When I lived in Missouri, we often used to drive a long stretch of I-70.  There was a string of billboards that were strategically placed every ten miles or so for this restaurant called Lambert’s Café and their tagline was:

“The Home of Throwed Rolls”

I gather that part of the attraction to this Ozark restaurant was that the waiters would quite literally throw rolls to you when you were seated at your table.   I can’t make this up.  And why do I mention this? 

In Numerology, we all have a Maturity Number.  

The energy related to this number kicks in when we arrive into our 40s. 

Side Note:  I find it somewhat humorous that with Numerology, everything has a precise calculation except for the Maturity Number.  The influence of this number appears to happen incrementally – from the age of 35 – 50.

It’s like driving down that stretch of I-70 and seeing those billboards.  As you travel your life’s path, your Maturity Number provides you with a final destination point.  It is where you’re headed, whether you know it or not.  And if you’ve been driving for hours in hopes of having dinner rolls thrown at you, then all the better.

And usually it comes as a “midlife message,” which can feel like a crisis, changing/transformation point, or a “settling down.”

In many ways, the Maturity Number indicates the nature of your true self – an ultimate goal and encompassing mission.  It also more distinctly guides and informs the second portion of your life – after the early “been there, done that” years.  Most Numerologist’s agree that the impact of this number is in full force by the time you reach the age of 50 and continues to influence you for the rest of your life.

The gift of this additional energy is that “suddenly” you feel that you don’t have the time nor patience to waste on things that aren’t moving you toward this ultimate goal, whatever that may be for you individually.

You calculate the Maturity Number (also called the Reality or Realization Number) by adding your Life Path number and your Destiny/Expression number together. 

So if you’re a 9 Life Path and have a 5 Destiny, you’d add it like this:

9 + 5 = 14

14 = 5

In this example, you’d also want to note that you show a Karmic 14/5.

What’s also interesting about knowing your Maturity Number is that sometimes it’s in harmony with your Numerology profile and sometimes – not so much. 

So there can be ease or friction that you can experience if you have conflicting energies or if there’s an overabundance of the energy presented by your Maturity Number. 

So sometimes, it’s not just hormones.  Ha. 

Yet remember:  The Maturity Number points to the “true you.”  

I find that it has an underlying influence on our thoughts and actions as we reach into our 40s and beyond.  It indicates your true power and your highest form of evolution.

Maturity Number 1

You’re moving toward reevaluating what it means to be independent and stand on your own two feet.   You’re being called upon to take initiative, to be a leader, and to take creative risks toward achievement in any realm you feel passionate about.

Where you’ll be challenged:  With this Maturity Number, there’s often a shift in life bringing issues related to independence coming to center stage.  Situations will arise highlighting your sense of dependence or independence, your ability to connect and relate with others, and whether or not you behave in a dominating and controlling manner.

What that might look like: 

  • A strong need to break free of dependent situations.
  • Evaluation of self-centered behaviors.
  • Financial situation may change dramatically – through divorce, illness, or other transitions.

Maturity Number 2

You’re moving toward reevaluating what it means use your emotional sensitivity to the benefit of both yourself and others.  You’re being called upon to use diplomacy, to involve yourself with group dynamics, and to open yourself to relationships.

Where you’ll be challenged:  With this Maturity Number, there’s often a shift in life bringing issues related to sensitivity to center stage.  Situations will arise highlighting your sense of yourself in relationship to others (meaning that you have a strong sense of yourself without needing outside approval), modulating over-sensitivity, and contributing to healthy relationships.

What that might look like: 

  • Need to understand the ways in which you’ve been insensitive to others – evaluation of self-centered behaviors.
  • Desire to contribute to something greater than yourself through group effort.
  • Need to stop being a doormat for others or evaluate the ways in which you’re combative out of a need for self-protection.

Master Maturity Number 11/2

The Master Numbers always indicate a higher sense of spiritual purpose – no matter how you define it.  Plus more intense challenges!  Just so you know, it ain’t easy. 

