The Question Is The Answer: By Life Path Number

Haul out Baby Yoda and take a seat on your meditation pillow. This is a simple take on what I have seen to be a profound truth. In my ongoing numerology practice, I observe that there are two universal patterns [...]

Pinnacles and Challenge Numbers

Knowing your Personal Year Cycle in Numerology is the most immediate way to get some exceptional information about what’s going on for you during the course of any given year (click here for more about the Personal Year Cycle). If [...]

How To Change The World In One Easy Step

My daughter had foot surgery this week and so I’ve been staying at her home and providing some caretaking for the first few days while she begins the healing process.   It’s funny, because I find that when I’m in [...]

The Clarity Myth

Have you ever felt as though you've missed a big opportunity because you were waiting for clarity? And when I say "clarity," I mean that you were waiting for the perfect moment - to feel absolutely certain beyond a shadow [...]

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