Get Their Number: Understanding Your Perfect Love Match

Your birth date has a significant influence on your personality.  Just ask any Astrologer, Numerologist, or even your Doctor.  Our date of birth plays a vital role in our lives in myriad ways. The birth date can give you additional [...]

How To Say “NO” By The Numbers

So let me ask you this:  Has it gotten easier to say NO as you've gotten older?   Or are you still on the Merry-Go-Round of people-pleasing, soul-snuffing, stop/drop/and roll away from anything even smelling like conflict? Or that might [...]

Are You Living At The Right Address? Numerology For Your Home

Have you ever lived in a home where everything just feels right?  Where your life flows and feels synergistic?  And then have you ever lived in a place that just feels off – out of synch with you, your desires, [...]

The Clarity Myth

Have you ever felt as though you've missed a big opportunity because you were waiting for clarity? And when I say "clarity," I mean that you were waiting for the perfect moment - to feel absolutely certain beyond a shadow [...]

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