What Not To Wear . . . by the Numbers

My daughter had foot surgery last week and while recovering, we watch more than our fair share of the television show “What Not To Wear,” in back-to-back episodes. I have to tell you, I get really hooked on this show. [...]

2020-10-29T19:24:54-06:00February 16, 2014|Categories: By The Numbers|Tags: , , , |

Are You An INNIE or an OUTIE? Confrontation by the Numbers

How do you manage confrontation? Are you someone who holds it all in until it comes exploding out like an Atom Bomb? Or are you the one who attacks before you can be attacked, just to be safe? Or maybe [...]

2020-10-29T19:24:55-06:00December 8, 2013|Categories: By The Numbers|Tags: , , , , |

Do You See The Number 11:11? Make It Work For You!

I’m often asked about repeating numbers.  Here are my thoughts about the significance of the repeating number 11, whether you see it on a clock, whether it’s the date 11/11, or anywhere else that 11 pops up (an address, license [...]

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