Haul out Baby Yoda and take a seat on your meditation pillow.
This is a simple take on what I have seen to be a profound truth.
In my ongoing numerology practice, I observe that there are two universal patterns many people have. And these patterns show up as these consistent questions.
The first: Why is my life SO HARD?
The second: I know I’m special, but no one understands me.
Or: I know I was meant to do something special. What the hell is it?
And now for the Baby Yoda Moment:
What I have also observed is:
The Question is the Answer.
The Problem is the Solution.
And the sooner we can pivot our perspective to not only accept this universal truth, but to embrace and embody it, the more we open ourselves to our true passions, true purpose, and true destiny.
Let’s look at how this might show up, by Life Path number.
And for those of you who know your full numerology profile, you might also read for your Expression or Destiny number and for your Birthday number. Don’t know your full numerology profile? You can order one here.
1 Life Path
The Question: Why do I always feel as though no one supports me and my ideas?
The Answer: Because you’re learning how to be self-reliant, trust your inner voice, and to blaze your own path. If you had nothing to push against, you wouldn’t learn how to forge your way, against all odds!
The Problem: Gaining your independence, asserting yourself in a healthy and dynamic way, and developing and trusting your creativity and your skill set can often feel impossible and unfair.
The Solution: Stepping into yourself and gaining a level of self-mastery and creative leadership is THE POINT of your life. You find yourself again and again in relationships and situations where you must fight for your sovereignty, where you must extract yourself from difficult co-dependent relationships, and where you must push through barriers in order to act upon your unique creative vision. Rather than bemoan why it’s SO HARD, you benefit from pivoting your expectations and enjoy the challenges as people in your life and experiences you have provide you with ample opportunities to dig in and master your life’s work.
2 Life Path
The Question: Why do I always do everything for everyone else and no one does anything for me?
The Answer: Because you’re learning how to create strong and supple emotional boundaries. If you had nothing to push against, you wouldn’t learn how to stand up for yourself and define your values and align yourself with who you truly are!
The Problem: Being too emotionally giving (and sensitive!), avoiding conflict by trying to please others, and denying your intuitive gifts can often feel heavy and difficult.
The Solution: Becoming a master mediator and a conduit of love is THE POINT of your life. You find yourself again and again in relationships and situations where you must define your boundaries (and act upon them!), use patience consistently and lovingly, and mediate win/win outcomes in every aspect of your life. Rather than bemoan why it’s SO HARD, you benefit from pivoting your expectations and enjoy the challenges as people in your life and experiences you have provide you with ample opportunities to dig in and master your life’s work.
Master 11/2 Life Path: Read for BOTH the Life Path 1 (and double it!) and for Life Path 2.
The Question: I know I’m special. Why can’t I make things happen that are as “big” or as important as I think they should be?
The Answer: Because you’re learning how to manage and act upon disparate energies. Your task is to level the ego and also accept and act upon your calling as a spiritual force of nature. Yet no one will hand it to you on a silver platter! You’ll be required to walk through the practical steps in order to bring your visions into reality on planet earth.
The Problem: Being too emotionally sensitive, avoiding or inciting conflict, and not understanding your intuitive gifts can often feel confusing and unfair.
The Solution: Becoming a point of healing, spiritual illumination (for yourself and for others), and a creative powerhouse is THE POINT of your life. You find yourself again and again in relationships and situations where you must define your boundaries (and act upon them!), use patience consistently and lovingly, and step into leadership roles. Rather than bemoan why it’s SO HARD, you benefit from pivoting your expectations and enjoy the challenges as people in your life and experiences you have provide you with ample opportunities to dig in and master your life’s work.
3 Life Path
The Question: Why do I reject or downplay my communication skills and my creativity?
The Answer: Because you’re learning how to move through emotional blockages and use those experiences to inspire others and to heal yourself. If you had nothing to push against, you wouldn’t learn how to identify your emotions and express them, nor would you learn how to move past emotional lows and inspire yourself and others with your words and with your creativity!
The Problem: Being too emotionally permeable, fearful of criticism, and working through trauma can often feel overwhelming and depressing.
