1 Personal Year: A Year of New Beginnings!

A Personal Year Cycle is a nine-year-long cycle. Depending on where you are in your cycle, your Personal Year Number could be a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or a 9. After 9, you’ll cycle back [...]

What Your Destiny Number Reveals About Your Life Purpose

I hope that you’re working consistently and mindfully with your Life Path number.  If you are (and I hope you are!), let’s add another tool to your toolbox.  Sometimes people will say:  “Felicia, some of the qualities of my Life [...]

Master Numbers Explained

What are Master Numbers?  In Numerology, when you see double-digit numbers that repeat the same number (such as 11, 22, 33 and so on), these are considered Master Numbers.  Many Numerologist's only observe the 11 and the 22 when they [...]

Pinnacles and Challenge Numbers

Knowing your Personal Year Cycle in Numerology is the most immediate way to get some exceptional information about what’s going on for you during the course of any given year (click here for more about the Personal Year Cycle). If [...]

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