own sense of yourself, in refining and expressing your emotions and creativity, and in all things self-improvement. This was a year where your emotional life was served to you on a platter—was it delicious or did it leave you with intermittent indigestion?

One of the things I see over and over again with the energy of the 3 Personal Year is that sometimes it doesn’t pan out as feeling lighter and more fun for people.  I’m finding that one of the through lines for the year is that it confronts you with your need to lighten up.  Yet this will press you with the most uncomfortable elements that are necessary for finding humor and buoyancy in what are often situations where the habit is to respond with stressful thoughts, with judgment, with the need to control the outcome.  The 3 flirts with you, requesting that you shift your position and see with fresh eyes.  This can present in all kinds of ways.  For instance, your significant other comes to you and either wants to leave the relationship or wants to go to couples therapy.  Or perhaps you have some family issues resurfacing that just can’t be dealt with in the same old way and you’re finding that you’ll either explode from the frustration and stress about it or you can take the opportunity to step back and flow with it in a different way.  Maybe this comes across as a time where you want to finally take steps toward acting upon your creative ideas (writing your book, starting your blog, developing your course, auditioning for that agency) and yet fear or scattered focus detour you from getting it done.

The upcoming year is a bit more serious and hardworking, devoted to setting goals and foundations for your life, and building what you want from the ground up. You’re moving into a time for step-by-step processes, incremental progress, and a need for a certain tenacity and stick-to-it-ness. It’s the year for working hard to set things up that will serve as the foundation for the next five years and beyond. Clearly defined goals and diligence will be top priority.

Often the locus of the 4 Personal Year is very much connected with some kind of creative project or advanced level of self-improvement that is a result of the creative juggernaut initiated during your 3 Personal Year.  Perhaps that shows up now as a reconfiguration of your business.  This year you redefined yourself (during your year devoted to self-improvement!) and made some decisions about services you want to phase out and then some new services you want to begin to offer.  So this upcoming year is set up to offer your supportive energy in making this reboot happen on a grand and logistical scale.  Time to redo the website, figure out how to expand your marketing net, and bring in new clients who want and need your new services.  So the energy related to this goal setting year is—in its highest and best sense—your posse.  Your entourage.  Your squad.  Move over Taylor Swift.  There’s a new kid in town and that kid is you.

4 Personal Year:  Longer-Term Goal Setting & Hard Work

September offers a culmination of the lessons of the 4 Personal Year. Have you established and acted upon obtainable goals? Have you organized yourself in a way that makes work and personal life more effective? Do you feel a sense of accomplishment yet? Now you’re exiting the final phase of hyper-focus on work and massive devotion to goal setting and self-discipline.  Surely you’re feeling the burn—or the fatigue—at this pivotal point of the year. Yet don’t throw in the towel!  I know it feels as though you’re in the final miles of a very long marathon, perhaps even an Iron Man event.  Perhaps you’re wondering what the hell you thought you were doing when you signed up to participate in this hard-driving 4 Personal Year!

I’m here to remind you that the resounding reverberating effects of what you’ve put into place this year will prove to be your ultimate wingman for the rest of your nine-year Personal Year cycle.  I’m sure you’ve been able to extract a bit of respite every now and again this year, yet mostly it’s been nose to the grindstone.  If you’ve been ready, willing, and able to carry forward with your foundational efforts this year, what a difference it will make in your success ratio as you careen into the energy of the 5 Personal Year.  Stick with it and endure for the next four months.  The power of what you’re putting into play now can’t be underestimated.

This upcoming year is designed as a freedom-seeking year. You’re coming into a time devoted to change, flexibility, new and progressive ideas, fun, travel, and fearless adventure. Just remember to usher in just a bit of that focus and discipline you instituted this year so that next year will be more effective and—ultimately—more fun. If you don’t hang on to a bit of that grounded energy of the 4, next year can be too frenetic and therefore somewhat discouraging. This is a year where you can begin to manifest and have fun with all of the things you put into working order last year.