The Solution: Becoming a master of impeccable communication and a creative powerhouse is THE POINT of your life. You find yourself again and again in relationships and situations where you must locate and express your feelings, trust your creative ideas (and act upon them with follow through!), and do it all with a sense of fun, joy, and optimism. Rather than bemoan why it’s SO HARD, you benefit from pivoting your expectations and enjoy the challenges as people in your life and experiences you have provide you with ample opportunities to dig in and master your life’s work.
4 Life Path
The Question: Why does everything seem so hard for me when other people have it so easy?
The Answer: Because you’re learning how to set up systematic ways of doing things that ultimately are meant to make your life easier and more productive. If you had nothing to push against, you wouldn’t learn how to define your goals, wants, and needs and come up with a longer term plan to bring those plans into reality, nor would you learn how to get your “root system” planted and be in it for the long haul!
The Problem: Self-limiting behaviors, working hard (but not necessarily ‘smart’), and working through family issues can often feel weighty and exhausting.
The Solution: Becoming a master of effective step-by-step processes is THE POINT of your life. You find yourself again and again in relationships and situations where you must stay the course and work hard to get where you want to go, not be so stubborn and headstrong and ask for support or help in order to get where you’re going, and do it with flexibility. Rather than bemoan why it’s SO HARD, you benefit from pivoting your expectations and enjoy the challenges as people in your life and experiences you have provide you with ample opportunities to dig in and master your life’s work.
Master 22/4 Life Path: Read for BOTH the Life Path 2 (and double it!) and for Life Path 4.
The Question: I know I’m special. Why do I have to work so much harder than everyone else?
The Answer: Because you’re learning how to manage and act upon disparate energies. Your task is to level the ego and also accept and act upon your calling as a master builder whose role is to be a master teacher and also someone who creates something of lasting value.
The Problem: Being emotionally sensitive or volatile, micromanaging and spinning wheels, and wanting to skip over the valuable steps in the process can often feel tiring and unfair.
The Solution: Becoming a powerful manifester of systems, ideas, or products that serve to improve the lives of others on a daily basis is THE POINT of your life. You find yourself again and again in relationships and situations where you must work through issues with your family dynamics, get out of your own way, and think outside of your own box. Rather than bemoan why it’s SO HARD, you benefit from pivoting your expectations and enjoy the challenges as people in your life and experiences you have provide you with ample opportunities to dig in and master your life’s work.
5 Life Path
The Question: Why can’t I focus on something and feel satisfied with my life? Why do I always feel like I have one foot in and one foot out?
The Answer: Because you’re learning how to explore the sensual and tactile nature of the world while also examining how to gain the most freedom out of life. If you had nothing to push against, you wouldn’t learn how to find inner freedom within restricting circumstances, nor would you learn how to face fears and soak in all the experiences life has to offer!
The Problem: Addictive or escapist behaviors, not branching out because you’re afraid to explore, and having difficult focusing and following through to achieve the results you long for can often feel frustrating and overwhelming.
The Solution: Becoming a master of finding your personal levels of freedom constructively and wisely is THE POINT of your life. You find yourself again and again in relationships and situations where you must learn when to stay and when to go, how to gain the “highs” you crave in productive and healthy ways, and create the freedoms you want (physical, emotional, financial, spiritual) with focused discipline. Rather than bemoan why it’s SO HARD, you benefit from pivoting your expectations and enjoy the challenges as people in your life and experiences you have provide you with ample opportunities to dig in and master your life’s work.
6 Life Path
The Question: Why can’t everyone and everything live up to my standards?
The Answer: Because you’re learning how to be a guiding and loving force while also balancing an overweening sense of responsibility. If you had nothing to push against, you wouldn’t learn how to lean into your magnetic idealism, nor would you learn how to nurture others while modulating and balancing your responsibilities with the responsibilities of others!
The Problem: Feeling the need for absolute control (without knowing how much so!), not ever feeling satisfied because of high levels of perfectionism, and often defaulting to over-giving and enabling can often feel exasperating and infuriating.
