11/11 Packs A Punch In 2020

Every year, November 11th shows up under a neon spotlight.

For those who follow astrology and numerology — or simply for those who intuitively feel energy — this is a day that holds special opportunities for manifestation and transformation.

It is a powerful portal of energy offering you support for focusing, defining, and galvanizing your intentions and igniting them on turbo-speed!

11/11 in 2020 is a rare occurrence because the year is also a repeating number pattern (2020).

The last time we experienced this was in 1919, and before that, in 1818.

Literally, this is a once in a lifetime moment.

Let’s put some perspective around it, though. You might read this and think: “Yeah, so what. What does that have to do with me and my daily life?”

First off, 11:11 is a Master number. This sequence is one of the repeating number patterns most people notice when it shows up on a clock, license plate, sign or billboard, address, receipt, or anywhere else.

The 11 is the number of Spiritual Illumination. It offers a portal of energy that can be seen and felt like a magical (if not assertive!) open door. It’s an opening and an invitation to focus on what you want and see it through to manifestation.

The number 1 is all about the power of starting something new. It’s creative, forward-moving, and pioneering. When working with the powerful energy of the 1, its mandate is that you step into yourself and stand up for yourself. It’s pressing you to initiate, be original, and ground yourself with a healthy sense of independence.

When 11:11 makes its way into your field of perception, it’s purpose is two-fold — to give you a cosmic “thumbs up!” regarding anything you’re considering initiating in your life and secondly, the fact that you even notice that you’re seeing this repeating number is your Cosmic Support Team throwing some love your way!

Now let’s see what 2020 brings to this already powerful energy.

In Numerology, the zero is an intriguing number. It’s an intensifier. It’s also considered to hold a very significant energetic presence that holds out infinite potential. It can be seen as “all or nothing” or “all and nothing.” It’s like the void. It consists of everything and of nothing.

Not to get too Baby Yoda (or Adult Yoda!) on you, yet it offers an energy that is like a Master number (see Dan Millman’s latest edition of The Life You Were Born To Live for his current take on the zero!).

2020 is the start of a new decade.

2020 holds the intensity of two 2s, coupled with the double dose of 0’s, which packs a real punch.

The number 2 is the key element here.

The 2 contains the energy of US. THE COLLECTIVE.

The 2 supports and opens us to everything having to do with relationships — with relating one-on-one and in groups. It’s naturally gifted with high levels of emotionally-based intuition and its focus resides most prominently in diplomacy, conflict resolution, and the application of patience in garnering consensus.

When we experience the 2 in tandem with the 0, the effect is magnified exponentially. It magnifies its magnificence! And also intensifies the weak links or challenge points.

What might those be, you might ask.

In order to learn and embody the qualities and the lessons of the 2 (which we are all being called upon to do in the 2000’s!), we must come to terms with several things.

First, the 2 is learning how to know itself from the inside out. Rather than shape-shifting to please others or be what we think others want us to be, the energy of the 2 holds out the mandate to define and refine who we truly are, stay the course with our values, and practice healthy emotional boundaries.

Second, the 2 is learning how to navigate and mediate conflict, yet will go out of its way to avoid conflict! Ah yes, yet another cosmic joke, right? One of the key lessons has been — and continues to be — for all of us to have the wisdom and fortitude to come to the table ready to detach from our own agenda and see a bigger picture in front of us. It’s asking us not to abandon our values, yet to be open to changing our minds.

And third, the 2 is learning how to let go of emotional hurt and let bygones be bygones. We’re all being asked to communicate our needs and yet also be open to checking in with ourselves and seeing if perhaps our own perception could use an upgrade.

Add this wallop of a Blue Moon on October 31 will add fuel to the fire that ignites on 11/11/2020. The Full Moon on Halloween is a rare Blue Moon — meaning, it’s the second Full Moon in a single calendar month. The first Full Moon took place on October 1.

The last time we experienced a Blue Moon on Halloween was in 1944.

Among many other aspects, this Blue Moon brings Venus in opposition to Chiron, the Wounded Healer. I find that the energy of the Master 11 has a similar “Wounded Healer” element to it. The energy here unearths trauma and exposes it to be seen, experienced, and worked through. While painful, the pathway leads to an amazing depth of self-knowledge and soul-based healing.


  1. 11/11/2020 is an opening for every single one of us to take RADICAL RESPONSIBILITY for ourselves. Have you been using your time in 2020 to review and take stock of yourself? I don’t know about you, yet I have been involved in a deep deep dive this year where I’m reviewing all facets of the ways in which I have participated in my life. It’s like watching a movie or reading a script in which you are simply a character in the overall story. This is the time to take full and complete culpability for all of your actions — and inactions. Not in a self-flagellating way! The point is to LET GO of the old stories, the old blame, the old victim consciousness.
  2. 11/11/2020 focuses the spotlight on the ongoing demand that we begin to plan our future as a collective. The world-wide response to the pandemic is a good example of how we are being shown (in technicolor!) that we are undeniably and intrinsically connected.
  3. 11/11/2020 is an energetic opening to rouse us into action based in doing what’s best for EVERYONE, not just one group/country/political party/ . . . and the list goes on.

On an individual level, I am finding these common threads:

  • Many people are making dramatic and sometimes surprising (or shocking) relationship decisions by letting go of negative “friendships,” stalled relationships, toxic marriages, and malignant family dynamics.
  • Many people have expressed the thought and feeling that the pandemic has been (and continues to be) a vital time devoted to slowing down and coming to terms with every aspect of who they are and what’s important. Many continue to use this time to rethink work and how much time and energy they put into their job. Many are taking a deep pause to take a real look at where they live, how they live, and what is ultimately most important on a core level, without the “busyness” of daily life to distract them.
  • Even those who have felt that this moment in time is “meant to be” and points to dramatic changes that need to happen, there is no doubt that the entire fabric of life has been disrupted and there is no denial that everyone is experiencing a certain level of anxiety about how our world and how our daily lives will be reconfigured in the coming months and coming years.

Overall, many are observing that this is an extremely powerful day – or ever the most powerful day of the year – for setting intentions, focusing efforts, opening to letting go of what’s holding you back from manifesting your desires in all areas of your life.

On a practical level, make time to sit and write down your desires, whether it’s work or creative projects, health concerns, emotional healing, spiritual connection, financial growth, relationship shifts, or anything you would like to bring into your personal reality.

Take a walk in nature. Perform a ritual of your choice. Meditate.  Anything that allows you to focus time and energy on placing your intentions in a focused and high-vibe way is the way to go.

11/11/2020 promises to press all of us to step up to our highest and best. If there’s ever been a time to open ourselves to committing to new levels of self-awareness and take responsibility for how we engage in relationships across the board. And this will focus specifically on accepting full and complete responsibility for our participation in every aspect of our lives.