The 5 Personal Year ushers in a very tactile energy that brings opportunities to enjoy new engagements (or entanglements!) in your intimate life.  It’s a sensual year when your sex appeal will be radiating like an auric ball of light. It’ll be a great year to explore, yet not the best time to make a solid commitment—meaning, not a great idea to meet someone one week and fly to Vegas for your Elvis-themed nuptials the next.  If you’re in a relationship, this is a great time to explore your sense of freedom within that relationship and perhaps redefine certain elements that you would like in order to feel a bit less restricted.  It’s a grand time to up the ante across the board in your sensual life.  Tantric workshop anyone?  If you’re single and ready to invite a new relationship into your life, this year holds great promise for engagement and enjoyment when you can let loose and yet also not get too crazy in the process.  Remember, the number 5 is all about freedom through self-discipline or the constructive use of freedom.

The energy of the 5 is all about change.  Flexibility and openness to change will be top priority.  Understand that all of the systems building and organizing you’ve accomplished this year (during your 4) will provide you with a level of freedom you have only dreamt about in the past.  Certainly you’re beginning to feel the itch to break out and live a little.  Make sure you complete your tasks at hand in the next several months so that you can allow yourself a little fun and adventure.  Know also that the 5 Personal Year will deal you a pivot point and some lasting change will transpire that you can’t even envision yet.  You’re job is to enjoy the process and to positively push your personal boundaries.

5 Personal Year:  Freedom & Change

September offers a culmination of the lessons of the 5 Personal Year. Have you been open to meeting new people? Have you tried new and different things or learned something new? Can you now see past the “bright and shiny objects” and focus on the specific change you’re ushering in right now?  Now you’re exiting the final phase of your free wheeling, freedom seeking, frenetic, and ever-changing year.  How are you feeling at this juncture?  Often, September is a month during the 5 Personal Year where things suddenly or strangely click into place.  It’s often when you finally are able to make that decision you’ve been struggling with for months—where you take that job offer, decide on the official separation, lock in the plans to move from Ohio to Portugal.  You know.  Those sorts of choices.

Toward the end of September, you’ll start feeling the shifting energies around you as you move into the more duty-filled and responsibility-laden energies of the 6 Personal Year. Home and family will be the upcoming focus and much of your energy will take a turn from the exploration of “freedom” and all that goes with it and into more of a home-focused year filled with a heightened sense of responsibility and a re-evaluation of all of your relationships. The spotlight is now set on the themes of love, duty, responsibility, and the domestic realm—however you personally define that.  Often this is a time where you feel compelled to do some home improvements, move into a new living situation that feels more in alignment with you at this point in your life, and/or get reconnected with where you feel “at home.”

The year is perfect for stepping up levels of commitment in your intimate relationship, finding “the one,” or making the determination that you need to move on.  This is a time where you will be met with some heightened levels of responsibility and your task is to devote yourself to giving a little extra without feeling used or resentful in the process.  This can manifest as a friend needing your support while they go through a health crisis.  Or perhaps a friend or family member is getting married and you’re expected to participate in the planning and execution of the big day.  This can also be a time where you yourself up-level your relationship and move in together, officially tie the knot, or get pregnant.  You can sense the common denominator.  It’s all about love and relationships and questions regarding how you personally feel about all of it will be up close and personal during the upcoming year.

6 Personal Year:  Relationships & Responsibility

September offers a culmination of the lessons of the 6 Personal Year. Have you made determinations about certain things that need to be discarded in your life? Do you feel nurtured and loved? Have you modulated your sense of responsibility by not being too responsible or irresponsible? Now you’re exiting the final phase of heightened responsibilities with home, family, and relationships.  With any grace, you’re feeling somewhat warm and fuzzy right about now and not too exasperated with the push-and-pull that you’ve undeniably been a part of all year long.  This is a moment where you can (metaphorically, if not literally) stretch out in your hammock and bask in the glow of all those nurturing vibes.

This upcoming year is gearing up as a time of intensive self-discovery. Toward the end of September, you’ll start feeling the shift as you move into more soul-searching energies. You’ve engaged with duties with family and loved ones this year. You’ve been working on relationships—both with yourself and with those around you. Not that you can’t take that with you wherever you go—yet the energy related to your upcoming 7 Personal Year takes a different turn. Yet remember that you’ll be bridging the decisions made during your 6 Personal Year and setting them on the chess board for you to navigate with even more depth.

