Baby Archie Harrison Mountbatten Windsor arrived on May 6, 2019.

Son of Megan Markle and Prince Harry, the little prince has captured the hearts of his ecstatic parents, if not the rest of the world.

What does Archie’s numerology chart have to say about the little Taurus?

He has a 14/5 Life Path.  The 5 is the freedom seeker! This little guy is someone who will be gregarious and filterless.  Undoubtedly he will have tendencies to give his parents a few premature gray hairs with his escapades.  Yet, let’s look at the Life Path again and dig a little deeper. 

The 14/5 is a Karmic number in numerology. The Karmic debt number indicates that there is some debt to pay in the realms of being responsible, reliable, and a bit more systematic. He’s being called upon to embody the ultimate expression of the freedom-loving 5 while also being self-disciplined and systematic. This is really the ultimate goal of the 5, yet with the Karmic element, there can be a few more hurdles to jump to do this with some success.

Another important element to consider are the repeated 6’s in his chart.  His Expression (or Destiny) and Birthday numbers are both 6, which is a strange bedfellow for the free-wheeling 5 Life Path. This energy is all about nurturing, home and family, service, duty, and loving relationships. The 5s mantra is “Don’t fence me in!” while the 6s tagline is “Let’s build a white picket fence, plant a garden, and watch the kids and the dogs play.” 

With the energy of the 6, Archie has the potential to feel extremely responsible for others. He will also be learning lessons about releasing control and perfectionism.

It’ll be interesting to see how Archie engages and manifests these disparate aspects of himself as he develops.

His Personality number is an 8.  He will present as “large and in charge.”  He might become besties with his cousin, Prince George of Cambridge, who has an 8 Life Path.

Looking at Archie’s cycles, it’s interesting to note that his first Pinnacle is a Master 11/2, indicating that his first 31 years will offer him an incredibly emotionally sensitive playing field. The Master 11/2 Pinnacle is a time of spiritual growth and sensitivity, despite the fact that the person experiencing it rarely understands the full nature and importance of this sensitive period of time.

The 11 is the number of spiritual illumination after all. This is a time where Archie might feel a bit timid in certain situations.

His mother, Megan, has a 4 Life Path and father Harry a 1 Life Path. As a 5 Life Path, Archie will give them a run for their money, so to speak. 

The combination of the 5 Life Path and the nurturing and family-oriented 6s points to Archie being a fun-loving and wild family man!

Congratulations to the royal family on the birth of their beautiful and healthy baby!