In numerology we work with something called The Personal Year Cycle.  These are yearly cycles we all experience from the time we’re born until we pass away. 

It is a simple calculation. 

Add together your MONTH of birth + DAY of birth + with the CURRENT YEAR.

An example:  July 22

July = 7

22 = 22 (this is a Master number and isn’t reduced)

2019 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 12  | 1 + 2 = 3

Now add it together:  7 + 22 + 3 = 32  |  3 + 2 = 5

In this example, you would be experiencing a 5 Personal Year in 2019.

I feel this goes from January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019, with an intensification around your birthday.  Understand that other numerologists calculate the Personal Year to run from birthday to birthday. 

Having knowledge of the number of the Personal Year that you’re in will help you establish a framework for your activities that responds to the basic energy of that number. Knowing your Personal Year number offers shortcuts for making decisions that can make your life easier, more productive and ultimately happier. At the very least, knowing your Personal Year Number in a given year offers you an overarching idea about the arena you’ll be engaged with during that specific year.   Ultimately, you can forecast and allow yourself to work with the energy of the year rather than against it. 2019 Numerology Guides are now available to purchase! Each guide contains detailed information on opportunities, challenges and general trends, as well as a month-by-month forecast with helpful tips for how to make the most of your year.  It explains the Personal Year Cycle and how it effects your Personal Year Number in 2019. Click here to buy:

Also understand that these are brushstrokes of the basic energies related to the year.  How you experience it and how it shows up for you will be very individual to you, your life, and what you’re working on now.


1 Personal Year

The Theme: New Beginnings & Planting Seeds for the Future
The Question:  “What do I want to see grow and blossom in the next 9 years?”
The Mandate:  This isn’t the year to dilly-dally or make half-baked decisions. You’ll be best served by getting clear about what you want and making decisive moves toward manifesting those desires.

This is a year of new beginnings, independence, initiation, and achievement. It holds more clarity than last year and is the start of a new nine-year cycle. It’s time to plant the seeds for what you want to see grow and mature during the next nine-year cycle.

Remember that this is the final push of your three-year transition cycle (8-9-1). You might be a bit fatigued at this point! Yet don’t slow down now. These twelve months are very important, so don’t waste it with frivolous activities or useless relationships.

This is the year to begin with as much of a clean slate as you possibly can.

If any unfinished business is leftover from your transitional 9 Personal Year, those “loose ends” will need to be concluded before you can fully engage in the magic of the initiating energy of the 1.

You’ll be met with opportunities to step into your individuality and fully manifest your sense of independence, however that might play out for you at this given time in your life.

This is a time where you’ll be required to stand on your own two feet.

The 1 Personal Year is often a career-driven time where you’ll be challenged to make substantial advances in this arena of your life. This is a year where relationships can flourish and yet often take a back seat to other matters—particularly career advancement.

The key for you and relationships resides in finding your sense of independence and individuality within your relationships in a balanced and healthy way.

You’ll benefit from the initiating energy of the year when you focus with clarity on longer-range goals while also being nimble enough to take some calculated risks and tap into your pioneering spirit. This is the time to define and act upon long-range goals and make the changes you need to make in order to create a vibrant and new chapter in your life.

Get psyched for a productive and active year!


2 Personal Year

The Theme: Patience & Love
The Question:  “How do I want to love and be loved in return?”
The Mandate: If you expect this year to be on accelerated over-drive (like the last three years!), you’ll be in for a rude awakening. You’ll be best served when you slow it down to a reasonable pace and focus on “the feels.” The more giving and patient you are, the more benefits you’ll receive.

This year is all about slowing down and developing patience. After your three-year period of intensity and transformation (the Personal Years 8-9-1) this is your “hall pass” to slow down, breathe, and focus on others.

This year offers a time where emotions and relationships take the front seat. Last year was most likely highly active and career-driven. This year is all about “us.”

This is a year devoted to love in all its forms.

The 2 Personal Year is a slow-moving year designed to test your trust in “right timing” and is schooling you in the development of patience. It’ll feel like you’re moving three steps forward, four steps backward at any given time. Levels of frustration can feel heightened.

In business, this year is set up for true networking. Rather than that one phone call a month or terse email response, you’ll benefit from really getting active with cultivating and honing in your “tribe.” Concentrate on cultivating deeper connections within your inner circle.