You’re coming into your 7 Personal Year, which is a sabbatical year of sorts. You were “on call” for everyone else this year. Next year, it’s all about you. It’s a year of knowledge building and internal excavation. Get ready to peel back some of the layers and get to know the up-and-coming you. It’s a year to go inward.  While this year had you on call on so many levels, the energy filtering in demands that you quietly and meticulously probe into the deeper and more profound questions.  The 7 is the spiritual seeker, after all.  And this can take all kinds of twists and turns.  Of course the world around you will continue to spin at its usual pace.  Yet internally, you’ll be moving in slow-mo.  You might already be feeling this odd shift in your internal compass where you feel a lower-energy level—a feeling of retraction, of sorts.

Knowledge gathering and internal contemplation will be top priority as you traverse your navel-gazing year.  This is a time for planning rather than outright action.  It’s time to dig beneath the surface, so actually study and percolate on some of the biggest questions facing you at this point in your life.  Perhaps that plays out as an overarching question:  Why are we even on this planet in these human bodies?  What’s the point?  Or perhaps it’s more focused on the microscopic realm.  What do I really want in my intimate relationship?  What are my drop-dead core values?  You get the idea.  Be prepared for lots of pondering and note taking.

7 Personal Year: Introspection & Planning

September offers a culmination of the lessons of the 7 Personal Year. Have you taken some downtime to nourish your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health? Have you revealed some hidden aspects of yourself? Are you becoming more spiritually attuned? Now you’re exiting the final phase of the slower moving, internally probing energies of the 7.  This is often a time where there is a peak in some rather quietly intense soul-revealing revelations.  Don’t be surprised if this comes in a form that doesn’t initially feel like angel wings and fairy dust.

Usually this appears in its starkest most blunt and direct form.  What do I mean?  Well, sometimes this comes to you in a way that can potentially throw you into victim-mode.  You’ve been in denial about your deteriorating relationship and now your partner makes an exit.  You’re pressed to come to terms with a health issue, make the changes, and take the steps to work with it for the long-term.  Or maybe you simply have an entire year of experiences that cumulatively test your sense of trust, vulnerability, and higher spiritual principals, no matter how you might define that.  You get the general trend here.

I love Brené Brown’s definition of spirituality.   In her book Rising Strong, she asserts that “spirituality is recognizing and celebrating that we are all inextricably connected to one another by a power greater than all of us, and that our connection to that power and to one another is grounded in love and belonging. Practicing spirituality brings a sense of perspective, meaning, and purpose to our lives.”  And that is, in a nutshell, the focus of the 7 Personal Year—to connect with your sense of yourself from within.

Get ready for a bit of whiplash, because you’re beginning to feel the fast-and-furious energy of the 8 Personal Year coming at you.  The energy of the upcoming year is all about finances, personal power, and achievement. Toward the end of September, you’ll start feeling the shifting energies around you as you move into the more materially oriented energies of the 8. Your current year is focused on going inward—excavating the spiritual lessons you’re working with and contemplating deeply. Understand that you couldn’t be working with two more disparate energies as you segue from your 7 Year into your 8 Year.

This year has hopefully been somewhat restful—a break where you’re honing your internal compass into the direction you want to evolve and expand. Now it’s time to push yourself out of the sidelines and into the game—to make things happen in the physical and material world. Finances and personal empowerment will be top priority and if you’re tapped in (which you most likely are if you’re actually reading this!), you can already feel the more directed and driven energy of the 8 coming to meet you at the door.  Get ready to hit the ground running.

8 Personal Year:  Empowerment & Finances

September offers a culmination of the lessons of the 8 Personal Year. Have you stepped up and taken control and responsibly for yourself? Are you taking actionable steps to improve your financial situation? Have you used your resilience to power through obstacles? Have you leaped over small buildings in a single bound?  (How about that Superman reference?!)  Now you’re exiting the final phase of the hard-driving and money-oriented energies of your 8 Personal Year.  How are you holding up?  Do you feel strong, ripped, and in shape—physically, mentally, emotionally and in every other way?  The 8 Personal Year is a magnificent gift and yet it’s not for the weak willed or the faint of heart.  As a friend of mine would say, it’s not for weenie-roasts!  If you’re still standing and can speak in complete sentences, consider yourself an 8 Personal Year Ninja!

