Would you consider yourself risk avoidant or a risk-taker?

And what does the word “risk” really mean to you?

The dictionary will tell you that the primary definition of “risk” has to do with engaging in something with the knowledge that the result of that action could be loss or injury.

And so where do you feel you fall on the Risk-O-Meter? And how does your basic response to risk effect your life in a way you’re ultimately happy and satisfied about . . . and then how does your basic response to risk effect your life in a way you’re ultimately not happy and satisfied about? Let’s see if we can dig deeper with our Life Path-O-Meter!

What’s YOUR Risk Ratio? By Life Path Number

Remember how to calculate your Life Path number.

Take your full date of birth and add it together like this:

Example: October 8, 1968


1+0+8+1+9+6+8= 33

(even though this is just an example, note that the 33 is a Master Number!)

Keep adding until you get a 1-digit number

33 = 3+3 = 6

If this were your birth date, you’d be a 33/6 Life Path

For this example, you would refer to the 6 Life Path information.

RISK-O-METER ratios: 1 is “risk averse” up to 10 which is “risk magnet.”

1 Life Path:
When you’re in alignment with the “true you,” you rate 10 on the Risk-O-Meter. You’re here to develop your sense of confidence and creativity in your life. Of all people, you’re the metaphoric bungee-jumper – the innovator, the calculated risk taker, the leader who leads with your unique vision.

When you’re out of alignment with the “true you?” The lack of self confidence can be debilitating and pull the “risk rug” right out from under you. Remember, you score a 10-out-of-10 on the Risk-O-Meter! Risk wisely and well, yet you’re in your power when you’re a risk-taker.

2 Life Path: When you’re in alignment with the “true you,” you rate a sympathetic 2 on the Risk-O-Meter. You’re here to develop your sense of love, harmony, balance, and diplomacy. Let’s face it: risk just isn’t something you innately gravitate toward nor do you feel comfortable with it. Just because you don’t win the high-score on the Risk-O-Meter, never fear Oh-Harmonious One! You have many other strengths to develop that can empower you in other ways that the risk-taker will never master.

When you’re out of alignment with the “true you?” You can become such a “pleaser” that you never risk even knowing who you are and what you really need in your life. In this way, you need to “risk” turning some of your energies inward and coming to terms with who you are at your core, without feeling as though you’re a mish-mash of the expectations you feel others place on you.

3 Life Path:
When you’re in alignment with the “true you,” you rate 7 on the Risk-O-Meter. You’re here to develop your sense of creative self-expression and emotional sensitivity. You actually have a way of diving into things without a net and without a long-term plan, and yet you always land on your feet! So in this way, your sense of risk is fairly high.

When you’re out of alignment with the “true you?” When you haven’t embraced the joyful, emotional journey you’re on, you have a tendency to close doors right as they’re being opened for you. You literally are the luckiest number in Numerology, so why not take advantage of it? Kill self doubt in its tracks, leave emotionally debilitating events where they belong – in the past!, and embrace opportunity as it knocks at your door.

4 Life Path: When you’re in alignment with the “true you,” you rate 1 on the Risk-O-Meter. You’re here to develop your sense of process, stability, and security in your life. Taking risks is something that you truly don’t “get,” and even more than that, often the thought of risk gives you ulcers (or hives, or a bad back…you get the idea). One of your lessons in life is to step outside of your comfort zone every once and a while and take a risk. Understand it doesn’t have to be gambling your life savings at the Craps Table in Vegas. It could be something as manageable as looking for that new job in a new industry, even if you don’t feel quite prepared.

When you’re out of alignment with the “true you?” If you’re the “anti-4,” which in my experience means that you’re avoiding responsibilities, avoiding hard work, avoiding setting down some roots – then you still rate 1 on the Risk-O-Meter, it’s just that your sense of risk is tangled up with not taking charge of your life. Know that a high Risk Ratio for a 4 Life Path might only cap out at a 5 or 6, yet that’s really pushing it for a security-loving guy or gal, and that’s all you need! Just enough to keep things moving forward for you and discourage you from getting into ruts.

5 Life Path: When you’re in alignment with the “true you,” you rate 9 on the Risk-O-Meter. You’re here to develop your sense of freedom through self-discipline in your life. You’re here to live a sensuous, adventurous, fearless life from top to bottom! So ultimately, you rate high on the Risk-O-Meter.

When you’re out of alignment with the “true you?” You can drop down to a 0 on the Risk-O-Meter if you’re totally out of alignment and have become the anti-adventurer; fearful, un-fun, a bit paranoid, and unwilling to get outside of your own box. And on the other side of the spectrum, you can rate 10 on the Risk-O-Meter, yet not in a good way! When you’re out of alignment with your Life Path trajectory, you can risk in dangerous and unhealthy ways, through addictions and other over-the-top behaviors.

6 Life Path: When you’re in alignment with the “true you,” you rate 6 on the Risk-O-Meter. You’re here to develop your sense of acceptance and embracing your visionary goals in your life. The reason you rate a 6 rather than a 10 (and some of you 6’s do rate a 10!), is because often the 6 Life Path is committed to home and family as well as their business endeavors. While you might be risk-forward with business, often you’re much more conservative in the “risk” department when it comes to your family.

When you’re out of alignment with the “true you?” If you’re grinding away with your perfectionism, you’ll never surpass the 6 on the Risk-O-Meter, simply because those who risk understand that perfectionism is the bane of risk-taking! While you’re waiting for every single thing to be perrrr-fect, your competitor will have already introduced her lamer version of your big idea, and yet it will take off when yours won’t even get out the door.

7 Life Path:
When you’re in alignment with the “true you,” you rate 5 on the Risk-O-Meter. You’re here to develop your sense of trust, openness, and spirituality in your life. Given that you have some core trust issues at play throughout your life, your risk factor can be a hard one to arm wrestle. There are moments when your data driven analytical mind will supersede and – if all the data makes sense – will give you the fuel to take a leap. Yet when it’s a leap of faith that’s required, it takes a lot for you to get there.

When you’re out of alignment with the “true you?” When you’re floundering and haven’t found the “core” you, your risk factor can come much like it can with the out-of-alignment 5 Life Path – as addictions and risky behaviors.

8 Life Path:
When you’re in alignment with the “true you,” you rate 9 on the Risk-O-Meter. You’re here to develop your mastery of money, power, control, and authority in your life. I don’t give you a 10 on the Risk-O-Meter simply because you’re often too shrewd and business-minded to jump off of the Risk Ledge without all the facts, details, and analysis in front of you.

When you’re out of alignment with the “true you?” If you’re the “anti” 8, that can mean that you haven’t keyed into your sense of personal power and struggle with money issues. When you’re in survival mode, you can’t possibly take the risks you need to make to start fulfilling your true 8 Life Path purpose.

9 Life Path:
When you’re in alignment with the “true you,” you rate 8 on the Risk-O-Meter. You’re here to develop your sense of wisdom and integrity in your life. Your innate sense of risk has more to do with how to be of service to the world at large. If you’re truly in alignment with your Life Path 9, you get a 10+ on the Risk-O-Meter because you’re focused on the here-and-now and living in integrity. That always requires an amazing amount of personal risk to be true to yourself and to the world at large on a daily basis.

When you’re out of alignment with the “true you?” If you’re not keyed into your 9 Life Path mission, you’ll either become a 1 on the Risk-O-Meter – playing it safe and somewhat boring. Or you’ll take on a “rebel without a cause” risk factor, which bounces around like a rubber ball and holds no real value, over all. Risk leads to rewards when it has a higher purpose, plain and simple.