Do you ever wonder why you even bother with any of these tools that promise to assist you in excavating your reason for landing here on this planet? Are there times when you look at all this information and get frustrated and wonder if any of these “ologies” hold any water at all? I’ve had some people assert that everything they read for every astrological sign or for every number in numerology can fit them in some way and so who cares?

A very simple way to think about it is that YOU ARE EVERY NUMBER.

At the very least, during our Personal Year Cycle each of us experiences the lessons and opportunities each of the numbers 1-9 encompasses. Yet most often we get a taste of the lessons and qualities of each of the numbers when we look closely at our numerology chart and dissect our cycles and our personality profile.

So with this said, the question remains.

If all of us are every number, what’s the point of delving into numerology?

To me, this is the ultimate power of this art and science.

Each number encompasses a universal category of the full spectrum of human experience. The more we study these categories and understand how to engage with the power and potential each holds, the more evolved we become during our lives and the chance for each of us to glean a deep sense of meaning, satisfaction, and overarching happiness in our lives increases substantially.

Think of the numbers as components – or parts – to a rich and varied trajectory of experience. And when we investigate our individual numbers, we can see the areas we have personal strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and talents. How many of us bounce around forever wanting to at least have a tool to use that assists us in placing meaning and perimeters around our experience?

Certainly looking at the energy related to each of the numbers provides a rich layout for a complete and well-rounded and well-defined life experience.

1new starts, independence, action, courage, innovation, risk taking

2love, diplomacy, relationships, emotional intuition

3creativity, communication, joy, optimism, self-expression, humor

4goal setting, security, systematic processes, concerted effort, depth of knowledge

5freedom, adventure, versatility, embracing constructive change, progressive thought and action, sensuality

6home, family, duty, service, visionary thinking, responsibility, nurturing

7spiritual seeking, specialization, analysis based on data, intuitive living

8empowerment, financial success, authority, management, control

9compassion, unconditional love, wisdom, integrity, altruism, selfless service, moving through loss

So yes, even if every number (and its message and lessons) shows up for us at some point in our lives, this fact only increases its overall power. Knowing and embracing the categories or themes each of the numbers carries with it offers us a profound tool from which to align with ourselves much more frequently than we might if we raced through life without any tools to validate, categorize, or truly understand and embrace our personal and universal experience.  The point is that we can see how the development of ALL of these characteristics in their most positive expression would reveal a pretty phenomenal person!