You’ll need all of that endurance and newly formulated muscle mass, because you’re about to say “bring it on” to another powerful and intense year.  Yet while this year is all about working hard and making every effort to get things accomplished, this upcoming year will be a time where you’ll need to allow things to unfold. Toward the end of September, you’ll start feeling the shifting energies around you as you move into the completion and “letting go” energies of the 9 Personal Year.

You’ve been tested with your sense of empowerment and with your finances this year—and now it’s time to evaluate where you are, what you’re doing, what you want to be doing, and what you don’t want to be doing. Then you must have the guts (and yes, it takes guts) to let go of anything and everything that no longer serves your higher good. This can be relationships, job, or geographical location. It can come in the form of being fired, a divorce, health crisis, death in the family or a birth, graduation, marriage, move, massive success, or other major decision about the direction you want to take. Completions and transitions will be top priority.

Remember that this is year two of your three-year transition cycle.  You’re bringing together the overall issues, desires, and intentions you want to build upon as you carry forward in your purpose-driven life.  This will carry a different resonance and quality depending on where you are in your overall cycles.  For instance, a 9 Personal Year when you’re 16 will be much different than the 9 Personal Year you undergo at 25.  At 16 the changes might have been that you got your driver’s license, got a job, and became class president.  Then at 26, you broke up with your first long-term relationship, decided to go back to school, and moved to a different city.  It’s somewhat of a “no-duh,” yet worth mentioning.  There will often be similar themes with your 9 Personal Year into the 1 Personal Year transition, yet the stakes go up as our age advances.  Decisions made at 16 have importance and life-changing outcomes, yet decisions made at 26, 35, and 44 (and beyond) get more layered with the accumulation of money, children, career choices, relationship status, aging parents and all the rest of it.

I want to encourage you to see this time of transition as a powerful and empowering time that tests you in terms of defining what you want and taking the steps and actions needed to stay connected with the true and authentic you as you grow and evolve as a person, as a partner, as a friend, and on every other level.  Yet this demands choices and actions that offer a canvas for reinvention.  And reinvention often comes when we clear out unwanted and outdated debris in our lives.  This is an amazing time designed for you to grow into your next amazing phase of life.

9 Personal Year:  Completions & Letting Go

September offers a culmination of the lessons of the 9 Personal Year. Have you opened yourself to change and transformation on all levels? Are you surrendering to transitions? Have you allowed the things you no longer need to fall away in order to make space for something new? Now you’re exiting the final phase to the completion energies of your 9 Personal Year.  It’s almost as though you’ve been on an airplane and during the entire flight the captain has had the seatbelt sign on because of the surprising amount of unexpected turbulence. Yet always remember that it’s just bumpy air.  Nothing more, nothing less.

Now you’re ushering in more (yet very different!) energy that offers another rather intense year.  Yet while this year is all about completions and letting go, you’re moving a year where you’ll start a brand new cycle. You can’t underestimate the power or importance of this significant shift. You’ve been clearing out the old and making room for the new.  Yet the trick of the 9 Personal Year (if you haven’t noticed) is that you’ve gotta’ release, release, and release.

Toward the end of September, you’ll start feeling the shifting energies around you as you move into the “new beginnings” energies of the 1 Personal Year.  Hopefully you’ve had the willpower to finish and let go of anything and everything that no longer serves you.  How has that shown up for you?  Has it been “business as usual?” (??)  Most likely your desire for business as usual (if that has in any way been a desire) has been thwarted on various levels.  Sometimes it’s somewhat seamless—a graduation, relocation, or other forward-moving action that is obviously positive yet holds some element of fear or uncertainty just because it’s such a huge change.  Or sometimes it holds more drama or gravitas—relationship dissolution, legal issues, or career detour.  You know what I mean.  Some changes feel as though they happen to you and some changes feel as though you’re directing the show.

Now you’ll start feeling glimmers of something solid ahead of you that may have been eluding you for most of the year. New beginnings and initiation will be top priority as you garner some sense of direction in the new year.  Remember, though, that sometimes you might feel a little “hung over” from your 9 Personal Year as you in some way lick your wounds and start to regroup and develop a plan or a trajectory for your new and invigorating cycle.  It’s still a time that can feel demanding and important and guess what?  It is demanding and important!  The task at hand is all about defining your independence and moving into a new chapter with some creative initiative.  Moxie is required and tapping into your unique voice and vision is mandatory.  This is a time to shine and to take action.