It’s a fabulous time for networking, finding “the one,” or reestablishing your connection with your intimate relationship.

However, don’t expect anything to transpire at a rapid pace. If you’re single, often you’ll find a soul-centered mate and enjoy the additional time spent focusing on really getting to know each other.

This is a testing year in regards to setting strong yet supple emotional boundaries with friends, colleagues, and family.

Intuition can soar in a 2 Personal Year when you place perimeters around uncontrolled or undisciplined emotions. “Patience” is your key theme.

Get ready to take your foot off the gas pedal and to focus on relationships.


11/2 Personal Year

The Theme:  Patience & Love + Spiritual Development
The Questions: “How do I want to love and be loved in return?” and “How can I integrate intuitive guidance in my life?”
The Mandate: While you’ll continue to work with the core level energy of the patience-building and emotional number 2, the Master 11/2 Personal Year brings in a double dose of the active and initiating 1. Balance will be key.

In addition to the core elements of the number 2, you have the added intensity related to the Master Number 11 offering you additional challenges. Yet the potential benefits are enormous.

Along with it being a slower, relationship-oriented, and emotional year, you’ll be presented with opportunities to learn profound spiritual lessons. This can manifest in every way imaginable—from coping with crisis to embracing massive success.

With an 11/2 Personal Year you might not feel as though things aren’t slower at all given you’re working also with the double 1 energy.  

Yet even if it’s a hard driving year, you’ll still experience more than your share of halts, delays, and issues requiring a heightened level of patience.

This is a time for amazing spiritual insights, advancement in intuitive ability, and is a love-centered year.

Yet it’s also high-voltage and will test you in standing up for yourself, taking the lead in your life, and manifesting results in a tangible way. The 11/2 is known as the dreamer rather than the doer while the number 1 is all about action, initiation, and innovation.

Get excited about the high-level opportunities coming your way this year!


3 Personal Year

The Theme: Self-Improvement & Creativity
The Question: “How can I improve myself?”
The Mandate:   Can you infuse a sense of lightness and fun into your life? Can you let go of some long-standing negative ways of reacting and responding to certain aspects of your life? You’re best served when you focus forward this year and work at changing things that aren’t working for you anymore and also trust your creativity and actively engage in clear communication.

This is a year for anything and everything self-improvement related. It’s all about fun, creativity, and tapping into your expressive emotions.

Ultimately the lesson of the year resides in finding your joy, developing and acting upon your creativity, and speaking your truth.

Understand that this can also be a year where you’ll be challenged to work on expressing your emotions clearly and effectively, so you’ll be offered plenty of opportunities to practice this feat.

“Speaking your truth” may sound well and good, yet this is a time where you’ll be faced with the deeper quandaries surrounding this very question. What do you value? What do you believe? What is important to you? You also might wrestle with some unexpected emotional highs and lows.

This is the year to tap into every form of creativity you have in you!

The energy of the 3 supports anything communication or performance related, from producing your “album,” to publishing your book, to launching your on-line course. If you’re an actor, musician, or any other performative artist, the energy of the year supports moving forward in a positive direction when you take yourself and your talents seriously.

If you’re not an artist, this is the time to use any kind of creativity in your personal and work life. Tap into your creative problem-solving skills. You might be surprised at the positive results when you take a risk and bring to light some element of yourself—stepping outside the lines in the creative realm.

Be careful not to scatter your energies and spread yourself too thin.

Also watch your words. This is a time to be overly mindful of how and why you express yourself on all levels. Understand that this can be a challenging year where you can experience deep levels of emotional crisis points. You’ll dredge up old issues until you can put them out to pasture.

The 3 Personal Year is meant for fun, socializing, travel, and all lighter and joyful activities. This is a time to be overly mindful of how and why you express yourself on all levels.

Get ready to use your “Golden Ticket” to have fun and delve into any and all activities that support your creativity and communication skills.


4 Personal Year

The Theme: Hard Work & Long Range Goals
The Question: “What are my longer-range goals and how can I implement them?”
The Mandate: As a friend of mine would say, the 4 Personal Year isn’t for weenie-roasts! This is a year where you’ll need to dig deep into your reserves, fortitude, and tenacity. Don’t shy away from the requirement that you define longer-term goals and begin to set them in motion.

