How To Say “NO” By The Numbers

So let me ask you this:  Has it gotten easier to say NO as you've gotten older?   Or are you still on the Merry-Go-Round of people-pleasing, soul-snuffing, stop/drop/and roll away from anything even smelling like conflict? Or that might [...]

What Your Attitude Number Reveals About You

Has anyone ever told you to “lose the attitude” or “get an attitude adjustment?” Or perhaps you’ve been told that you have a positive attitude or that you’re attitude about life has taken you on a successful route. There’s a [...]

Do You See Repeating Numbers?

Do you see numbers repeating themselves during specific times in your life?  Like when you’re making a big life decision, feeling stressed, or feeling blissed out?  Or do you see repeating numbers often, so much so that it’s just a [...]

2020-10-29T19:24:25-06:00September 26, 2014|Categories: By The Numbers, Numerology, Numerology Explained|Tags: , , , , , , , |

The Soul Urge Number

I have to admit. Dealing with the calculation of the Soul Urge number sometimes gives me fits.If you continue to learn about Numerology, you'll see that - like every other "ology" - there are different ways to go about it.  [...]

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