The Solution: Becoming a cosmic parent and creative visionary is THE POINT of your life. You find yourself again and again in relationships and situations where you must learn how to help and support without attachment to the outcome, how to define yourself and your wants and needs, and devoting yourself to loving and balanced relationships within the home and family. Rather than bemoan why it’s SO HARD, you benefit from pivoting your expectations and enjoy the challenges as people in your life and experiences you have provide you with ample opportunities to dig in and master your life’s work.
Master 33/6 Life Path: Read for BOTH the Life Path 3 (and double it!) and for Life Path 6.
The Question: I know I’m special. Why does everyone walk all over me?
The Answer: Because you’re learning how to manage and act upon disparate energies. Your task is to level the ego and also accept and act upon your calling as a teacher of unconditional love while using your creative gifts to inspire and uplift on all planes.
The Problem: Feeling the need for absolute control (without knowing how much so!), experiencing extreme self-doubt, and often defaulting to over-giving and enabling can often feel exasperating and infuriating.
The Solution: Becoming a reliable, fun, creative, joyful nurturing presence is THE POINT of your life. You find yourself again and again in relationships and situations where you must work through issues with emotional trauma, with skewed idealistic expectations about the world at large and the people in your personal world, and to embrace your intuitive sensitivity. Rather than bemoan why it’s SO HARD, you benefit from pivoting your expectations and enjoy the challenges as people in your life and experiences you have provide you with ample opportunities to dig in and master your life’s work.
7 Life Path
The Question: Why I am even hanging around in a physical body anyway?
The Answer: Because you’re learning how to be an intuitive laser beam and shine light on some aspect of the intricacies of the universe. If you had nothing to push against, you wouldn’t learn how to trust your mind/body/spirit, nor would you learn how to savor and enjoy the process of delving into the meaning of life from the depths of your soul!
The Problem: Confusion and frustration, not ever feeling satisfied because of high levels of perfectionism, and over-intellectualizing can often feel draining and hopeless.
The Solution: Becoming a spiritual warrior and healthy skeptic is THE POINT of your life. You find yourself again and again in relationships and situations where you must learn how to trust yourself (others, and the flow of life), how to combine your intuitive gifts with your rational mind, and let go of frustration because of perfectionism or feeling so out of place. Rather than bemoan why it’s SO HARD, you benefit from pivoting your expectations and enjoy the challenges as people in your life and experiences you have provide you with ample opportunities to dig in and master your life’s work.
8 Life Path
The Question: Why do I have to fight so hard for what is mine?
The Answer: Because you’re learning how to understand the demands of the material world and learn how to empower yourself and achieve something substantial. If you had nothing to push against, you wouldn’t learn how to stand up for yourself, nor would you learn how to create the financial abundance required to have the influence and power that is your birthright!
The Problem: Self-sabotaging behaviors, feeling victimized, and struggling with money and power issues can often inspire feelings of anger and defeat.
The Solution: Becoming a powerful influence in your life and world is THE POINT of your life. You find yourself again and again in relationships and situations where you must learn how to empower yourself without resorting to being the one who abuses power (power vs. force!), how to master your financial life, and to use your influence for the common good. Rather than bemoan why it’s SO HARD, you benefit from pivoting your expectations and enjoy the challenges as people in your life and experiences you have provide you with ample opportunities to dig in and master your life’s work.
9 Life Path
The Question: Why can’t everyone just get along and love each other?
The Answer: Because you’re learning how to be the voice of compassion and a servant to humanity (not to get all lofty or anything). If you had nothing to push against, you wouldn’t learn how to develop healthy detachment, nor would you learn how to flow with your quirky, creative, and charismatic contributions to the world and to individuals!
The Problem: Bitterness and regret, feeling victimized when you experience losses, and dealing with feeling misunderstood.
The Solution: Becoming a conduit for universal wisdom and selfless service is THE POINT of your life. You find yourself again and again in relationships and situations where you must learn how to embrace your unique creativity and make it work for you (and for others!), how to put your heart and soul into everything you do, and to savor the beauty of impermanence and change. Rather than bemoan why it’s SO HARD, you benefit from pivoting your expectations and enjoy the challenges as people in your life and experiences you have provide you with ample opportunities to dig in and master your life’s work.