After your lighter and creative 3 Personal Year, it’s time to time to slow down, steady your pace, and become more methodical about which goals you want to focus on. It’s time to work hard and sharpen your skill set.  After last year, chances are you have some projects in the works that need to be tended to and nurtured.  

This is a more serious year requiring hard work to set the foundation for whatever you’re working on.

Often the first part of a 4 Personal Year feels good in the same way committing to a deep-cleaning of your house feels good.  Yet understand that often there’s a burst of energy and enthusiasm at the beginning of a 4 Personal Year and yet as the year wears on, it can start to feel rather arduous.  

If there’s any year that should be looked upon as a marathon needing pacing and well-planned breaks, this is it.

Since the energy of the number 4 is all about foundations, often you’ll find yourself building a house or moving to a new home this year.  Home and your sense of security can take front seat.  

When you’re experiencing a 4 cycle you’ll also work with limitation in various forms. How does this show up for you?  A 4 Personal Year can challenge you with health, family, and career issues having to do with “limitation.”  What limitations are to be worked with and negotiated through?  What limitations do you actually create for yourself that aren’t necessary?   

This is a year where you’ll be tempted to either over-work or under-work. 

While it may feel a bit thankless at times, you’ll reap the rewards when you accomplish your goals step-by-step. Slow and steady wins the race.  

It’s a year to pay special attention to your health. You’ll have to consciously take time for self-care—plan it and prioritize it. A 4 cycle also tests you with some old family issues bubbling to the surface needing to be resolved or dealt with differently.

All in all, you’ll glean the most satisfaction from your 4 Personal Year when you take the time to focus on goals, systematize your life in whatever way will make it much more effective in the years to come.

Get psyched about getting the nuts-and-bolts of your longer-range plans organized and implemented this year!


22/4 Personal Year

The Theme:  Hard Work & Long Range Goals + Spiritual Focus & Advancement
The Questions: “What are my longer-range goals and how can I implement them?” AND “What am I building and creating that has long-range potential and is reflective of my spiritual mission?”
The Mandate:  Are you prepared to step into the fire?  Are you ready to set the stage for important projects that will come to fruition in years to come?
In addition to the core elements of the number 4, you have the added intensity related to the Master Number 22 offering you additional challenges. Yet the potential benefits are enormous.

This Personal Year is quite intense and prods you to up the ante with your work and career goals.

It often goes hand-in-hand with expanding your enterprises and thinking bigger, broader, and more long-term.

There are many challenges inherent in this energy, including devoting yourself to your work efforts while placing personal relationships on hold or on the sidelines.

When you experience a 22 Personal Year understand that you’re working with the foundational energies related to the number 4 and then with the double 2 added.  

You’ll need a lot of patience and ability to “play well with others” and share the sandbox, so to speak.  And yet also you’re being called upon to step up your enterprises and expand—take a risk and think bigger.  Yet know that this is just the nuts-and-bolts phase. 

This is your time to blaze brightly and consider the satisfaction of setting the foundations for the manifestation of your longer terms plans.


5 Personal Year

The Theme: Freedom & Change
The Question:  “What does freedom look and feel like to me?”
The Mandate: Are you ready and receptive to moving through your fear-factor or your comfort zone? Can you take steps and strides that open the door for more freedom in your life?

What does freedom mean to you? More time? Money? A different job? Different marital situation?

“Freedom” and “change” are your themes for the year.

There are lots of ups and downs, so the key for this year is flexibility, adaptability, and focus—otherwise “drama” may also be a recurring theme this year. Lots of unexpected opportunities are bound to come your way, so be open to trying new things.

It’s time to travel and tap into your sense of fearless adventure—not necessarily a time to make a long-term commitment.

The key to this year is establishing and acting on some semblance of self-discipline, otherwise you’ll get to the next year feeling like this year has been one big hangover.

You’ll have plenty of sex appeal right now, so understand that your alluring energy can offer plenty of sensual pleasures if that’s in your desire zone.

Change is your mantra and you’re getting ready for transitions toward the end of the year, yet the first part of the year might have you spinning. After the more practical energies of your 4 Personal Year, the energy of the 5 can feel intoxicating or off-putting, depending on how comfortable or open you are to change and uncertainty.

You’ll often be met with new people, new experiences, and new opportunities. Anytime you can opt to venture off your beaten track is favored in a 5 Personal Year.