You’re moving toward reevaluating what it means use your emotional sensitivity to the benefit of both yourself and others.  You’re being called upon to use diplomacy, to involve yourself with group dynamics, and to open yourself to relationships.

PLUS you will spar with ego, being an “introverted extrovert,” and being called toward fame and leadership.

Where you’ll be challenged:  With this Maturity Number, there’s often a shift in life bringing issues related to sensitivity, artistic creativity, and overcoming many obstacles to center stage.  Challenges reside in the intensity in which you experience life, in the ways in which you’ll be put to the test over and over again in the realms of personal challenges, physical sensitivity, and emotional sensitivity.

Maturity Number 3

You’re moving toward reevaluating what it means to be creative, expressive, and full of joy.   You’re being called upon to step into your creativity, enjoy socializing, and express with joyful and artful communication.

Where you’ll be challenged:  With this Maturity Number, there’s often a shift in life bringing issues related to creativity to center stage.  Situations will arise highlighting your sense of joy and enthusiasm, communication on all levels, and social interaction.

What that might look like: 

  • Breaking free of repression and expressing through artistic creativity (writing, performing, presenting, anything that uses your creative self-expression) – you have permission to play more!
  • Expansive sense of joy and purpose or debilitating emotional ups and downs.
  • This Maturity Number points to ease, luck, and abundance in your latter years when you are in alignment with your creative expression.

Maturity Number 4

You’re moving toward reevaluating what it means to work with limitation.   You’re being called upon to work diligently to reach practical goals, develop systems and processes that help you reach your goals, and to leave something of lasting value in the world.

Where you’ll be challenged:  With this Maturity Number, there’s often a shift in life bringing issues related to limitation and restriction to center stage.  Situations will arise highlighting your sense of adopting optimistic step-by-step processes to get where you want to be, understanding where you get in your own way by being rigid and dogmatic, and to understand the difference between managing and micromanaging,

What that might look like: 

  • Experiencing events that require that you examine the ways in which are overly responsible or irresponsible.
  • Evaluation of self-defeating behaviors based in feelings of restriction and limitation.
  • Examining the ways in which you have either been unable to commit to work or home life – which has led to undesirable outcomes – or the ways in which you have been a martyr to work that has felt unsatisfying to you.

Master Maturity Number 22/4

The Master Numbers always indicate a higher sense of spiritual purpose – no matter how you define it.  Plus more intense challenges!  Just so you know, it ain’t easy. 

You’re moving toward reevaluating what it means to make things happen on a grand scale.  You’re being called upon to be a manager and a leader, to root yourself in spiritual principles and practical know-how, and to help people live better lives on a practical, day-to-day basis.

PLUS you will spar with bluntness, being opinionated, and sometimes rigidly dogmatic in your approach, being a “know-it-all,” and also a high-level “master builder” in the world.

Where you’ll be challenged:  With this Maturity Number, there’s often a shift in life bringing issues related to overcoming limitation, getting out of your own way (thinking outside the box), and a balance between hard work and self-care  to center stage.  Challenges reside in the intensity in which you experience life, in the ways in which you’ll be put to the test over and over again in the realms of physical challenges, choosing security over the big picture, and opting for defeat over endurance.

Maturity Number 5

You’re moving toward reevaluating what it means to work with freedom.   You’re being called upon to work with the constructive use of freedom, living a life filled with travel and adventure, and embracing a life of progressive change, flexibility, and uncertainty.

Where you’ll be challenged:  With this Maturity Number, there’s often a shift in life bringing issues related to the disciplined use of freedom to center stage.  Situations will arise highlighting excessive behaviors, versatility and change, and vivacious and tactile living.

What that might look like:  

  • A dramatic change in life leading to an evaluation of your sense of freedom – a divorce, death, children leaving home, or other change to a stabilizing force.
  • Evaluation of the ways in which you have or have not used a focused approach to getting what you want in life.
  • Inability to rein in excessive behaviors with food, alcohol, drugs, sex, or other behaviors that control you in a non-productive manner.