This year can be a turning point for change and transition.

Of course there’s nothing like defining your sense of freedom to bring up some long-held issues surrounding this very theme. Therefore the 5 Personal Year offers a plethora of opportunity to face your fears, dismantle restrictions, and rekindle your sense of adventure.

Some of the caveats include excessive behaviors—sex, drugs, alcohol, and all the rest of it. Or excessive behaviors on the opposite pole—overwork, under eating, too much exercise (yes, there is such a thing!).

You might feel the siren call of escape and opt for numbing or zoning out rather than focusing and reigning in all the high-level energies you have access to right now.  You’ll come face-to-face with some of your long-held fears.  Walk through the fire!

Pack your suitcase and get ready for a frenetic year that offers you levels of freedom you’ve only dreamed about!


6 Personal Year

The Theme: Responsibility & Relationship
The Question:  “Should I stay or should I go?”s
The Mandate: Can you turn the tables and focus on developing an intimate relationship with yourself—mind, body, and spirit? Are you available to step in and take responsibility where it’s appropriate and place boundaries around what might be pressing those limits?

After your freewheeling 5 Personal Year last year, it’s a year devoted to home, family, and responsibility—a time to regroup, nurture, and be nurtured. There will be heightened levels of family-based responsibility this year.

This is a time where all relationships are highlighted.

It’s a good year to get married or engaged if you’ve been hovering around that decision. This is a perfect year to attract “the one” or to recommit and “grow” your current intimate relationship.

It’s also a time where you may seek divorce, a break-up, or other relationship splits. It’s all about evaluating the relationships in your life, starting with your relationship with you. This is the year where you’ll finally feel that “click” in knowing if a separation is necessary or you can also have the clarity you’ve been waiting for and officially say “I Do.” Either way, these decision-making moments often peak this year.  The energy of the number 6 tests your sense of idealism, particularly when it comes to relationships.

It’s time to investigate how you feel empowered or disempowered in your domestic life.

Oftentimes this is a year where you’ll be asked to take on some additional responsibilities with friends and family. The trick is to participate in the way you want to participate. Take on the responsibility without resentment or over-giving. Or take on the responsibility if your tendency is to avoid it.

This is also a year where your home takes a front seat.

This is the perfect time to beautify your home on any level. On the career front—it’s a “make or break” time for business.

Issues related to control and perfectionism are also under review this year. You’ll be handed experiences that challenge you to let go of outgrown or counter-productive controlling tendencies.

Get ready for a warm-and-fuzzy time where you can nurture and build your relationships on every level.


7 Personal Year
The Theme: Inner Work & Knowledge Gathering
The Question:   “Will the ‘real me’ please stand up?”
The Mandate: Are you available to open your internal door and reveal some of your most probing and core-level questions? Can you allow the year to be a time of research, learning, and processing on whatever level you’re focused on at the moment?

This year is all about delving inward. While you may see yourself functioning fairly normally, this is a time where you’ll be heavily involved in deep inner work. It’s a spiritual year—meaning, you’ll have many opportunities to test your sense of deeper knowing and higher purpose, however you define it.

This is a year where your faith and trust will be tested and you’ll feel as though you want to retreat momentarily from the static of the outside world.

You can feel more quiet, detached, and introspective than usual.

It’s a year where you’re gathering data, collecting knowledge, and probing your own inner depths. Don’t push it—that can wait until next year when you start a three-year transition cycle.

This is the year for a retreat, sabbatical, or just additional “alone” time.

Your mission—should you choose to accept it—is to explore the depths of your soul’s calling and be willing to recalibrate yourself so that you come into alignment with the you that you’re excavating this year.

This can be a valuable time to evaluate your sense of yourself and how you’ve chosen to position yourself in the world.

It’s a time of deep contemplation or—if you’re working with more destructive tendencies in this cycle—big feelings of being a victim in your life. It’s also a good time for counseling or therapy, energy work, and anything else that allows you deep personal growth. You need to truly embrace you during this time.

This is the “me” year in which the Universe is giving you full permission to contemplate your own navel.

It’s a year to cultivate a balance between your intuition and your analytical mind. This year supports taking care of any health issues you may have been putting off or postponing.  It is also supportive of taking time to write your book, develop your course, finish writing the songs for your album, or any other pursuit that requires some isolated time.

Get positioned to bask in the glow of your soul-seeking and knowledge-gathering year!


8 Personal Year

The Theme: Empowerment & Finances
The Question:  “How can I empower myself?”
The Mandate: Are you ready to step into yourself in a way you haven’t before? Overall this is a year of empowerment. Are you ready to commit yourself to doing what it takes to advance your financial life? Can you stand up for yourself?

After your year of deep contemplation, knowledge building, and preparation—this is the time to focus on money, finances, and personal power.

This is the first year of a three-year “push” time.

This is the start to a period of intensity focusing on your financial health and personal sense of empowerment.

Next year is the end of a cycle and the year after will be the start of a new cycle.

So this year is setting the groundwork. It’s a testing year—you’ll be tested first and foremost in the realm of personal empowerment. Meaning, you’ll need to stand up for yourself in a strong yet heart-centered way.

Time to hit the ground running and focus your actions and energies on creating the financial abundance you want. It’s a year where you can experience big financial ups and downs, so be prepared to tap into your resilience.

The energy of the 8 is an amplifier—it amps up whatever it comes in contact with so take extra care to clean up your thoughts and follow up your intentions with action.

This is truly a time to get laser-focused about what you want and how you want to get there.

Your 8 Personal Year can present itself as your rather strict personal trainer who has your best interest at heart, even though it doesn’t feel like it! When you’re done with the year, you’ll be ripped, strong, and in the best shape of your life if you follow your trainer’s program.

Remember to take breaks and pace yourself so your health doesn’t suffer. Otherwise you’re bound to experience burn out.

This energy is truly intense and will bring up very real, deep issues related to your sense of empowerment and demand that you deal with them. You’ll benefit from understanding right out of the chute that this isn’t going to be an easy-breezy year. It’s going to be demanding.

Is there an imbalance in your relationships—intimate, family or work-related? This is a time where healthy balance will become priority. The energy of the 8 demands that you step up or get stepped on. It also challenges you to become the “CEO” of your life while also maintaining your compassion and humanity.

Get pumped up to tackle your year with verve, focus, and gusto!


9 Personal Year

The Theme: Letting Go & Completions
The Question:  “How can I let go of all that I no longer need in order to make space for change to enter into my life?”
The Mandate: Can you open yourself to total transformation?  

This is the end of a nine-year cycle.

It’s a year of completion, unraveling, and letting go of the old to make space for change.

It’s all under review this year.

This is the year that’s inviting you (oh, let’s be honest, it’s forcing you) to move on to an even more expansive cycle in your life if you choose to let go and allow what’s no longer serving you to fall away.

It’s a time where your dreams can manifest almost instantly if you’re ready to let go of everything that’s no longer serving your best and highest interests. It’s going to be a matter of evaluating what’s finished and no longer serving a positive function and then moving forward without a net.

The trick here is that you must let go of what’s not working for you anymore and then manage and master that empty space of nothingness for a while.

There won’t be an easy answer or a new “thing” coming in immediately to fill its place. Ah, there’s the rub.

Some of the punctuation marks that can be the centerpiece of a 9 Personal Year can be divorce, health crises, getting fired or let go from your job, career change, geographical move, death of a close friend or family member, or other loss that holds a greater magnitude than usual.

This can also be the time when a child is born or leaves home, when retirement becomes official, when you graduate, or experience other life-changers.

It can also be far less outwardly dramatic if you’ve been doing the incremental “letting go” up to this point and haven’t saved it all for this year! Perhaps your spouse changes jobs or there are a few other things that transpire that rock your boat.

And this can also be a year where you experience a magical transformation that you’ve been waiting on for a very long time.

I had a participant in a workshop who was halfway into her 9 Personal Year. When we were all discussing how our years were going, we turned to her and braced for the expected barrage of emotionally devastating and confusing changes. Yet she said: “This is the best year of my life! I finally got a divorce, my son graduated college and has a job. I quit my job and moved to a different city. I have no idea what’s next but I’ve been waiting for this for a long, long time.”

If you can take her cue and embrace the change and uncertainty of the 9 Personal Year it can prove to be the most empowering and energizing time in your life!

Open yourself to acknowledging what has served you and now what must fall away in order to open the door to a new and exciting chapter in your life!