Maturity Number 6

You’re moving toward reevaluating what it means to work with loving service and within your family.   You’re being called upon to work with your call toward duty and service to others, delight in home and family, and compassion and affection.

Where you’ll be challenged:  With this Maturity Number, there’s often a shift in life bringing issues related to modulating responsibility to center stage.  Situations will arise highlighting self-righteousness or meddling behaviors, the strength of your intimate relationships and friendships, and in providing compassionate service to others.

What that might look like: 

  • Often this Maturity Numbers points to financial freedom through marriage or inheritance allowing for a comfortable and sometimes luxurious latter part of life.
  • Involvement in home and family – with grandchildren, friends, and family of choice.
  • Involvement in artistic creativity, counseling, or heart-centered service.

Master Maturity Number 33/6

The Master Numbers always indicate a higher sense of spiritual purpose – no matter how you define it.  Plus more intense challenges!  Just so you know, it ain’t easy.  **The Master Maturity number 33 is quite rare and only appears with the combination of an 11/2 and 22/4 Life Path or Destiny for a combined total of 33. 

You’re moving toward reevaluating what it means use your extraordinary spiritual gifts to the benefit of humanity.  You’re being called upon to use compassionate service, duty and nurturing, and loving and joyful creativity.

PLUS you will spar with ego, being a “bossy pants,”  and being called toward fame and leadership.

Where you’ll be challenged:  With this Maturity Number, there’s often a shift in life bringing issues related to co-dependence, balanced responsibility, severe emotional sensitivity to center stage.  Challenges reside in the intensity in which you experience life, in the ways in which you’ll be put to the test over and over again in the realms of relationship challenges, stifling perfectionism, and carrying the world on your shoulders.

Maturity Number 7

You’re moving toward reevaluating what it means to work with introspection and spiritual contemplation.   You’re being called upon to work with your deep need to “know thyself” through solitude and specialization, scientific study or philosophical thought, and data analysis with intuition.

Where you’ll be challenged:  With this Maturity Number, there’s often a shift in life bringing issues related to truth seeking to center stage.  Situations will arise highlighting the need for isolated time for yourself, research or writing, and the search for inner peace and spiritual fulfillment.

What that might look like: 

  • A personal crisis that demands a re-evaluation of your beliefs.
  • A choice to be unmarried or live with agreement around your need for solitude and contemplation.
  • This can be a time where you share scientific breakthroughs, spiritual awareness, or psychological insights with others.

Maturity Number 8

You’re moving toward reevaluating what it means to work with reward through accomplishment.   You’re being called upon to work with your talents with organizing and managing, to achieve personal success and recognition, and to use your authority wisely and well.

Where you’ll be challenged:  With this Maturity Number, there’s often a shift in life bringing issues related to achievement in the material world  to center stage.  Situations will arise highlighting your need to direct and lead, to accept financial reward and abundance, and to work for the benefit of humanity – not just personal gain.

What that might look like: 

  • Opportunities to engage in the large realm of business or any arena where you are called upon to lead, manage, and organize.
  • A dramatic change in career or vocation.
  • Putting aside personal relationships in order to focus on work and career or the realization that you’ve not stepped into your power and aren’t achieving satisfaction because you struggle with money, power, control, and authority.

Maturity Number 9

You’re moving toward reevaluating what it means to work with selfless service to humanity.   You’re being called upon to work with giving and contributing without thought of personal reward, letting go of “self” in order to learn to be of service to others, and to learn not to attach to particular outcomes.

Where you’ll be challenged:  With this Maturity Number, there’s often a shift in life bringing issues related to balance the needs of others with your own needs  to center stage.  Situations will arise highlighting your need to service a higher need or purpose, to delve into a spiritual path in full force, and to use your extraordinary talents to heal, perform, write, teach or be a philanthropist.

What that might look like: 

  • Dealing with “loss” on many levels in order to surrender to your spiritual path.
  • A realization that self centeredness and lack of understanding others’ perspectives feels dissatisfying.
  • Opportunities arise to be of service and use your compassion and charisma to make the world a better place.